Skynet Architect

Chapter 141 Neural Memory

No. 1 Special Forces, a very special force, their training ground is also very unusual. They have a very exaggerated basin shooting range in no man's land. The entire shooting range can use various types of firearms, even some A very small village-like place to train.

This was originally a small mountain village in the mountains. Later, it is said that after a period of time, it became rich, but I don’t know when it started. They were all bought, and it didn't cost much at that time, because they were already abandoned.

Now, here is their training base, which can be used to train the level of design. The targets at close range are submachine guns and pistols, the farther ones are rifles, and the farthest ones are sniper rifles. Such stepped targets are all Electronically controlled, the current score is displayed directly after you finish playing.

So there is no need to go to the front to check.

Now, the hamster is here, but what he is holding is not the machine gun he is used to using, but his boss's special Vulcan cannon. This is a treasure specially ordered by the military enterprise for the old bear, and no one usually uses it.

Because the recoil force of using this thing is not something that ordinary people can bear, not to mention the power after shooting it is impossible for people to control it well. Most of the time it is installed in a fixed location.

Only the old bear has the ability to shoot like this.

Now, the hamster is holding this thing, looking very discordant. Compared with Old Xiong's huge, burly, giant-like body of nearly two meters, the hamster is an ordinary person in his early seventies, and it is very unpleasant to look at holding this thing.

It's just that he is not like this now, he is holding the Vulcan cannon, his eyes are very focused, when he is holding the weapon, he seems to be a different person.

Carefully placed the huge ammunition box with 3,000 rounds of ammunition next to it, and installed the ammunition belt of the ammunition on it. There was hardly much aiming. He breathed lightly, maintaining a certain frequency.

There are more and more people behind him, most of them have not gone through this special training, it is only ten minutes of special training, no one can know the effect.

Only the old bear knows that if such special training can really replace the feeling of comprehending from life and death, then it must be effective.

If this is the case, he is going to try this special training himself.

And he was alone, because he knew that when fighting in a group, there were still obstacles to the improvement of personal force. He planned to improve the individual first, and then organize into a small team to enter it.

This is a very good step-by-step approach.

Now is the time to witness miracles.

The hamster in front turned the chain to ensure that the chain was replenished smoothly, then stared at the target in the distance, and glanced lightly.

This glance was very skillful, it was completed almost instantly, while everyone was waiting.

Suddenly, I saw the hamster pull the trigger.

In an instant, fiery red flames spurted out.

"Om!~" is no longer the sound of "da da da!", the bullets he fired are very coherent, which can be regarded as strafing. Under such circumstances, the consumption of bullets is very terrifying.

I saw that the chain of ammunition flew up into the air as if being torn, and the bullets were consumed quickly. Three thousand rounds of bullets could kill 6,000 bullets in less than a minute. This is similar to the M134 Vulcan cannon. Terrible, and the bullets used are not ordinary 7.62 caliber bullets, but 12.7mm bullets for machine guns.

I don't know how many times the power of this bullet is worse.

While the lethality is astonishing, the recoil force is also doubled. When the hamster pulls the trigger, almost the whole person is pressed on it.

Use all your strength to suppress the power of the muzzle. Under such circumstances, the trajectory of the bullet should be very strange.

But it is obviously not now. When the bullet is fired, it goes straight to the target on the opposite side, and then it is crazy shooting.

This effect looks like a movie.

Each target was torn apart by the wild bullets, but they still did not forget to report the number of rings shot at the last moment.

In this way, the computer for the target report has already begun to refresh the screen, and the accurate data of each bullet is on it, and the final counted position also has the total number of hits.

Under such circumstances, within half a minute, this place became a bullet cemetery, and the ground was covered with shell casings.

"It's terrifying. I never imagined that the Vulcan Cannon could have such a high accuracy." Old Xiong was also admiring.

Although he usually uses this weapon, but such a large pile of bullets is often used against a few enemies, and he never wants to attack the target accurately, just let the opponent die in the hail of bullets.

He is strafing a range, turning it into a bullet hell, a ruin.

But the hamster is different now. He made this weapon, which is usually used for suppressing firepower, into another kind of crazy look. Almost all the 472 targets on the opposite side rang in this minute, and then became Waste, the whole village is far and near, and these targets are all different from far to near.

The position when shooting is also different.

This is not a sniper rifle, there is no zero point, you can only rely on your own shooting level, or the level of a master, it all depends on the feeling, the feeling of a firepower.

The one-minute performance ended in just 58 seconds, but none of the people at the scene felt that the performance was over, they just felt that their blood was boiling.

"Hamster, is this the result of your training?" Old Xiong couldn't help asking.

This training effect is too exaggerated.

Another soldier beside him also looked at the hamster in horror.

"472 targets, 437 hits, 43% bullet hit rate, all the hit targets were damaged." The buddy who reported the target could no longer find a suitable language. This is a Vulcan cannon, not a sniper rifle, let alone an assault rifle. This result is already terrifying.

What's more, some of these targets are sniper rifle targets, and the distance is so far that they can no longer be accurately aimed with the Vulcan Cannon, or they simply cannot be seen with this weapon.

It was normal to miss such targets, but those who should be able to hit, and could hit, all hit.

This situation is simply crazy.

The hamster gritted his teeth and said, "I still need to train now, and I still need to let my soul remember this feeling, this crazy feeling."

He could say that he gritted his teeth, then lowered his head and walked to other training grounds, where there were obstacle course training. It can let him quickly consume excess energy.

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