"Chong, each person has a device, installed directly on his body, just like wearing clothes, and he will pass by himself." Si Fan said, and then rushed over first.

The submarine jet propulsion is a very popular small toy recently. The battery life of a single charge is one and a half hours, and it is very easy to use. This is Si Fan's favorite new toy, because it is almost invisible on the sea surface. So it is loved by some border trade people recently.

The ones customized by Si Fan are even more different. They are all customized versions, and their super horsepower can ensure that they can reach the predetermined place as quickly as possible.

"Let's go." Si Fan rushed down and into the sea water, gradually the water submerged his body, and the oxygen tank behind him also started to work. The leather jacket on Si Fan's body was made of shark skin, which is very suitable for diving in the water. Coupled with some composite materials, it is very strong, so he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt while diving.

Go straight down, looking for the target with your head down.

Immediately, Si Fan found a balloon that was farthest away from him, and swam down along the line under the balloon.

This device is to look for devices that are relatively far away, otherwise the balloons in the front will not be found if they move first.

Si Fan found the equipment at the front, and then followed along.

This is a big guy weighing dozens of kilograms. It looks a bit cumbersome, but it looks more like a wooden raft, the entire jet propulsion, and it is not the same thing as the engine that is concealed in the movie.

On the contrary, this thing is very simple, that is, there are two very large cylindrical jet propellers on the left and right, and the other positions are all batteries. Si Fan lay on it, and then stuck the four buckles on his body, Finally, grab one of the ropes and you are done.

At this time, the few people behind watched how Si Fan used it, and quickly learned it.

They are not fools, but they are somewhat different from ordinary people in spirit.

After these guys were done, they saw Si Fan select the operation on the LED screen in front of him, find the gear and click to start.

Immediately, I felt some thrust in front of my body.

And Si Fan's speed is not fast, it can even be said to be very slow, so it didn't cause any impact. It's just that there are rope-like things being unfolded among the people. If you look carefully, you will find that every push here Each thruster has a safety rope tied to other thrusters.

"Are you all ready?" Si Fan asked as usual.

"Okay;" The answer to him is always so simple and direct.

Si Fan didn't have any preparations. Since everyone was ready, he didn't have to be pretentious, and immediately tapped a few times on the screen.

I saw that the propeller started to spray water quickly, and all the propellers began to move forward with difficulty.

Then the people behind also turned on their devices and followed.

They quickly understand the operator panel and move forward.

It may not be possible to say that it is fast forward, but is it not enough to move fast? So they are moving forward slowly, gradually adjusting everyone's angle, their positions are fixed, if they spray randomly, the end result will be entangled, and they can only give up the safety rope.

Simply these guys have no desire to show, they just want to get out of here, so they follow behind easily.

Among these people, only Si Fan has the ability to navigate, and he does not know where the destination is at the bottom of the sea, but Si Fan knows that the cruise ship he arranged is currently sailing on the sea. Playing outside, it can be said that there is no problem.

But this is exactly the problem, the boat that Si Fan was looking for, they were advancing so fast that they couldn't see the people below at all on the sea.

They move on so easily. Si Fan even had time to investigate the information.

This speed is so slow that it makes people feel crazy.

Fortunately, my body is actually dry, and I can see many unusual sights in the blue sea.

They all move, and run to the goal.

In fact, the yachts at sea are also waiting to gather at the target location.

The people below all used propellers to move forward. This thing was stable, easy to use, and had good battery life, so they finally reached the target place when the battery was still more than half full. Booked on the sea.

At this time, the waves on the sea are not there, it is very peaceful, and a few seagulls are flying freely in the sky.

On the sea, a luxury-looking yacht was docked there, and a guy on board was fishing.

After Si Fan and the others approached, he had already pressed the contact button.

Those above will know of their arrival very quickly.

In fact, when they surfaced, they had already been discovered, and the other party hurriedly prepared the rest cabin and asked them to change into clothes.

Slowly, black spots appeared one by one on the bottom of the sea, and then they floated over and rushed to the side of the yacht at the highest speed. Si Fan came out first, and the propeller directly touched the edge of the hull after approaching.

There was no impact, no collision, the thick anti-collision air cushion relieved them of all the force, and the back and forth washing of sea water was not very pleasant.

Si Fan climbed up directly and began to take off his equipment.

The people behind also gradually appeared.

When he came out, Si Fan was lying here with only a pair of underpants stretched out, looking at the clear blue sky, panting loudly.

"Is everything ready? Let's relay to the transit airport in the town and go directly to the destination." Si Fan said.

The person on the opposite side is not the ship owner, but a member of the secret front of Skynet Security Company. This is his last attendance, because all the members of the secret front only need to expose the target in front of anyone except the contact person, and it is considered as the end of the latent mission. , can return to normal life.

This guy was quite happy, he smiled and said to Si Fan: "Don't worry, boss, the airports in important cities in the United States are still quite difficult, but if it is an airport in a small town, everything is fine, but our The plane is not direct, but a private plane after arriving in other countries."

He explained to Si Fan. Si Fan also understood that the original arrangement was for a private jet to go directly to Atlantis, but now it seems that the reaction of the United States is a bit exaggerated. It is not easy for Si Fan to go directly, so he can only take the civil aviation first, and then transfer to the private airline. airplane.

All of them also go through a series of makeup, which can't be removed until they get off the plane.

Thanks to those cosmetic companies, disguise materials can now be bought on the street, and after makeup, you are another person.

Si Fan and the others have escaped by now.

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