Skynet Architect

Chapter 45 Secret Research Room

Above the blue sky, there are nothing but white clouds, sometimes turning into dragons, sometimes turning into koi, it seems that there are kunpeng soaring above the nine heavens, or maybe the blue sky is so clear and deserted that people feel empty.

Now in the industrial age, there is something more in the sky, far outside the earth, surrounded by satellites, transmitting signals to monitor everything on the earth, and there are planes passing by in the sky, taking passengers to their destinations.

In Antarctica, a hellish place, the number of planes is much less, and the sky seems to be occupied by cold air, which will always bring desertedness here.

But it seems to be a little different now, a small black spot in the sky is slowly enlarged from a distance, and the low roar of the plane is approaching the first airport of Atlantis from far to near.

This is a standard Gulfstream 650 custom-made aircraft, which is the favorite of the world's top business people at any time, and also the favorite of many customers. This kind of aircraft is very troublesome to order, but it will definitely satisfy you As one wishes.

Everything is the most intimate build. Start from every detail to help you create the most intimate large aircraft.

This is something that local tyrants are really passionate about. It's like building an airplane by yourself, which gives you a sense of accomplishment.

You can check the progress bar at any time every day, and know every detail of your aircraft well.

This satisfies their curiosity.

The plane in the sky right now is obviously the best among them. The exterior decoration is very exaggerated. Just by looking at it, you can tell that this is the top version.

Of course, this needs to be seen by knowledgeable people.

After the plane landed, the people inside also came out. They looked at this strange and weird airport under the strong sunlight, and felt an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts.

"Members of the Tesla team, welcome to your future home, Atlantis, I hope you can have a very good life here, but I want to reiterate that what your research laboratory claims is In the Exoskeleton Armor Research Office, the specific design and production needs to be kept relatively confidential." Si Fan repeatedly instructed. ,

Alex is their leader. This guy is a bit dull and lives in his own world, but he is not stupid.

Or in fact, in some respects, he is much smarter than ordinary people.

"We will absolutely abide by the regulations and promise not to reveal too many secrets." He promised on the spot.

All are for him,

All nodded in agreement.

Then Alex continued: "We need technical support, material support, equipment support."

He said three conditions, without specific projects, that is to say, there is no upper limit and no lower limit.

It's all about what you want and what you need.

Si Fan is still willing to delegate power to them. Everything should be for the production of the Terminator itself is a very difficult thing, and the design of the new Terminator is also very embarrassing.

"I agree to everything, now you can relax and go shopping or go to eat something, or get to know the city. We will gather after the break in three days and go to the super factory to accept your factory building." He explained. .

Alex didn't move, he looked at Si Fan seriously.

"Mr. Si Fan, we need to go to the place of work now and arrange housing and food for us. We don't need to waste time on replenishing our body's energy."

What he said was very firm, so that Si Fan didn't have much chance to refute, because these guys wanted to get into the working state as soon as possible.

Si Fan pointed to a bus in front of him and said: "Let's go then, this is the bus that goes directly to the super factory, let's just get on the bus, your factory has already been built, all of them are modular things, very It's fast."

After speaking, he got into the car first. The guys behind quickly followed.

The toss and turns on the road are hard for ordinary people to accept, but they are resting on a private plane. The plane is relatively very stable, and the facilities inside are also very complete, which is enough for them to ensure the quality of rest. Entertainment facilities so they can stay relaxed.

It was easier to fly down than to escape before. .

So they have enough energy to worry about their own super factory.

When I got on the bus, I saw the vehicle start to start, and after waiting for five minutes, the vehicle drove automatically.

This attracted many people to look at this special vehicle.

It is not surprising that Atlantis has self-driving technology. What is strange is how they solve some special problems of self-driving cars, such as car safety and conflicts with other cars during driving.

But soon these guys discovered this special feature. Atlantis has dedicated roads for automatic vehicles, and manual vehicles are prohibited from entering the dedicated lanes. Secondly, there are relatively few vehicles here. The quality is also very high, and there are not too many objective factors.

This special automatic driving has become very simple. Now they just sit in the car and wait silently. Some even took out their laptops and started to calculate the data.

They don't seem to want to pay attention to anything other than robots.

Even when Alex arrived in Atlantis, the Terminator T800 no longer personally protected Si Fan, he was a little weird, always looking at what Si Fan wanted to say.

Under such a strange environment, the car drove for 57 minutes and successfully arrived at the super factory area of ​​the island. During the driving process, it drove very smoothly and kept at the same speed, and the parking and starting were very gentle. Let them not have too many bad experiences.

This should be their first impression of Atlantis.

After arriving at the super factory, they of course rushed to visit their factory.

And their factory is different from the other factories. Those guys are companies that can show up and need to show themselves in front of people. In this robot factory, they themselves are a relatively closed environment. Secondly, safety needs additional protection, testing Sometimes there are special circumstances.

Most importantly, this item cannot be exposed, so their location is different from other factories.

When they came to their secret research room, they realized how much the Skynet Group had considered for them.

In a corner of the super factory, no one likes this place, but this robot factory is going to be located here.

And there is only one reason for being here. Unlike other ordinary factories, it has a small underground high-level security research room.


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