Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1095: Tianzun Gongya

"Thank you, no need, I'll just take a taxi and leave by myself." This is about the success or failure of the task, so I speak very firmly.

Fan Zhengyi knew that he could not keep her today, so he had to let her go first, picked up the coat from the chair, put it on his body, and prepared to send her out.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, Ruan Xihe stopped and turned to the man who wanted to send him out and said, "You don't need to send me away, and thank you for your hospitality today."

When she said this, she looked at Fan Zhengyi's eyes, very affectionate and attentive.

Feng Yu said before that if Ruan Xihe looked at a man seriously for three seconds, that man would definitely be moved.

Fan Zhengyi was stunned at the top of the stairs, and when he recovered, she had already left.

His throat tightened for a while, and he covered his crazy beating heart, which had never been like this in his life.


As soon as Ruan Xihe stepped into the taxi, a Bugatti Veyron stopped next to him. Fan Qingtong opened the door and walked down. The taxi passed by.

He came to Sioux City last night. He hasn't been with his cousin for more than half a year, which is the recent Chinese New Year, and his relatives just came here.

The cousin ran with him in front of him and said that he was tired of blind dates and asked him to call a woman to make trouble. He didn't expect that he hadn't started playing, so he called to stop.

Fan Qingtong guessed that the blind date should be pretty, otherwise the cousin would not have that tone. Is this a good thing to blame for breaking him?

Therefore, Fan Qingtong had a whim and had to come over and see what the woman looked like!

"Da da da"

The sound of leather shoes hitting the stairs was obvious.

But Fan Zhengyi didn't notice at all, and his face was full of the four characters of despair.

When I walked to the second floor, there was only my cousin, but there was still a cup of coffee and a piece of unfinished dessert on the opposite table.

"Why are you alone?" Fan Qingtong came over lazily, leaning on the chair, and throwing the car key on the table casually.

Only then did Fan Zhengyi's loose eyes slowly focus.

"She's gone, but why did you come so fast?"

"I was around here." Fan Qingtong raised his hand and the waiter came over. He ordered a cup of caramel macchiato.

"Didn't you not like to drink this kind of sweet coffee?" Fan Zhengyi was taken aback when he heard Fan Qingtong order this.

Fan Qingtong seemed to think of something, the smile on his face took a bit, but quickly returned to the original state: "People always change."

"Eh, what happened to you just now?"

Fan Qingtong looked at his cousin with a smile.

"I fell in love with this blind date at first sight." He readily admitted.

"Pretty?" Fan Qingtong raised his eyebrows.

"Very beautiful, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life." Fan Zhengyi mentioned her, his eyes glowing.

Fan Qingtong sneered, his own cousin still hadn't seen the world, this is where he is, he is the most beautiful, Ruan Ruan is the best sentence.

"Hey, what is your attitude, she is really good-looking, better-looking than the girlfriends you talked about!"

Fan Zhengyi didn't like Fan Qingtong's attitude.

"Impossible." Fan Qingtong retorted him without even thinking about it.

"I just don't have a picture of her, you will wait for me to ask her out next time, and you will know that, by comparison, she is a fairy!"

Fan Zhengyi's stubborn attitude made Fan Qingtong uncomfortable.

"I tell you, my ex-girlfriend is also a fairy!"

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