Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1096: Tianzun Gongya



Both of them are not convinced!

Fan Qingtong thought for a while. He is an elder brother, so he still has to let him, so he took the initiative to speak, "Why don't you keep her down to watch a movie and have a meal."

"It's not that she left when you came." Fan Zhengyi wanted to save face, embarrassed to say the real reason.

But who is Fan Qingtong who can be fooled by Fan Zhengyi's words?

"It's boring to be a human being like this!"

Fan Zhengyi was a little embarrassed, but thinking about his cousin who is not an outsider, he said, "She has a boyfriend, and she meant to see me as an elder."

Fan Qingtong couldn't see him look so frustrated.

Sergeant Kotou is online.

"Do you want her to contact you?"

"Yes, she didn't give it."

Fan Qingtong: ...

I thought it was just trying to get caught, but now it seems that they really didn't mean anything to our little cousin.

"Call your mother and ask your mother to ask her elders over there."

"Isn't it appropriate? If my mother knows that she has a boyfriend and still be on a blind date with me, if I can marry her in the future, my mother will be very grudge against her, no way." Fan Zhengyi waved his hand repeatedly.

"Hey, you are interesting. You don't even have contact information, so you just want to get married?"

"I am willing to marry her."

"Shallow, you just picture her face and greedy her body."

"It's as if you are not superficial." Fan Zhengyi rolled his eyes.

"I'm really not superficial, I didn't have a relationship with my ex-girlfriend." Fan Qingtong looked serious.

"Tsk, this is not like you."

"Hey, I really wanted to marry her at that time." Fan Qingtong smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Then you are not in love now?"

"No, after sharing with my ex, I don't want to fall in love anymore. I won't do it on radio, anyway, she won't listen."

The coffee was brought up by the waiter, and Fan Qingtong took a sip, it was really sweet.

"Forget it, let's not mention this, next time I'll round the corner to find out her contact information, let's go, take you to have a foot bath, it is rare that Master Fan Qing Tong will come to Suzhou City, can't be neglected, right! "

The two men looked at each other and smiled, so men who love to play can find fun everywhere, they may also be trapped by love, but they will never die, eat, drink!

The most high-end entertainment club in Sioux City

Two female technicians came over and prepared to serve them.

Fan Qingtong twisted his eyebrows slightly: "Come on with a man."

Fan Zhengyi was even more surprised. This is really not like Fan Qingtong. What's the point of men coming here and not letting female technicians wash their feet?

"Aren't you! Didn't you all break up? Are you still so defensive?"

"If you are so mad, you will be even less despised by keeping your blind date." Fan Qingtong said casually.

When Fan Zhengyi heard this, he told the manager in charge that he also wanted a male technician.

Not to mention, this male technician is energetic, and feels more soft than the soft strength of the female technician. After washing his feet, he feels that his whole body is transparent and comfortable.

In the middle, Fan Qingdong's cell phone rang, he was lying on his stomach, the male technician beat him back, and Fan Zhengyi answered the phone for him. It was Fan Qingdong's dad's call.

Ask him where he is going to fool around again, do you go home for dinner at night.

Fan Zhengyi said that he stayed with himself and went back to eat dinner, and then hung up the phone when he was ready.

After the call interface ended, it became the desktop of the mobile phone. Fan Zhengyi looked at this group photo, and his smile instantly solidified on his face.

.................................................. ...............

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