Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1313: Kaihua Longding

I don't know if these people will get the set, and the price is not impossible. She really hasn't been afraid of fighting for money. Those rich bosses may not have sufficient capital chain.

However, she is rich and not ill. She can save as much as she can, and no one wants to be taken advantage of!

They also noticed that the girl's bidding was so easy, and they were afraid that it wouldn't make sense for them to follow along without having sufficient funds.

It is estimated that the next time I will do it directly to 20 million. It is really unnecessary. It is better to stop following and sell this little girl. I can't say that there is no chance of cooperation in the future!

The more silent the venue, the harder the leaders' hearts will be.

The auctioneer’s head was sweating. He knew that he wouldn’t sell too high, but that’s only 17 million more. The leader was afraid that he was going to take his skin off. He had never worked so hard in his life. Almost did everything he could to yell.

But again, if everyone is rich and not ill, how much is this smashing land worth?

All of them are old fried dough sticks. The company has already overvalued this place. Your auctioneer has a solid tongue, and that's not easy.

If the place on the opposite side belonged to Noah's Ark, it was revealed that everyone might grab it, but now it is obvious that no one else knows except Ruan Xi and them.

No matter what the bid, it's just to save face to be able to be here today. The one who didn't see the chief thank you didn't come, and the one who arrived was a little vice president.

So, it's not easy for someone to pick up here.

"Five hundred and seventeen million at a time!"

"Five hundred and seventeen million twice!"

"Five hundred and seventeen million three times!" The moment the hammer fell, the auctioneer's back was covered with cold sweat and his whole body was cold.

The heart that Ruan Xihe raised lightly also dropped a little, and he was also fighting a psychological war just now.

If she adds up bit by bit like them, it won’t be possible if she doesn’t increase to 30 million, but if she fights the price war so vigorously, she will give them the illusion that she is here to throw money for fun, and she is determined to get it. .

Doing business, making money with harmony, they are afraid of her, and they will respect her, maybe they still want to sell her, in the future, it will be easy to meet each other and talk about cooperation in the mall.

Signed the contract on the spot and got the land ownership certificate. She turned around and said to the bosses present today that she would like to invite everyone to have a meal.

Some bosses used to say so politely, but Ruan Xihe really meant it. After all, it was the bosses who gave the face just now.

These people also want to get acquainted with two glamorous female bosses. There is no irrational reason. The contacts and resources of business people are equal to money.

The two who have just been bidding, one is Xu and the other is Zheng.

Ruan Xihe and both shook hands, briefly introduced themselves, and exchanged greetings.

Everyone went out to eat at Zhaoji Qingshui Zhihun. This is basically the most expensive restaurant in Shen City, at around 2,700 per capita.

She paid nearly 80,000 for this meal, but it was nothing compared to the price at the auction.

Now that the banquet has not started, everyone is chatting. After knowing that Ruan Xihe and Wenqueyi are the bosses of the deep sea mermaid, they all admired each other. They handed business cards to each other, added WeChat, and got close to each other.

Suddenly a cell phone rang, and the person picked it up, his eyes full of joy.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Ruan Xihe: "Mr. Ruan, there is a big crocodile in the shopping mall also nearby. Can I ask him to come over to eat together, can I? He is one of the best in your southern market, so you can get to know him."

Ruan Xihe smiled, "Of course."

The waiter also had vision, and quickly added a place to the main table.

The man went outside to pick up people in person.

Come back in about five minutes.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Ruan Xihe smiled and turned his head, facing the man's sharp and familiar eyebrows, his smile froze on his face.

Why does he come here? !

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