Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1314: Dog brain tribute tea

Threw up, it's an old acquaintance again.

The man had a very special aura, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, sharp features, and obvious deep contours. From a distance, he felt handsome and wanton, the kind of prodigal look that a girl would scream.

But he is obviously not a prodigal son, this feeling is very contradictory, and it is also very attractive to the girls.

Ruan Xihe quickly put his smile on his face, what's to worry about?

The points are divided, it doesn't matter!

There is nothing to be afraid of, Ruan Xihe is fearless.

"Mr Song!"

"So it's you!"

"Hey, Mr. Song from Baolujia is coming here!"

"Nice to meet you!"

At the dinner, everyone got up and rushed over to shake hands with the man.

To be honest, the biggest players in this game today are the two female bosses of Deep Sea Mermaid and the vice president of the Xie Group.

Suddenly there was a predator in the business district, and everyone was buzzing around him as if they had seen carrion with the flies.

Song Ci didn't expect to see her at such a dinner. The two hadn't seen her for many years. For a moment, he even thought he had hallucinations again.

"You are polite." The noisy compliments became a little weird, and his pupils were full of familiar and unfamiliar faces, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I always thought that you disappeared in my long life, and died in the long river of time together with the joys and sorrows at the time. To this day, when I see you again, it turns out that the heart still hurts and the love is still surging.

He tried to hide and put away his excess emotions.

He greeted everyone skillfully, his eyes swept over several times, but he didn't stop at Ruan Xihe.

Baolujia Real Estate is well-known throughout the country. Song Ci took over Mr. Song's stick five years ago. In recent years, Baolujia has developed very well, and the momentum has suddenly made the industry afraid.

Three years ago, there was a big change of blood. I don't know how many people were laid off. The industry also rumored that Baolu and Xiao Song were too aggressive, and the Song family was unstable and was about to go bankrupt!

However, the facts have proved that this circle is really the world of young people. Not only did Paul Luka not go downhill, but because it laid off some insignificant positions and mixed employees waiting to die, it made the group more efficient.

A wide range of talents, courage to open up, precise vision, quick and accurate shots, how many colleagues under pressure in the past three years can't breathe!

In the early years, the homestay was in Southeast Asia, and the family was the only one. In recent years, Boruka has started to stir up the wind and the rain. The homestay should not have a good time, not to mention, last year was the year before the Yuejia and the homestay fought against each other. It turned out that the Shenzhen market. They were all saturated, and because the two sides were fighting at the time, Paulus took the opportunity to tear off a piece of cake in the Shenzhen market.

Calculating the construction period, the house should be open soon, right?

The position of the waiter was not placed next to Ruan Xihe, but to the boss who knew him well.

The dishes are quite comprehensive.

In order for Dow to have a good relationship with Song Ci, he has a lot of face in such a scene.

This golden boss casually leaked a few items in his hands, which was enough for them.

It's really worth bragging to have such a big guy in the network.

This would be restrained if he held the wine glass.

As a matchmaker in the evening, he naturally has to be active and talk, and introducing each other is an indispensable step: "Mr. Song, this is a deep-sea mermaid, Mr. Ruan and Mr. Wen, they are all big beauties!"

"President Ruan, this is Mr. Song from Boruka."

"Looking up to the big name for a long time." Ruan Xihe and Wenqueyi both got up, and both of them held out their hands in normal social situations.

Song Ci never shook hands with ladies outside, this is something everyone knows in the real estate industry business circle.

The bosses who knew Song Ci's rules for a while held their breath. Everyone started to feel suffocated. As we all know, Song Ci never gave face in this respect.

This game was saved by two beautiful bosses, and Song Ci didn't give face, and it might be ugly and there was no way to end it.

The dinner table became very quiet for a while.

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