Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1315: Dog brain tribute tea

Just when everyone thought it would end in an embarrassing way.

Song Ci stretched out his hand for the first time.

God knows how much effort he used to restrain.

The eyes were locked tightly on her face.

Ruan Xihe's attitude and expression remained unchanged, and he calmly shook hands with him, the smile on the corners of his mouth was generous, his manners were friendly and graceful, and he did not cross the boundary.

He clenched tightly, Ruan Xihe tried a little bit when he wanted to pull it out.

If it hadn't been for so many people, he would have liked to hold on to this little villain with no conscience.

This is still in a social situation, and he can't be too obvious.

The expression on Song Ci's face remained unchanged, and he touched briefly when shaking hands with Wen Queyi.

Even at that moment, Wen Cheyi wasn't sure if she had actually encountered it.

Everyone took their seats.

The business circle is also divided into high and low. Big bosses like Paul Luka appeared, and everyone began to hold Song Ci without realizing it.

"We can't match the ability of President Xiao Song."

"Mr Song is young and promising!"

"Hey, sir, I wish Baolu Deepen the market will open for a big sale!"

"I wish Baolujia a big opening!"

"big sale!"


At this point, everyone blessed and clinked glasses, looking lively and harmonious.

There was too much heating in the room. He pulled his tie with one hand and pulled it loosely. The jacket had just been taken off and hung on the back of the chair. Now it looks like this. The muscles covered by the shirt are really charming!

My throat is a bit itchy, I am addicted to cigarettes, I want to light one, and my finger turns the lighter involuntarily.

Ruan Xi and Yu Guang glimpsed that he was still the same as before.

Few business owners do not smoke.

It doesn't matter whether there is a woman on the table or not, because the bosses just ordered it. Soon, the circle became smoky.

Many female bosses also smoke.

For example, the current sister Wen.

She naturally smoked a lady's cigarette and lit it.

Gently spit out a smoke ring, his expression was a bit blurred.

Laziness and a little bit of badness.

Ruan Xihe, the only non-smoker, has become an outlier in this dinner.


Song Ci lit a cigarette with a lighter.

I didn't pump it, just put it on my fingertips, just watch it burn.

Ruan Xihe was listening to one of the bosses talking about their customs, Song Ci's eyes swept across her white side face, and looked away a little uncomfortably. Hey, what's so good about an old man.

Ruan Xi and this drink are really good, but after all, she is the host today, and everyone is embarrassed to perfuse her.

Some bosses drank too much, and wanted to persuade him to drink, and stopped cooking when they met Ruan Xihe's eyes.

She is too A today, this white suit is extra points, sitting there, this group of big men dare not provoke her.

Dow's relationship with Song Ci is okay. This is a good drink, and I am a little overwhelmed. Seeing Ruan Xihe is beautiful, Song Ci has happened to be single for so many years, so he opened his mouth and said: "Mr Ruan is young and beautiful. , Or everyone add a WeChat account to find out."

"Oh oh oh, yes, check it out!"

Many of these bosses who made money in their 40s and 50s were uneducated. When they were young, they were more daring. Those who went to the sea made a lot of money!

There are too many people who are not serious and booing!

In this kind of scene, she is not a person who can't afford to make jokes. She generously took out her mobile phone and added contact information to Song Ci.

Song Ci is quite edible on this occasion, and he can drink and have fun. Few business men can't drink.

He doesn't reject anyone who comes here, but everyone dare not mess around. This is the status of his identity!

Wen Queyi feels a little fascinated, does this famous Song always have a story with his sister?

Ruan Ruan is really a male **** harvester!

"How could Song always have no girlfriend?" a boss of this table asked curiously.

"Busy at work." Song Ci could only say this, otherwise how do you say?

Do you want to say that your cruel and cruel girlfriend abandoned me cruelly?

"What about President Ruan?"

"I, I have a boyfriend."

.................................................. ...............

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