Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1316: Dog brain tribute tea

Ruan Xihe chuckled and admitted generously.

Song Ci paused in Jiacai's hands. She has a boyfriend.

With a little bit of force on the fingers, the burst of blue veins can be seen faintly.

"Hey, Ruan always has a boyfriend, I don't know which young talent it is?" Tao was stunned for a moment. He also saw that Song Ci is different from Ruan Xi and the three and two points, thinking Please help them, and if they succeed in the future, they can be a matchmaker.

The existence of He Nanxian cannot be said nonsense.

So Ruan Xihe just shook his head, emphasizing laziness: "Outsiders."

"Hey, it's better for us to do business. In this society, whoever has the money has the final say. Mr. Ruan is better to find someone in our own circle."

If Ruan Xihe’s boyfriend is not He Nanxian, Dow is actually fine for this.

Businessmen don’t say anything else. There is a lot of money. More than 90% of the sources of suffering in the world are because of money. So having money can really reduce a lot of troubles.

Song Ci's mouth was slightly acidic, his cigarette **** burned to the tip of his fingertips, but he seemed ignorant and threw the cigarette **** into the ashtray on his table. .

The joy of meeting again disappeared a lot, the sense of melancholy increased a little bit, the hostility was constant, and the restlessness was obvious.

At the dinner table, Ruan Xihe just smiled, neither agreed nor refuted.

The excitement in the back seems to have nothing to do with Song Ci. At first, he only drank other people's toasts, and then poured down his own cup after cup.

Naturally, Ruan Xihe noticed, his eyes flashed, and he didn't open his lips. He only said that he couldn't see him. In junior high school, he would fall in love on his own, and he coaxed a lot of boys with sweet talk.

High school converges a lot, and Song Ci is the last boyfriend in his junior high school career.

The food was almost the same. Those with a driver were taken away by the driver, and those with nowhere to go. Ruan Xihe opened a room for them at the Royal Marriott.

Song Ci specializes in real estate. There is no Buluga real estate in any city in the country, but he puts himself in the column where there is nowhere to go.

The Royal Marriott’s room was booked, and she could only reserve the rest of the bosses at the hotel where she stayed.

Song Ci is naturally here too.

By ten o'clock, Sister Wen had already entered the house to sleep, and Ruan Xihe was drawing pictures in the living room of the suite.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

She put down the tablet and walked over to open the door.

You don’t need to guess, it’s probably Song Ci. This man was domineering when he was a child. He used to talk cruelly at the beginning, and he would kill that man if anyone dared to engage in a relationship with Ruan Xi!

Tonight, she admitted in public that she has a boyfriend. It would be strange if he didn't act.

Ruan Xihe hesitated a little while holding the doorknob. After all, he was so young and frivolous, and the reason for breaking up was too stupid.

If she hadn't escaped fast enough, Song Ci's house would have been taken away by him again, and he might have to come to a little black room to play, so sadomasochism or something!

With a click, the door opened.

Unexpectedly, she saw Song Ci's cold and sharp eyebrows, and the man was very eager to drink.

When I was a child, I was still a three-star, but now it has become a five-star. It seems that it has indeed grown a lot in the past few years.

"What's the matter, Mr. Song?"

Her official tone angered him.

Even the footsteps are strong.

Approaching step by step, the door was closed with the backhand.

Ruan Xihe had to take two steps back, but behind him was the mirror cabinet for changing shoes.

The back is completely attached to the door panel, irreversible.

"Something is going on, come to Mr. Ruan to talk about the old." He held the cabinet with one hand and bowed his head slightly. The breath of the two became entangled, ambiguous and warm.

Ruan Xihe put his hands against the body he was approaching, head sideways.

"How old I want to go, I'll get you a drink." She gestured to get out of his encirclement, but Song Ci pressed her wrist and pressed it on the counter.

"Just tell me."

Ruan Xihe pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Hidden from me for so many years, little thing, huh?"

.................................................. ...............

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