Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1335: Dog brain tribute tea

Ruan Xihe turned around and saw that he was staring at his admission ticket for a long time without speaking, so he called him: "Serious? Don't eat?"

"Ruan Xihe." Song Ci spoke word by word.

"Well, what's the matter?" I froze after responding. When I first met, didn't I just casually say that I was called Lu Zixu!

Yeah, this is a bit embarrassing.

Didn’t you think that you would play together later? The girl is outside, there is no need to report her real name!

Later on, he kept being young, calling himself a young man, and she forgot about it!

"No, that's the case, I can explain it!"

"You lied to me!" Song Ci was a little angry, but more aggrieved!

I dig my heart out for this child, this child didn't even tell his real name, so sad to death!

He pressed the admission ticket on the table and sat without moving or talking!

For a while, the whole box was extremely quiet, only the air conditioner was cooled, and the machine made a humming sound.

Ruan Xihe thought at first that he was going to lose his temper, so he had to be irritated with yin and yang. After all, Song Ci was not a good-tempered dog at all!

As a result, he was just sitting on the seat and sulking.

This makes Ruan Xihe very guilty!

She is still good at coaxing people. She usually doesn't want to coax people. When she wants to coax people, there is no one she can't coax well.

She went to the table and took a small piece of watermelon, and handed it to Song Ci's mouth: "Be fierce, open your mouth, ah~"

Ruan Xihe must not know how cute she is now, because she is closer together, so you can clearly see her curled eyelashes. The eyeballs are not natural black, but brownish ones. It looks good, the corners of the lips are slightly raised, and the lips are pink and tender, which is more attractive than the red watermelon slices.

The childishness has not faded, and there is a little baby fat on his face. Now it may be to coax him, and he pumbles slightly, like a freshly baked buns in a steamer.

Song Ci obviously wanted to laugh, but he had to freeze his expression and couldn't easily forgive her!

As a result, I almost made my face cramp.

"I'm your man who can coax you with a piece of watermelon!" He looked away proudly.

Upon hearing this, Ruan Xi and Wu realized that they turned around and went to the table and took a piece of watermelon, which happened to be one in each hand.

"One piece is not good enough, how about the two pieces?" So far, she was still smiling!

"Huh!" Song Ci turned away, pretending to be dismissive.

The child is so cute!

Itchy hands, itchy throat, itchy heart, want to smoke.

"Can you eat it or not? Don't force me to feed you mouth-to-mouth!" She didn't know where she was, so she dared to provoke Song Ci like this!

As soon as she said this, she started to confuse in her heart.

But what is even more funny is Song Ci. The boy's neck was red!

He just thinks that he is a man, he can't talk, at least he has to be tougher than a little girl!

"Then you feed!"

After saying this, Song Ci didn't know whether he was more nervous or looking forward to it!

His face was blushing and bleeding, and he was still suffocating his neck.

Ruan Xihe was irritated and took a bite of the watermelon directly with his lips, with the tip of his tongue looming, looking at him provocatively.

Song Ci:! ! !

Can this be counseled? ! Mad, damn, palms are sweating, they are not good for anything, they are not afraid of them! What strength is he tweaking!

He leaned over and bit the end.

Looking at her eyes so close, Song Ci's heartbeat was a little fast!

How much a piece of watermelon can hold, it will not last long.

His fingers were trembling, because the lips of the two were about to come together.

When she was about to let go, Song Ci had already leaned in to eat.

Ruan Xihe’s tongue pushed the watermelon out, and he just stretched out his tongue to eat. The moment the tongue touched, both of them were stunned!

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