Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1336: Dog brain tribute tea

Separate quickly, both sides can blush.

Song Ci swallowed the watermelon in a few mouthfuls, and the tip of his tongue was slightly numb. The feeling of over-electricity made his mind dazed, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Ruan Xihe put down the watermelon, picked up the chopsticks and clamped the green vegetables in front of him.

Song Ci reacted similarly to her, but his movements were more numb and mechanical!

"That's garlic." Ruan Xi and his head just saw Song Ci preparing to put garlic in his mouth, and they couldn't help but reminded them aloud.

Song Ci: ...what a shame!

He can only pull the corners of his mouth pretendingly, put the garlic on the small plate, and calmly stretch out his chopsticks to pick up the vegetables.

As for privately, only Song Ci knew how overwhelming it was.

The next two people didn't speak, and the first time they ate and ate so quietly.

The watermelon that I had just bitten is placed in the middle of the table between the two of them.

It's a dividing line by itself, and it's clear.

"Eat a chicken leg." Song Ci broke the awkward atmosphere.

Put a big drumstick in the bowl for Ruan Xihe.

"Thank you." A dry thank you.

Song Ci didn't have any expression on the surface, but he was crazy in his heart. He wanted to talk to her, but now he didn't know what to say.

The two of them grind like this, and a meal is over.

Normally, he would ride her on the street to take her around, but not today. The child will have to take the exam tomorrow, so she must rest early in the evening.

I don’t usually think this is close, and I don’t know what’s going on today. It’s here before it opens.

In order to procrastinate, he stopped at the fruit supermarket and bought a box of fruit platter for her to eat at night.

The car stopped at the corner.

She got out of the car, took off her helmet and handed it to him: "Thank you."

"Well, sleep well. You must bring your admission ticket and stationery tomorrow. I will wait here tomorrow morning and I will take you there."

Ruan Xihe said he knew it.

He stood in place, watching her swaying high ponytail, the strange feeling in his heart rose again.

I took out a cigarette irritably and lit it.

Mars is bright and extinguished at your fingertips, especially in the dark night.

He seemed to think of something, and even giggled.

After a while, the expression on his face became weird again, and after smoking several puffs, the whole person looked a little anxious!

After pumping out, re-ride the locomotive and leave.

The next day, he came here and waited before it was fully lighted. Last night, he was afraid that he could not get up. He set up seven alarm clocks, and he even brought the old-fashioned alarm bell in the maid’s house.

But he woke up this morning but the alarm clocks were all early.

The breakfast was brought from home, according to the standard that his aunt made a nutritious meal during the college entrance examination.

When Ruan Xihe walked out, he still couldn't open his eyes and yawned sleepily.

"It's not enough to be so sleepy, is there a mental exam today?" He was a little worried.

"Yes." She spoke lazily, sitting behind his car seat, hugging the boy's waist tightly, slumbering with her eyes closed.

I found a 24-hour KFC to go in.

Give the nanny aunt to her earlier.

I went there and ordered a cup of very bitter American coffee.

The waiting time outside was quite tormenting, and Song Ci himself had not been so nervous in his exams.

After taking the exam for two days, he didn't even dare to ask the little girl how she was doing in the exam, lest it would affect her mood in the exam.

When the last subject came out, Ruan Xihe didn't feel much at first, but...

It was too lively outside the test center today, and from time to time there were waves of screams from the little girl!

I saw under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the school, there was a great wooden grand teacher's chair, on which sat a handsome and cold boy, with Erlang's legs tilted, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, with a cigarette in his hand and half of his arm. With armrests, his eyes are pale.

Unspeakable romantic wanton.

Behind them, a group of younger brothers held a seven-eight-meter-long red banner with the words: I wish Ruan Xi and classmates: Jinbang title will be rewarded, re-entry the head of knowledge of the government!

Ruan Xihe: ...Fuck

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