Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1342: Dog brain tribute tea

Ruan Xihe frowned. Does this greasy middle-aged man think she's a little girl easy to bully? !

"let go!"

Her voice slowly cooled.

"Don't be so fierce, girls need to be gentle to look good."

The man raised his eyebrows.

If you change your face, you can't say that this action is a bonus, but it's a pity that the Mediterranean does not deserve to have love!

Fatty face, thick big eyebrows, I can't tell how greasy it is, but it's greasy everywhere, it's absolutely amazing!

This person's hand is also placed on the door panel. If it is pressed on the door frame, she definitely wants this person to go to the hospital to find out how to treat the hand caught in the door.

She shook the door hard!

With his outstanding body shape, this person abruptly supported it!

This little girl looks good even when she is angry, tusk, she must look better when she cries.

"Children, are you unhappy at home? Uncle help you? Do you want a beautiful dress? Uncle buys you. Uncle will take you to eat whatever you want." He laughed wretchedly. , The thought of possessing her here soon made her stubborn underneath.

Ruan Xihe raised his wicked smile, and all his weakness and pure goodness disappeared in an instant: "Uncle, you were kissed by a pig when you were a kid."

The man's smile instantly froze on his face, and slowly became angry: "Smelly female cousin! Don't shame your face. Lao Tzu looks at you. It is the blessing of your cultivation. Go and take off your pants and stand!"

"Plap!" After a violent sound.

The man's auricle hummed.

Ruan Xi and this unrelenting slap almost knocked him deaf!

After practicing Muay Thai for so many years, her strength is no worse than that of a strong adult man.

The one in front of me was hollowed out by the color of alcohol, so how could I beat Ruan Xihe?

"Fuck, you dare to hit me!"

The man roared and was stopped as soon as the attack was about to happen!

She grabbed the man by the hair and pulled him into the toilet, didn't she want to come in so much, I let you in!

The fat man was Ruan Xihe's opponent. He was staggered by this inertia and fell to the ground, and even the glasses that were pretending to be gentle were broken!

Ruan Xihe slowly locked the bathroom.


It was as if the door of **** opened suddenly.

This is not the first time that this man has a good time with a woman in the toilet of an airport VIP room.

I used to fancy the soundproofing effect here. I tried to force this kid for a while, and no one could hear her calling for help!

Unexpectedly, chasing the geese all day long, but one day was pecked by the geese!

I'm afraid this little girl is not a monster reincarnated, otherwise, why would she have so much strength!

He looked at the girl walking towards him step by step with some horror!

Ruan Xihe picked up the broom placed in the corner: "What are you afraid of? Didn't you have to come in just now? Uncle."

The man’s tooth crowns were shaking, but he was so frightened by a little girl that he felt really ashamed, and stood upright from the ground. This meant evil came from the guts and wanted to fight to the death!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He leaped over.

Ruan Xihe’s broom dance is full of wind. It’s cool to have a weapon to hit someone. The man once again felt the fear of being dominated!

The broomstick is made of iron, and it can lift a red and swollen one with a stroke.

Tears came out of his beaten eyes, and he hugged his head.

"Please, don't fight, don't fight!"

"Ah, it hurts!"


Ruan Xihe sneered, and spoke lazily, "Scream, keep on screaming, today you just called your throat broken, no one will come to rescue you!"

There was a "puff".

The men knelt down to Ruan Xihe.

It’s not that Ruan Xihe is hard-hearted, but you think about it in another way. If it’s not Ruan Xihe who has the ability to protect herself today, then she’s here for a few little girls, they must have been contaminated by the dog things that are inferior to animals.

So this kind of wretched man shouldn't let him go!

Ruan Xi and the corners of his mouth smiled softly, pulling the man's hair to the side of the toilet, pressing his head and stuffing it into the toilet.

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