Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1343: Dog brain tribute tea

"Don't... Gululu, Gululu...Help, I was wrong!"

"Don't dare, don't dare... Gululululu..."

"Please, please, please!"

The toilet in the VIP terminal is still very clean, but he was pressed down, and he could still see the yellow stains on the toilet when he was swaying and struggling.

Right now I feel sick and want to vomit, but when I open my mouth, I'm choking on water!

It's harder than death!

After going back and forth a dozen times in this way, the man was tossed with more air and less air, so Ruan Xihe let him go.


As soon as she let go, the man fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

My breathing is very shallow, I have been coughing, and my eyes are extremely red.

The little girl stood up, her shorts had small thin legs, white and straight.

She walked slowly to the sink and put hand sanitizer on her palms.

Scrub it very carefully.

She has to wash her hands well after encountering such a disgusting person, and don't get infected by this dirty thing.

Looking at the dog's things through the mirror, there was sarcasm in her eyes. This kind of **** who couldn't control her third leg without morals, she really wanted to help the little girls around the world, chop him off and feed the dogs.

It's a pity, a society ruled by law.

It is not advisable to use violence to control violence. She can only do her best to make this dog uncomfortable within the scope prescribed by the law.

He smiled at him before going out: "Uncle, stay away from the little girl in the future, or I will play with you."

The man trembled when he heard this.

When she got out of the bathroom, her nasty arrogance was put away, and Ruan Xihe was still that innocent, lively and lovely girl.

Obediently sit on the sofa and wait for Song Ci to return.

The clothes are not messy, the hair is not messy, the eye circles are not red, the eyes are still pure and flawless, and most importantly, there is no man's smell.

The boss’s female secretary was a little surprised. She has been with the man for so long, and she knows exactly what kind of person the boss is. Just now I saw the boss followed this little girl to the bathroom, and she knew it was about to start. The little girl was very unlucky. Unfortunately, she can't save it. After all, society is a big dye tank. She can't protect herself, and she has no ability to rescue others.

But now, the little girl actually walked out unscathed? !

Where's the boss? !

She stood up suddenly and ran to the toilet over there.

Ruan Xihe took a look at the woman with her left light. She could understand that others couldn’t save her. She could only say that it was fortunately for her today. If other little girls were **** by that man’s strong woman, she might have been doing it for the rest of her life. destroyed.

This female secretary is just an accomplice of the scum.

Then there was another tumultuous jump.

The doctor at the airport moved the man who had fallen on the ground onto a stretcher and took him away. The female secretary took a deep look at her and left together.

Less than 20 minutes before and after this happened.

She was the only one left in the lounge.

Ruan Xihe picked up the Rubik's Cube on the table in a very good mood, and restored it in two or more strokes.

She does two things in one mind.

044 casts the screen in front of Ruan Xihe's eyes.

"Wishi, inform Smith, let him wait and see, teach the old man just now to be a man, I can't understand how proud this man is." Ruan Xihe's private side, only Wishi and her opponents can feel arrive.

Ruthless and unrelenting.

That fierceness is not like a little girl who is only fifteen or sixteen years old.

When Song Ci returned, the little girl played with Rubik's Cube quietly and obediently.

"You are so good." Song Ci rubbed the top of Ruan Xihe's head.

Ruan Xihe smiled shyly as if responding to his words.

044: ...

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