Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1355: Dog brain tribute tea

"I think you should go to Pennsylvania." She had seen the pile of materials in Song Ci's study.

He had applied to a foreign school a long time ago, but now suddenly he doesn't want to go. It is very likely because of her.

Ruan Xihe never wanted to delay anyone. What's more, Pennsylvania's business administration is very famous.

Song Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, took a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it.

He has indeed been interested in business since he was a child. In Pennsylvania, he has applied since his second year of high school. If the child does not show up, he will definitely go.

It has always been his dream to build his own business empire.

Before coming to Italy, he was still planning to enter the Shenzhen market with Baolujia.

It's a pity that I didn't eat it.

Song Ci is indeed a genius, but the new supreme person in the Su family is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In the Shenzhen market, Yue, Su, Lu and Ke have made friends.

This time I didn't lose injustice, after all, there were four enemies on the opposite side.

Song Ci is not in a hurry. He is young and vigorous now, and his life has just begun. This chess, play slowly, there is always time to take advantage of it.

But when the child suddenly said this, Song Ci's heart was touched.

Because staying in the country is actually making one's dream go around.

He pretended to be nonchalant: "National Tsing Hua University B is also very good. You don't have to go out."

"Don't change your development plan at will. This doesn't touch me, it will only make me feel guilty."

"Besides, don't worry now." He only said such a sentence.

Ruan Xihe pursed his lower lip and said nothing more.

The pace of life here is unpleasant, even the golden light reveals a lazy energy.

After sitting for a while, he suddenly got up and walked towards the wandering singer.

Communicate with the other party in Italian, and will pay a certain amount of reward, in exchange, borrow the other party's guitar.

The wandering singer quickly agreed.

Song Ci huffed his fingers at Ruan Xihe and shouted into the microphone: "Song Ci wants to love Ruan Xihe forever. Next, give my child a love song."

As soon as the prelude sounded, Ruan Xi and his right eyelid twitched, and there was an unknown premonition in their hearts.



The good girl is so beautiful, your enthusiasm is like the sun

The warmth shines on my heart, the good girl is so beautiful

The flowers are open for you, sing for you

Sing the dream in my heart, the good girl is so beautiful

Your enthusiasm is like the sun, and the warmth shines on my heart

My girl.


Ruan Xihe:......

King Zhou had known that Daji had become a fox, and Ning Caichen had known that Xiaoqian had become a ghost, and I was not bad. I had known that my boyfriend had become a dog, and I would never leave it.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that I am quite great.


Go to France to see plane trees.

The two held hands and walked quietly.

The expression on her face is very relaxed, not the same as when she was in China.

Song Ci didn't want her to go back to the orphanage, but now he and the family are stalemate, and her parents are definitely unwilling to adopt her. At this age, if you apply for adoption, you must be known by your family. It will be even more funny if you get out of the way.

He was really worried about how to place his little girlfriend.

The little girl is so weak that she is easily bullied by others.

He had to find a way to arrange for someone to understand.

"I'll find someone to adopt you," he said.

"No, I'm 15 years old, what else to adopt." Ruan Xihe smiled nonchalantly.

"What's wrong with 15 years old? Even if you are 25 or 35 years old, you are still my little one. In front of me, you never have to grow up. Tell me if you want to be adopted."

She shook her head firmly.

"In no mood."

"Then do you want to stay in the orphanage?"

Ruan Xihe was silent for a while: "I think."

Song Ci stroked his hair, bends down slightly, and stares at her, speaking softly and excessively: "In front of me, do whatever you want, without any hesitation, okay?"

She was moved a bit by such Song Ci, her fingers clenched a little: "Okay."

However, the next sentence of Song Ci is: "I'll take you to elope."

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