Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1356: Dog brain tribute tea

She was moved only when she rose up, and she fell into a mess in an instant.

Almost rolled his eyes to him.

"Don't be kidding me."

"No kidding, if no one wishes us in the future, I will take you to elope! Go wandering!"

Ruan Xihe was amused.

Song Ci squeezed the little girl's face: "Are Ruan Xi and classmates willing to follow Song Ci to endure hardship?"

Before Ruan Xihe could answer, he started talking to himself: "Fuck, how could I have no money, funny!"

Ruan Xihe:......

It’s a nice day to play outside.

On this day, the two were eating dinner in Santorini, and Song Ci's phone rang.

He glanced at it. It was a teacher from the admissions office of University B.

Song Ci's results have been announced today, Z province's college entrance examination champion, a full score of 750, his 747, the only three points are deducted on the Chinese composition!

Ruan Xihe took a look: "Why don't you pick it up?"

"I didn't think about it." He took a bite of the long bread.

"If you go to study abroad, I can also fly to see you." Ruan Xihe stirred the mushroom soup with a spoon.

Song Ci pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Now that the transportation is so convenient, you can come back to see me when you are not busy with your studies."

Finally, under Ruan Xihe's persuasion, Song Ci decided to study abroad.

The two went back after playing in Europe for a whole month.

Ruan Xihe has also decided to go to high school in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School.

In July, it was very hot and the plane landed at the airport.

Having spent a month with my little girlfriend, and now I am parting, Song Ci is not very happy.

The young master's style of local tyrants is that he bought a hard-covered duplex apartment directly on the upper floor of the shopping mall next to the Sunshine Orphanage.

Ask the hourly workers to wash the bedding and replace them with new ones.

It only takes ten minutes to walk from the elevator to the Sunshine Orphanage.

If you run faster, five or six minutes will be there.

Ruan Xihe left empty-handed, and came back with an extra suitcase and a lot of clothes.

When others asked, she answered very calmly.

A gift from the Baolujia Group.

This can make children who have never been out jealous.

Those little skirts are so beautiful, and the school bags are so new.

A few older children also recognize some brands. I can see that the dark-looking schoolbag is from LV. Although I don’t know how much it is, the brand is very expensive and expensive, and it seems to cost more than 10,000 yuan. money.

Ruan Xihe put away her own things and locked them all with locks. It was not that she was serious, but that the children here would really steal things.

After the summer vacation, if you stay in the orphanage every day and intrigue with these children, that would be too stupid. She used to go out every winter and summer vacation, sometimes in intensive training competitions, and sometimes in school make-up classes.

What should I do this year?

She is young, and now businesses don’t hire child labor.



Adam Holdings can launch a youth learning project, just take her away.

In this way, she will not appear abrupt in doing business in the future.

I sent a message to Smith, and arrangements soon began over there.

The phone in her pocket rang, and she took it out to read the news.

The girl next to the bed met and exclaimed: "You actually bought a mobile phone!"

"Sent from the Baolujia Group." She is now pushing these things to Baolujia. She is not at all ambiguous at the point where she can appropriately improve her quality of life.

"Borluka Group is doing charity, giving you so many things." The girl said bitterly, she wondered how unpleasant Ruan Xihe was!

"Isn't it just for charity? The new bedding you use now is donated by Baolujia." Ruan Xihe replied with a smile.

The girl stopped talking.

She returned to the dormitory with a washbasin in the evening, and heard the girls inside talking about herself before entering the door.

"Do you believe in her from the Baolujia Group? Anyway, I don't believe it. She is so good-looking, I can tell which rich boss to sleep with!"

"I don't believe it either. With her quota, the dean's mother must be partial, otherwise she will travel to Europe in some round!"

"In addition to looking better and getting better grades, what else can she compare to everyone?"

"That's it!"


Ruan Xihe sneered.

open the door.

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