Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1359: Dog brain tribute tea

Ruan Xihe was a little anxious. The black smoke came out of the window. She was afraid that the dean’s mother would be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

The dean really couldn't hold on anymore.

She has trouble breathing.

"One team, one team, ready to rescue, the target person is suspected to be incapacitated!" The firefighter led the announcement in the walkie-talkie.





Ruan Xihe became anxious when he heard that, the dean's mother must not have an accident!

"Mother Dean! Mother Dean!"

She kept yelling loudly.

The dean had already closed his eyes, and vaguely heard the little girl's cry.

Can't fall, can't fall, Ruan Ruan is still waiting for me below!

She braced herself to get up, wrapped the rope around herself, and slowly moved to the balcony little by little.

It's good to be able to come out!

All the people below are relieved!

The iron window frame was already very hot, and the dean could feel the scorching sensation on her thighs, which on the contrary made her consciousness more sober at this moment.

He squeezed the sheets in his hands and started to go down.

The feeling of hanging her back in the air was uncomfortable, and her legs trembled slightly, and she did not dare to open her eyes.

Ordinary people have no training and no skills. When holding the bed sheet down, there is no accurate focus at all. The palm pain is abnormal due to the strength of both hands.

It was only halfway down, and the palm felt so painful, and the blood remained on the bed sheet inch by inch.


The wooden door was burnt down and the circuit was destroyed by the fire. The TV without the main power turned off suddenly exploded!

A strong energy pushed the flame out of the window.

Instantly burned the sheets tied to the iron shelf window frame.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The dean screamed and fell, and the whole person just hit the filled air cushion, his mind was a little confused, and his whole body was cold sweat.

"The dean's mother, the dean's mother!"

Ruan Xihe broke away from the policewoman's sister, and immediately rushed over to hug the hospital elder mother.

The tears at this moment are all sincere!

"Don't cry, Ruan Ruan, don't cry, Dean's mother is okay!"

After the dean's mother reacted, she had already subconsciously hugged the little girl. Even though she was still shaking when she was speaking, she still tried to calm her emotions to comfort the little girl.

"Mother Dean, you scared me to death." Her crying nose and eyes were all red.

"Don't be afraid, the dean's mother is fine." Several police officers over there hurriedly came to help the dean down.

The moment my toes touched the ground, my legs were soft, and I almost knelt on the ground, luckily being held back.

"Mother Dean." She cried out worriedly.

The dean's mother smiled palely at her, and immediately asked the police officer: "Comrade police, look at the other children, there are children on the third and fourth floors!"

"Don't worry, we are already carrying out the rescue work, but the children should be fine. The detectors have checked the two floors. At that time, there was only one feature of your body, but you will know the specifics later. You should go to rest first. We will inform you if it will." The police officer's lady spoke very softly, although she was not completely sure, but this was already a reassurance for the dean's mother.

"Hey, good, good, that's good, that's good, thank you! Thank you!" The dean's mother had tears in her eyes for a while.

She obviously didn't cry when she escaped from the dead just now, but tears filled her eyes at this moment.


Song Ci was awakened by the roaring police siren, and the sound circulated around this area. He just got up to go to the bathroom, and habitually stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows before entering the bed and took a look at the Sunshine Orphanage underneath.

Hey, why is it so bright there? It's on fire, it's quite big.

But soon he reacted, wiping, wiping, wiping! That is the Sunshine Orphanage! Ruan Ruan! Ruan Ruan is still there!

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