Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1360: Dog brain tribute tea

Song Ci didn't change his slippers, so he picked up the phone and ran out.

There were many people around the entrance of the Sunshine Orphanage, including fire trucks and police cars.

He didn't dare to go in for fear of causing her trouble.

However, I was really worried!

"Uncle, uncle, there is a fire inside, are you okay!" He asked an old man who was standing at the door and watching the excitement.

"It's okay, but the house is on fire. I heard someone ordered it!" The old man came over early in the morning, and he did know a lot about the news.

Song Ci was able to say this, and he was still worried. After all, she had sent so many messages to Xiao Budian, she didn't reply a word, and she didn't know how she was!



He wanted to sneak in, but was caught by a sharp-eyed police officer: "Public security is handling the case, and people are not allowed to enter."

"Uncle, uncle, my girlfriend is inside, I want to go in and see her!" Song Ci, a proud young master, would beg for help like this one day.

But despite his good words, the other party still refused to let him in.

There is no rule without rules, and police officers also have their own responsibilities and principles.

Song Ci lingered anxiously at the door, looking at his phone from time to time.

When it was getting dark, her reply came on the phone.

Little bit: It’s okay, it’s all done just now, so take a rest early

Song Ci sat on the stone pier at the entrance of the orphanage for a few hours. When he saw the news, the high-hanging stone in her heart only slightly dropped, and she was fine.

Song Ci: Okay, hurry up and rest, come out tomorrow morning, I will see you and take you to breakfast

Small thing: good

He then dragged his tired body slowly back to the apartment.

Going through the chat records of the two of them several times, they hooked their mouths and fell asleep in a good mood.


After the Yuanmengman incident, patrols have been strengthened, and the life directors have been on duty more carefully at night.

Fortunately, there were no casualties this time.

Song Ci didn't know that Ruan Xihe was the party at first, but only a few days later he heard from his friends that he found out!

In the past few days, he was incarnate as a monk in Tang Dynasty, and talked about Ruan Xi's peace!

Those words over and over are the same, let her tell herself that as her boyfriend, he will protect her and help her get revenge. He wants to participate, but he doesn't want to be powerless and can only wait!


Ruan Xihe was named by Adam Holdings to study. They lived in an independent apartment assigned by the company.

Song Ci didn't know the true identity of his little girlfriend, but he was really happy for her. This apartment was close to the branch of Adam Holdings, 80 square meters, two rooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Although the sparrow was small, it had all the internal organs.

He got used to his face, so he had to come and live with his suitcase that day!


"I'm fine."

Ruan Xihe said no, that was no, he forced Young Master Song to buy another house here downstairs.


Tonight, Song Ci has a brother who called for a drink.

Subjectively, he doesn't want to go.

but then......

I have a girlfriend and others don’t know it. I can’t show off even if I show off. How about today?

The small theater in Song Ci's mind passed one after another.

Ruan Xihe was holding the digital tablet to draw, and he didn't pay much attention to Song Ci.

She was created by Adam Holdings' training in design and painting, so she can't be too leisurely in normal times.

This small apartment is 80 square meters, two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom. It is just right for her to live alone.

The decoration is in a rural style, the furniture is all wood color, the kitchen and the living room are integrated, and all the kitchen utensils are very cute.

It can be seen that Smith spent a lot of thought on decorating.

She is now sitting on the single lounge chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to the south, while Song Ci is lying on the sofa.

Song Ci walked over and sat on the chair opposite her.

"little guy."


"They told me to go out for a drink." Since Song Ci had a girlfriend, he hadn't gone out to meet them.

"Well, let's go." She did not lift her head, and concentrated on drawing.

The drawing board is a very unique building.

What Smith meant was that after she drew it, the branch office on the Shanghai stock market would be built according to this.

"Then you clean up and go with me."

Ruan Xihe looked up now, she didn't want to go out, it was stuffy and hot.

"Go ahead."

"You won't go?" Song Ci was taken aback. The other girlfriends were eager for her boyfriend to take her out to meet people to prove her importance. Why is this little bit different?

"It's too hot, I don't want to go out."

She has a lazy posture.

"I'll take an umbrella for you, and my trotting air conditioner will turn it on for you at 17 degrees Celsius."

"Too tired to walk."

"I'll take you, or carry you on my back." Song Ci was eager.

"Baba, you go, remember to bring me a midnight snack to come back at night." Song Ci didn't get in, and Ruan Xihe didn't make any excuses, so he settled.

"Small, you can rest assured that I will go out by myself!"

"Do you recognize the way?"

"Recognize the way."

"Can you drink it?"

"Can drink."

"You are such a big man, will you get lost?"

"Will not."

"That's not enough, you go, I'm pretty relieved." Ruan Xihe finished with a gentle and lovely smile.

Song Ci:...Oh

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