Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1364: Dog brain tribute tea

"Hahahahaha!" Ruan Xihe and the little brother who brought her over burst out laughing directly in the monitoring room!


Song Ci is absolutely amazing!

The actor's lady's smile froze on her face, and she quickly remedied: "No, I mean, I think you have a good eye, so I want to meet."

Song Ci thought this woman was too annoying.

He didn't want to talk to her, but she kept talking next to her, what if she came back and misunderstood him?

So when the actress kept relying on her, she kept begging him for contact information in a sweet voice.

Song Ci reported a string of numbers.

In the monitoring room

"Sister, look, your boyfriend is really not a good thing!"

Ruan Xihe's cell phone rang, and there was an additional application from a friend in QQ.

She smiled and said, "He reported my Penguin number."

Little brother: ...I was so full in an instant, this dog food was caught off guard!

When Ruan Xihe returned, the actress had already been run away by Song Ciqi.

She put the glass of Frappuccino that she had just bought out in front of Song Ci. This doggie was pretty good, and she wanted to be rewarded.

Song Ci was taken aback for a moment. His first reaction was that this item was very expensive, and the little girlfriend's life was so tight, how could he spend money to buy things for himself!

However, this is the heart of his girlfriend, and he can't refuse, otherwise he seems to be particularly ignorant of good or bad!

Later, while she was not paying attention, she secretly stuffed Ruan Xihe's bag with two hundred yuan.

Of course, this is something.

It is impossible for Ruan Xihe to buy just one cup.

She ordered a cup of caramel macchiato herself, and that's it, with milk and sugar in it!

Can't drink too bitter.

"You don't have to buy this for me in the future." Song Ci said.

He just didn't want the little girl's little money to spend on him.

When he knew that she only had three dollars a week in pocket money, he was really stunned!

I thought I had heard it wrong. Three yuan a day is not much, let alone a Wednesday.

Ruan Xihe looked at him in surprise: "You don't really like to drink."

Song Ci usually buys it, she knows it all.

"Small, I'm a man, men can't spend your little girl's money, here." He took out a bank card from his wallet and handed it to Ruan Xihe.

"I will spend money on this in the future."

"Ah?!" Ruan Xihe was shocked by the strong overbearing presidential style!

Song Ci’s small vault is a real drum. It’s been almost two months since he ran away from home, and he still lives very well. He is about to study abroad, so he is so hard-hearted that he will never return home!

This time, this card is also given.

"You must spend at least 50,000 yuan every month from today!"

Song Ci not only sent cards, but also set consumption goals.

Ruan Xihe was a little helpless. To tell the truth, a junior high school student can't spend much money in a month, and it would be outrageous to spend 50,000 yuan a month.

This love from her boyfriend is a little heavy.


The night before Song Ci left, he must live in Ruan Xihe with a dead skin.

She drove for a long time and was not driven away. In the end, the two parties agreed that he slept on the three-seater sofa in the room, and Ruan Xihe took a small blanket to cover him.

This is the first time the two have slept in the same bedroom.

Song Ci was a little nervous, the smell of her in the room was not so exaggerated, but he felt that every breath of air was sweet.

It was three o'clock in the morning...

"Ruan Ruan, little thing, little thing, Bao, are you asleep?"

Song Ci secretly said.


Then came the sound of rustling waking up.

Ruan Xihe was awakened by 044. She remained calm and lay down. Ruan Xihe wanted to know what Song Ci wanted to do.

Seeing Ruan Xihe sleeping peacefully, he sneaked onto the bed.

.................................................. ...............

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