Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1365: Dog brain tribute tea

He hugged his little girl in his arms.

Like a pervert, he took a sip of the fragrance from her body, well, it feels good to hold Xiaodian.

Song Ci closed his eyes contentedly.

It was indeed very well done, and didn't do anything.

But it’s difficult to sleep. It’s the first time I hug my girlfriend to sleep. Normal boys can’t fall asleep.

He counted how many eyelashes she had by moonlight.

It was messed up as he counted, but he tried again with great joy.

In this way, like a boiled eagle, when the day was about to dawn, he tiptoed out of the bed and lay back on the sofa.

Ruan Xihe was stuck in the bed, his lips slightly raised.

When the two got up around nine o'clock, she sent Song to resign to the airport.

Song Ci meant not to let her deliver it, after all, it is quite far from here to the airport.

"Well, I'll send it here if I don't mind, let's go back." Song Ci touched her little head.

Ruan Xihe hugged Song Ci's waist: "Smoke less and read more."

Song Cile said: "Okay, I know. Remember to use that card. I check the quota every month. I can only use more instead of less. I can buy what I lack. Brother has money."

"Are you so bold and ambitious that I will use it for you?"

"You just use it, I will make a lot of money, and I will use it for you, so that my family can spend money like dirt." Song Ci gave her a light arm.

After all, I have been together for two months, and I was somewhat reluctant to say goodbye.

Song Ci noticed that she was not in high spirits, and said softly, "Don't droop your face. After school starts, the eldest brother will come back to play with you, um, well, go back."

Bow her head gently and kiss her forehead.

"Okay, go back." He squeezed her little face lightly.

But Ruan Xihe insisted on sending him to the security checkpoint. He really couldn't get in, so he stopped.

Song Ci's heart was very uncomfortable. For the first time in his life, he was so reluctant to be alone.

But he was afraid that Ruan Xihe would feel even more sad when he showed a strange emotion, so he smiled and waved goodbye to her the whole time.

Sitting in the waiting hall alone, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ruan Xihe.

Song Ci

: Tell me when you get home

Small thing: good


In the taxi

"Hehe, one month left." 044 said.

The little girl squeezed the hem of her skirt, and the blazing sunlight outside the car window painted gold on half of her arm.

"I know."


In the following month, the two started a foreign relationship.

Because the time difference between the two sides is completely opposite, the connection is more difficult than imagined.

Song Ci had just entered school and was very busy with schoolwork.

Foreign universities are different from domestic universities. At home, it is difficult to enter and easy after entering, but foreign universities are easy to enter and difficult to get out.

Sometimes, counting the time, she was already asleep, and he was reluctant to call her to wake her up.

Ruan Xi lives in this apartment alone with Song Ci. Song Ci couldn't take care of it in real time, so he set an alarm to order her takeaway at night.

You can order seven or eight meals in a week.

Ruan Xihe told him to stop ordering and sleep well at night, but Song Ci always felt that he was not by her side to accompany her. He felt guilty and wanted to treat her better in other ways.


The teacher who taught Ruan Xi and ballet in the past called her and asked her if she wanted to go to Russia to participate in a competition. The gold content was very high.

Ruan Xihe is a talented player. In terms of her own hobbies, she still likes ballet, and the bonus this time is also very generous. This type of money can be used on the bright side. Yes, so she did not refuse.

In the past few months of the high school entrance examination, she seldom practiced, and now the muscles are a bit lazy.

While rehearsing the solo dance, she also went to Teacher Ding's dance studio to rehearse a group dance with everyone.

She is the protagonist.

This feeling similar to airborne is not good.

Teachers from several other classes came to see the effect that day, and after the music ended, they praised Ruan Xihe.

"Ruan Ruan hasn't been here for a few months, and he is still very good."

"It is indeed talented, and the movements are very agile."

"Sure enough, the protagonist still has to jump to Ruan Ruan."

Everyone said a word, but the little girl who was originally positioned as the protagonist dropped her head lower and lower.

"Ruan Ruan, come on, we must win the championship this time!"

"That's it, success or failure depends on you!"

"Ruan Ruan is the best."

After the teachers gave expectations and blessings, they left.

Let them practice for a while for the rest.

Ruan Xihe went to play the music, and shouted the beat to lead everyone to dance together.

In the middle part, there is an action of lifting and stepping on the back and raising the legs to hug to death.

It was a row of girls building a bridge with their backs. She stepped on the girls' backs and ran over, kicked and hugged the last girl.

This kind of choreography is very common in modern dance, but it is rarely used in ballet. The choreographer is also ingenious for visual effects.

In the past, this action has cooperated very tacitly.

Every time Ruan Xihe stepped on Yan Dan's back to do that action.

Yan Dan needs to hug the first girl's waist tightly and try to keep his back steady.

But today.

When she felt Ruan Xihe point one foot on her back and kicked back, she let go of her hand and got up abruptly.

.................................................. ...............

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