Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1841: Xijian Chunxue

Isn't this a good opportunity!

There is a saying, so many girls, all of them are white and beautiful with long legs, really pleasing to the eye, and the cosmetic surgery in country h is super natural, and she can't find any obvious flaws in each of them.

Do these men like to play like this? It looks like a large concubine selection scene.

She had served a similar den in China before, but she didn't expect to play more advanced than that here.

Sure enough, men go bad as soon as they have money.

The boss is embarrassed to mess around because Park Jae-hyung brought his fiancée, but the fiancée is not theirs, so they won't delay them.

After some girls were attracted by them, they were directly called to accompany them. There are many trainees in entertainment companies among this group of girls.

This is all after convergence, which is usually much more than this.

The boss next door to her didn't know what he was doing, and Ruan Xihe didn't know who to feel sad for a while.

The boss at the end took a girl to the men’s bathroom, but he didn’t know what he was actually going to. It’s not a bathroom anyway.

What would a normal girl think when she saw this scene?

One hundred percent will be seated with the code name.

These people play so badly, and they are in a circle with their boyfriends. If they play like this, does their boyfriend usually play like this?

Do you hug right and left, and take the girl to the bathroom?

After all, those who are near Zhu are red, those who are near ink are black, and there is a nest of snakes and rats, and there are rotten people around, and he can't be clean.

Of course, a sensible girl will comfort herself. He is just talking about business and socializing. This kind of thing cannot be avoided. He is so rich and has a big career. As long as he has me in his heart, he should not be too harsh.

I should understand him and tolerate him. He is so good to me. He said that he is not interested in other women. At most, he would hug. It’s okay. He said that the women outside are dirty. Yes, he won't.


A man is not a good thing, he just speaks beautifully, and he might play more madly than anyone else!

Everyone has a mouth, so he can't believe what he says. Maybe, when he's not there, he will die and be unscrupulous towards these people.

And even if he didn't want it in the first place, the women who mingled in this kind of occasion couldn't wait to turn into a pool of spring water and take the initiative to stick to the man!

what! It's disgusting!

The more I think about it, the more disgusting and the more I love him, the more I can’t accept this kind of thing. I can’t accept him to hold people in his arms, and I can’t accept him to do such things to other girls. After all, love is always selfish and girls are generous. At that time, he would not love him very much, or he would have been hurt completely.

It's disgusting, I want to break up with him!

This is the mental journey of a normal girl.

Ruan Xihe began to brew his emotions and substitute himself.

044 was stunned, so she was absolutely amazing. How could she understand this twists and turns of psychological changes? If she were to be an emotional mentor, Mad, there is no mandarin duck in the world that she can't dismantle!

Park Jae-hyung went out to answer the phone. There was a call from the first side just now, it should be an urgent matter.

When he came in, the catwalk show just ended, and several girls took the initiative to walk towards him.

The bikini was so hot that I just stuck it directly on him.

Although he had already frowned and declined, he still met Ruan Xi and Hong Hong's eye sockets after returning.

The man panicked instantly: "What's the matter?"

He wanted to touch Ruan Xihe's head, but she had already taken a step back.

"Heehui, what's the matter?"

Ruan Xihe didn't speak, turned his head and left.

However, there were tears in her eyes, and the appearance of wanting to weep was really unpleasant, and even distressed to death.

Those bosses were also dumbfounded, but seeing the appearance of the beauty, a little guilt arose in their hearts. It was not because they played...women? ?

Ruan Xihe had already ran out. Park Jae-hyung had long legs. He caught up with her as soon as he reached the door and locked the person in his arms.

"Hee Hee, what's the matter? You tell me."

"Huh, you let me go, I hate you."

"I won't let go, you tell me what's wrong?"

She suddenly started to cry, and Park Jae-hyung really felt distressed: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Hee Hee, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't cry."

When did he do so, but now Park Jae Hyung has no other thoughts.

She cried until she choked, but she didn't say what was wrong, Park Jae-hyung could only pick her up first and return to the hotel. As for this, let Choi Eun-Sung handle it. Anyway, the matter was over.

In the car, she closed her eyes and buried her in his arms.

Park Jae Hyung patted her back gently.

Sea of ​​consciousness

044: You will be taken back if you don't act.

Ruan Xihe: Don't worry

044: ...

When she got off the hotel, she didn't want Park Jae-hyung to hold her. When going to the front desk, she had to open an extra room. Park Jae-hyung looked at him with tears in her eyes when she disagreed.

In the end, she had no choice but to let her open a room.

She took the room key and opened the door cleverly, and directly shut Park Jae Hyung outside.

Park Jae Hyung: ...

After closing the door, Ruan Xi closed his crying face, and asked 044 happily, "Do you think my task has been completed?"

044: ...

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