Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1842: Xijian Chunxue

It seems to mean that, but I always feel that something is wrong, but the task is indeed completed.

Seeing the task bar showing 1/3, she raised her mouth in a good mood, first went to roll around in the bed, and then put on slippers and went to the bathroom to remove her makeup. After a while, she could take a good night's sleep.

"The part with you just now is too real. Didn't you think of a man like this before?" 044 refers to her mental journey before the crying scene.

"I have met any man during my relationship." Ruan Xihe smiled.

044 was taken aback.

"Wang, you have to know that I am not playing games for these three months. I am really in love. As long as girls step into the quagmire of love, these suspicions cannot be avoided. The more you love him, the more you will care. Why are many girls in a relationship getting worse and worse? One is that her boyfriend does not give her enough sense of security, the other is that she is instinctively in touch with the scene, and the code name to be seated is human instinct. The only thing I am better than them is that I am rational enough, I am I can afford it and let it go. I can harden my heart. My enthusiasm is always shorter than others. Of course, there is an acting element just now. After all, the routine can keep the freshness of love for more time, but how do you know that I have not invested Really emotional, wantonly, I care about this." She looked at herself in the mirror, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

"I care very much, but it's not really angry because Park Jae Hyung is really not that kind of person."

As far as the door

Park Jae-hyung knocked on the door for half an hour, and she just wouldn't open the good things.

Ruan Xihe covered himself with a quilt, and the air conditioner turned on at 17°C.

Pretty good.

Immediately afterwards, I heard "Zila".

It was the sound of swiping the card to open the door.

Ruan Xihe's heart trembled, isn't it, so fast!

"Boom." The door was closed.

She froze and didn't dare to move, and quickly brewed crying.

Otherwise, you might end up suffering soon.

Park Jae Hyung was indeed a little angry at first, after all, he was shut outside.

She didn't say the reason, she could only be anxious.

But seeing her sobbing under her quilt was really pitiful, and the anger in her heart couldn't come out for a while.

He put the quilt together in his arms: "Hee Hee, why are you angry?"

"You usually look at women like the emperor. They all let you choose. I think they all hug right and left. You must do the same." He said and cried.

It's not the kind of hysterical crying, it's a very depressing gasp and weeping quietly.

It looks good to cry like this, and of course it also magnifies the pitiful energy infinitely.

"I didn't participate in this before. Today I just want to take you to play." He wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"You men are used to deceiving people, I don't believe you, it's not a good thing." She pouted her mouth, a teardrop fell, and the tail of her eyes was red.

"I will take you everywhere in the future, will you look at me?" Park Jae-hyung wiped away her tears, circled people, and changed the phone screen and lock screen to her pictures in front of her.

Even the talk name was changed to I love Quan Hee Jin

The ins name was originally his name, but now he has also changed to Jeon Hee Jin and Park Jae Hyung

She did burst into laughter, but was buried in his arms awkwardly, embarrassed to reconcile.

Park Jae Hyung gave a low laugh, took a picture of her with one hand, and sent it to the ins tuba.

The accompanying text reads: I’m Park Jae Hyung and Miss Jeon Hee Jin alone

Of course, the girl's face can't be seen clearly in the picture, but the beautiful long hair and the slender white arms and fingers climbing his neck make people feel inexplicable enthusiasm.

She glanced at the photo and started to babble again: "Ah, people's hair is messy, it's not pretty!"

He bowed his head and kissed her: "It looks good, my Xixi looks the best."

"You haven't finished talking about things, did I delay your work?"

This meant she was not angry anymore, she blushed and looked at Park Jae Hyung.

The man laughed angrily, and twisted her little nose lightly: "Now you know it's holding me up?"

"Then you go back."

"Just kidding, no job is as important as you." He hugged her and said seriously.

"Then you lie down with me."

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath." Park Jae-hyung will take a bath whenever he gets to bed.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

When he came out, she was already in the game.

Of course it is the login number of the server here.

Ruan Xihe has too many accounts.

He was leaning against the head of the bed, and she was playing games with her pillow on his stomach.

After finally finishing a round, she focused her attention on him.

"Obba, let's watch a movie, or just sleep?"

"Whichever you want, I will accompany you."

"Then I want to sleep."


Park Jae-hyung lay down and stretched out her arms. She leaned over and was hugged tightly by him. This kind of holding method felt super safe.

"Obba, if there is a super beautiful girl who is naked and lying in your arms."

"Except for you, no other woman has the opportunity to approach me." Park Jae Hyung interrupted her directly.

"What if?"

"There is no if."

"Then you don't want that for so many years?"

"Think, just forbearance."

"Have you never done that yourself?" She looked at Park Jae Hyung curiously.


She suddenly smiled in his arms.

Park Jae Hyung was a little helpless, but his heart was soft.

"What is it like when obba thinks?"

"Didn't you have seen it, and want to see it again?" He looked at her meaningfully, and the temperature in the room instantly rose a bit.

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