Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1139: Blow up the South Gate (5 more)


The huge reminder of the Class B artillery stunned the leaders of the big guilds who were watching.

Long Hen was stunned as he watched the huge black cannon pushing forward, he muttered: "Three, three bosses...this thing..."

"Well, it can destroy the current level of the city wall."

"Then Qin State..."

Then Qin will face the result of the complete failure of the first line of defense!

Desperate, Dream Life, People of Midsummer and so on, all the guilds that are enemies of God's Domain are all shocked at this time!

If a gun cart of this level was pulled out when fighting them, **** it would be able to destroy their garrison city with no effort at all!

At this time, Dong Mingkun and Gu Lao were all standing sluggishly on the wall of the safe house, watching the huge artillery cart slowly approaching, and they couldn't help but grab them.

You know, the power of this Class B artillery can destroy the city wall and blow up any existing buildings of the current level!

At the same time, Gu Lao and Dong Mingkun also understood that at this time, the Muying of God's Domain had not even summoned their **** pet.

In this way, Qin has been crushed in all directions, so today...

Dong Mingkun regrets that he didn't listen to Poppy's words at the beginning, why not defend with all his strength? Now it is obviously too late to recall members, but we can't give up the recall!

"Everyone! Return to the team! Return to the team! Use the teleport scroll to return to the C area resident city defense! Defend quickly!!!"



The artillery cart was pulled within the attack range, but Qin's D-class fortifications couldn't reach here.

This is the difference in grade, B grade can reach D grade, but not B grade on the contrary.

Su Mu smiled in the air and looked at Qin's Dong Mingkun and said: "Don't be naive to think that you are called China's top three guilds, and you are really China's third-ranked guild! Today, my God Realm will teach you a lesson! In the era of holographic games, there is no first! Only the strongest!"

"Wow haha! I want to be this gunner! Haha! So big, so big!" Xia Feng rushed to the gun cart frantically.

Kuang Lan cursed with a black line on his face: "You can't **** be so dirty? Why do you feel dirty and dirty in your mouth..."

Xia Feng ran up to the Class B artillery wagon, and then smiled: "Sister Lan, your mind is too dirty. Did I make a mistake to be a gunner?"


Su Mu's figure stepped back and shouted: "Xia Feng! Fire the cannon!"

"Fire! Fire!!!!"

Dong Mingkun retreated instantly: "Retreat! Retreat all!"

The crashing crowd began to withdraw from the city wall, but is the player's speed as fast as the cannon?

"Wow haha! Eat Lao Tzu's invincible King Kong Shuttle Cannon!"

boom! ! ! ! !

The recoil directly drove Xia Feng to the top, and the damage value of up to 10,000 made Xia Feng stunned in the air.

boom! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

A huge cannonball fell on the wall of Qin State with a bang!

Crushed rocks were flying all over the sky, splashing on those Qin members who were escaping, and it was an instant kill!

The energy shock wave of the shell explosion directly blew the players within more than ten meters into white light! There is no sign of spike!

Not only that, a huge hole appeared on the wall, and on the edge of the hole there were some fiery red like magma, like a cannonball melted the stones of the wall!

At this moment, it was shocking, and the players never thought about having such a great power, which is simply to destroy the existence of the game terrain!

Not only them, but even Su Mu didn't expect the power of this Class B artillery to be so powerful. A single shell directly blasted a ten-meter city wall, and that huge hole was enough to let a dozen people rush in.

This Nima!

It is the current bug weapon!

There was a bang.

Xia Feng fell on the ground, and then quickly stood up and looked at the walls of Qin State, involuntarily cursing: "Fuck, this thing is really **** good! It's great! Haha, it's great! I have to fight another shot!"

The people of God's Domain are so excited.

Xia Feng rushed to the top of the gun wagon again and continued to fill the ammunition!

Then turn the direction of the artillery cart to face the gate of Qin State!

boom! ! !

Bang! ! !

The recoil didn't shake Xia Feng away this time. Because of the preparation, only 10,000 points of damage appeared. After that, everyone watched the shell flying in the direction of the city gate!

boom! ! ! !

Instantly explode!

The city gate was torn apart, and then disappeared without a trace. The entire city gate didn't need a siege vehicle to collide, and it was solved by a shell!

"Awesome! Damn it!"

"Hahaha! Let me take another shot!"



Boom boom boom!

Xia Feng fired ten cannonballs in a row, and the south gate wall of the entire resident city was blown apart, and there was no shielding effect at all, and even the members of the Qin State inside could be seen through the big hole in awe.

Su Mu couldn't help smiling at this time, and shouted: "The Stormtrooper! Impact!"



Boom boom boom!

The Paladin charged, and the archer deployed defense against Qin's long range, forming a personnel charge for a while!

At this time, the people from the Pavilion of the Gods rushed into the crowd frantically. For them, slashing was a commonplace meal. Especially the brothers around the members of the Pavilion of the Gods had grown up like a group of evil wolves who saw the enemy. He rushed up as if he saw the meat, even if he died on the road, the enemy would see their eyes terribly!

The onlookers were shocked or shocked, except for their mouths open.

Because God's Domain rushed in!

God Realm actually rushed into the Qin State Resident City!

They didn't expect this kind of result, let alone rushing into the garrison city, they didn't even expect to face Qin Guo for an hour.

"Wood Spirit!"


A green light appeared, and Xiao Mu Ling appeared beside Su Mu, without Su Mu's words at all.

The green leaves fluttered in the wind.

The smashing leaves instantly fell among the members of God's Domain.

"Ding! Blessed by the Supreme Goddess of Wood Spirit, all attributes are increased by 5% for 600 seconds."

"Ding! Blessed by the attributes of the Supreme Goddess of Wood Spirit, he restores 0.5% of energy and blood every second for 600 seconds.

Seeing the green light on her body, Xia Feng and the others became even more crazy, and laughed forward.

But Su Mu didn't move his hands this time, completely standing in the air and commanding the battle.

Moreover, the goddesses have not been used by Su Mu too many times. The wood spirits only appeared to bless some attributes. In the face of Qin, Su Mu did not dare to use any goddess' defense, because the people of Qin were not more careful than other guilds. Will make the goddesses condemned by heaven.

It's like why Su Mu didn't use the goddesses to defend the Qin State in the garrison city.

The water-blue ice seal is a hard material defense. People in Qin will be injured by qi and blood as long as they hit the ice with their heads. The same is true for the female emperor. Once the defense of flame and magma burns to the members of Qin, they will be angry. Blood damage, even Wood Spirit’s vines can’t be used for defense. Su Mu didn’t believe that the people of Qin State were awe-inspiring. They might use Wood Spirit’s vines to strangle their necks to cause damage.

All of the above-mentioned possibilities, as long as one of the goddesses is triggered, the player will be hurt, and then the scourge will fall. Therefore, in future team battles and resident battles, the role of the goddesses will become very small. Only now is the wood spirit blessing the attributes of the members, nothing else, can't do it, and Su Mu doesn't want the pure and stunning goddesses to do this kind of thing!

I don't want to, dare not, and even disdain to let the goddesses participate in team battles!

Because they don't deserve to let Su Mu summon the goddess to defend!

Even if he treats the goddesses as vases, Su Mu doesn't want them to be hurt at all!


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