Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1140: There are always unknowns


The South Gate of Qin State broke, and people from God's Domain rushed into the South Gate to prepare to charge the watchtower and crystal tower of Qin State. This kind of resident war must completely destroy the fortifications, otherwise it would cause too much damage to the attacking party, so it was like The same was true when Qin State attacked God's Domain. The first thing players charged was those watch towers and crystal towers.

At this time, God's Domain really rushed into Qin Kingdom like a beast. Because the South Gate City was broken, the members of the other three gates of God's Domain rushed to the South Gate to join the large team.

The total number of God’s Domain is three million, but only one million people rushed in. The rest were intercepted by Su Mu, and Su Mu did not enter Qin’s resident city. At this time, he was standing in the ruins of the South Gate. The gate of the same city wall looked not far away, as if waiting for something.

Gao Liansong glanced at Su Mu and asked, "Why don't you rush in?"

Kuanglan laughed, "Dear soldier, is it the first time to play a game?"

"Uh..." Gao Liansong was so depressed to death, why are these words everywhere? It’s the first time I play a game, but is it wrong?

At this moment, the sound of booming footsteps came again, and the entire audience onlookers couldn't help but look back. Qin State's support came.

Su Mu was waiting for this moment. Could a super guild like Qin State put all the people in a resident city? Obviously it’s impossible. Although the resident city in area C originally belonged to God’s Domain, Qin State had their own resident city. At this time, Su Mu attacked area C. Seeing that he could no longer defend himself, the people of Qin State would definitely come to support him. , And Su Mu's purpose was to block these supporting Qin teams.

The players gave way, and then Qin's support team quickly rushed to the foot of Nanmen.

Behind Su Mu was close to two million people. The team Qin came to support was not prepared in advance, so the whole team can only be said to be a piece of scattered sand, but after all, it is Qin, so immediately after encountering Su Mu Formed the assault team.

Seeing Su Mu’s indifferent expression, all members of the Qin State had no confidence in their hearts, especially after seeing the South Gate of Qin’s resident city being bombed into ruins, they never thought that one day Qin’s resident city would become In this way, even fighting Yanhuang wouldn't be so tragic, right?

However, now, a small God's Realm actually forced Qin to such a level, which really did not occur to any member of Qin.

"Brothers! The boss is still inside! Charge for me!" Qin's team was assembled and charged instantly.

Su Mu's long sword pointed horizontally, letting the members of the Hall of the Gods first charge, all the fortifications changed directions, and then they bombed like crazy!



The power of the catapult is far more powerful than the skills of the players. When every cobblestone falls, dozens of people will die, and hundreds of people will be damaged by splashing. Therefore, the charge of Qin’s people directly turned into embarrassed avoidance. Fortification building.

For a time, the entire South Gate of Qin State became a chaotic area again.

The players were all trapped, and Qin’s support arm could not rush into the resident city to support Dong Mingkun, and was directly intercepted by the people of God’s Domain. This caused the current State of Qin to be in danger, because the people of God’s Domain had already rushed into the resident city. Up...

A wave of Qin people retreated, and Su Mu stared at Qin's support team with a sneer: "Today, my God's Domain will be destroyed! Qin, no one can come! Qin! If there is a kind, continue to charge!"

The players slapped their tongues, and the people of Qin State were extremely angry. All of them were once again ordered by the leader of the team to form a charging team again.

The mighty tens of millions of people charged once again with deafening footsteps and shouting!

At this moment, the huge artillery vehicle was bombed again. Not only the artillery vehicles, but also the bomber vehicles, artillery vehicles, etc., all became tools for bombarding players.

And because these support teams arrived quickly, there were not many fortifications at all, and some were blown up by the people of God's Domain.

The onlookers suddenly understood at this time that the clamor of God's Domain was to make the people of Qin State charge. Such a charge was of no avail. Because the fortifications of God's Domain were still there, they would be bombed as long as they charged. These two consecutive charges Not only did the people of God's Domain not lose much, but Qin’s support team suffered a devastating blow. Because it was support, it was not the team that came here instantly. Most of them were thousands, and at most tens of thousands of people gathered together. , So each charge is less than half a million people, which leads to the destruction of God's Domain one by one!

Some careful players have already seen the current situation clearly. God's Domain had planned for a long time to allow one million people to rush into the garrison city to deal with the people of Qin State, and the main force of God's Domain actually intercepted Qin State outside the city gate Support.

This move completely restrained the Qin State's support and numerous advantages.

Moreover, the total number of Qin State in the Zhou District is less than 5 million. In addition to the relatively long distance of many resident cities, Dong Mingkun has already prepared with both hands, but now finds that he is not prepared enough, just like the eight words somnus said. After seven days, fully defend!

But the current state of Qin...Although the main force is in the resident city, it is not in a fully defensive posture.


Puff puff!

Boom boom boom! !

Gao Liansong frantically released his skill charge among the crowd, blocking every Qin State's charge outside the moat. The whole scene became a massacre, and Qin State's people continued to decrease.

The members of God's Domain are excited and high-pitched, and everyone's faces are covered with unspeakable expressions, because at this time God's Domain is fighting the top three of China's Qin State!

This kind of pride is one in ten thousand that the casual players cannot experience!

One hour later, Qin's support team was completely broken up. Although God's Domain outside the South Gate lost a quarter, Qin had no support anymore!

The internal battle continued, because Su Mu only let one-third of the members of God's Domain rush in, so now Qin Guo is still fully defending.

However, Su Mu still didn't let anyone rush into the resident city at this time, but was still standing on the wall waiting for something.

Gao Liansong and the others didn't know why, but Kuang Lan and Luo Li looked at each other at this time, and the latter also looked south with Su Mu's gaze.

At this moment, Su Mu and Luo Li narrowed their eyes slightly.

The one that should have come is here. After all, the Qin State is the Qin State, and it is difficult for God's Domain to take the Qin State.

Luo couldn't help but looked at Su Mu, as if wondering how he would deal with this matter.

Kuang Lan shouted: "Is it really going to be a real hegemony in the continent this time?!"

Su Mu hung up a smile, indeed, he really wanted to contend for the continent.

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