Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1412: Hahaha...hiccup

Hurry up!

The fire outside the door soared to the sky, but the sound of bombing was mixed with a muffled sound.

Chen Xiaoruan and A Jiumei could not help standing up and looking out the door.

At this moment, a teenager in his twenties outside raised his hand, with a gas shield hung on his arm, a mix of clothes, and an earth-colored scarf.

"Sister-in-law..." When the visitor saw Chen Xiaoruan, his eyes widened.

And Chen Xiaoruan also showed a surprise smile at this time, and looked back at Su Mu.

"God, God Realm Xia Feng..." The thin man was shocked when he saw the person walking in.

This person is Xia Feng of the God’s Domain Guild. He looks like this in Samsara. There is still no change in reality. Because Samsara appears in the game with true appearance, Xia Feng’s appearance will naturally be recognized directly. Besides, this thin man and the short-haired woman had talked about Xia Feng, and even met Xia Feng.

So at this time, after seeing Xia Feng's appearance, the thin man couldn't help but his mouth jumped wildly. Nima's, this time there is a good show. Isn't this guy with a long sword awesome? Isn't it great? Did you meet a tough one this time? But, what did Xia Feng just called the girl?

The thin man slowly stood up and said, "Mycelium, sister...He is God's Domain Xia Feng, right?"

The short-haired woman nodded and did not speak, but her eyes were always on Xia Feng's body.

At this time, the man with Scar fell on the ground and sat up with a grunt. When he saw the style of painting on the scene, he couldn't help but want to jump up. However, after seeing Xia Feng, the guy suddenly came down... She was shocked and said: "Xia, Xia Feng?!"

The Scar Man was stunned for a while, then stood up and walked to the side of Lean and the snails, and then looked at Su Mu and said, "Damn, it was you who beat me just now? Isn't it awesome, right? Are you awesome in front of Xia Feng of the God's Domain Guild?"

At this time, the thin man was pulling the corner of the scarred man's clothes, because when Xia Feng came in just now, he seemed to have shouted something like his sister-in-law to that beautiful woman... So, this Xia Feng probably knew this holding a long sword. Man...

"What are you doing? What are you talking about? Snails are also people who can use reincarnation skills. How can we say that they have something to do with God's Domain? This person is going to rob us, Boss Xia, you have to call us the shots..."

Su Mu: "..."

When the **** did you have a relationship with God's Domain?

God's Domain has a great reputation in Samsara, so after the end of the world, many famous heads of the gods in God's Domain can use reincarnation skills. As a result, many people in China know the people of God's Domain, and this Xia Feng is naturally the most famous. One more...

At this time Xia Feng walked in, staring at Su Mu with anger and surprise.

The anger comes from Su Mu's sudden disappearance after the destruction of the world. The brothers in the Hall of Gods don't know what to do. Now they have all separated. After five years of searching, they finally found Su Mu. Can Xia Feng not be angry?

Su Mu had a helpless smile, because Xia Feng called Chen Xiaoruan as Xiaoruan's sister-in-law just now. It's not obvious that he was already known to them in the game five years ago that he was related to Chen Xiaoruan...

Xia Feng walked up to Su Mu and punched him.

With a bang, his fist hit Su Mu's chest, and Su Mu retreated.

Scar Man grinned when he saw this place: "Haha..."


"Hahaha hiccup..." He suffocated with a big laugh, choked in his throat, and made Chen Xiaoruan laugh out loud with a burp.

Su Mu was too lazy to pay attention to the group, but stretched out his hands and embraced Xia Feng with a big bear.

"Haha! I want to die, brother! You **** only appeared now!" Xia Feng directly hugged Su Mu.

Scar Man looked at Su Mu and Xia Feng embracing with a dazed face, then looked at the thin man beside him and said, "Xia, Lao shouting at him?"

The thin man said helplessly: "Call brother..."

Scar Man: "Who is he then?"

Skinny: "I don't know..."

Scar Man: "Who does Xia Feng like to call the most?"

Skinny: "God's Domain Muying."

Scar Man: "0.0!"

Skinny: "~.~!"

He is the Muying of God Realm? !

God's Domain Muying? The first person in China! The first person in reincarnation, the shadow of God's domain?

Isn’t it the legend that he died long ago? Why did you suddenly appear here?

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Scar man stared at Su Mu and Xia Feng with his head in his hands. How could this Nima be? God Domain Muying was said to have died five years ago? How would it appear here? I just wanted to rob God's Domain Muying? A woman who still wants to go to the shadow of the gods? Damn it! Damn it!

Now the Scar Man and the Thin Man finally understand why two such beautiful girls would follow the same man, Nima, he is a pastoral shadow of God's Domain! The first person in reincarnation! The shadow of God! God's Domain Muying!

With a thud, Scar Man sat directly on the ground.

Su Mu sat next to the fire, and Xia Feng hurriedly sat down and said excitedly: "Brother! Where have you been in the past five years? We have no news from you at all. The whole world is looking for you and you can't find you. Zero did not find you, it seems to have disappeared from this world..."

Su Mu was taken aback and asked: "Zero didn't find me?"

"Yeah, Ling said that all of your organization was dispatched, but you didn't find you, as if you disappeared from this world, and there is a legend that you are dead, and the truth about Lao Tzu blows his head! Who is in this world? Mom will die, but you will not die!" Xia Feng said fiercely.

Su Mu looked at Chen Xiaoruan, who shook his head to indicate that he was not very clear about this matter.

A Jiumei suddenly said: "I heard my sister say that you seemed to disappear suddenly five years ago, and even my sister did not find you a trace..."

Su Mu is even more strange. In this world, the one who can find him the fastest is not Zero, nor is it Mr. 2, but Mei!

Mei is not only a charming skill, but also a master of tracking. Especially after combining with Su Mu, she even has a kind of telepathy that can sense Su Mu's general position, and if Mei fails to find herself, then this five years Where did you go?

Because the current time is five years from Earth, Su Mu has no memory of those five years, so he himself doesn't know where he has been in these five years.

Also, why can't I summon Shuilan after five years? This is also a very big problem.

"Who was the last person I saw when I left five years ago?" Su Mu suddenly asked.

Xia Feng thought for a while: "It seems to be zero, right?"

Chen Xiaoruan shook his head and said, "It's not a zero, it should be a baby!"

"Ying?!" Su Mu was in a cold sweat on his back in an instant, Ying hasn't died yet? Is she the last person I saw?

Chen Xiaoruan suddenly shook his head and said, "To be precise, the last person you saw, Su Mu, should be Shuilan..."


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