Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1413: Chuanhai Luozhai (6th more)

Chen Xiaoruan walked to Su Mu's front and said, "You went back to the villa after seeing the baby five years ago, and you said that you would summon the goddess to discuss things. The next day, the world changed drastically. Sister Han and I went to your room. I can’t find you anymore. Since that day, you have disappeared completely. You appeared once two years ago, and you just left again after meeting me, saying that there is a very important and important thing to do. , I will be back after finishing it..."

Su Mu frowned. The feeling of not remembering anything he had done was very awkward. It was also because of the current time node that Su Mu's vacant memories of the past five years made Su Mu even more frightened.

According to Chen Xiaoruan and Xia Feng, he left the future world and returned to the real world soon after the end of the world crisis. Therefore, before that, Su Mu wanted to understand what happened in the past five years, or Su Mu The world you are in is simply a parallel universe instead of the real earth?

But the last thing Su Mu saw five years ago was the goddess? This is a bit weird.

Why did they disappear for five years after meeting Shui Lan?

One more thing Su Mu remembered instantly.

That is, in this future world, the disappeared "self" has not yet returned, right?

Because Su Mu entered the future world from the real world, according to Chen Xiaoruan's history, he is still in a state of disappearance at this time!

This idea was suddenly established, and Su Mu's goose bumps all exploded, because if there is no accident, as long as he frequently enters this world, he is likely to bump into another himself?

This is too **** wicked, and a bit frightening.

However, Su Mu must admit that his idea is very likely to be established.

First, this world must be separate from the real world, otherwise you cannot live at two points in time at the same time.

Second, if the first idea is established, then this parallel earth of the future world will have another itself.

Third, if the above two are both true, then the current self is likely to be redundant.

This Nima is a bit too brain-burning, and Su Mu has a scalp tingling.

"Brother? What do you think?" Xia Feng asked when Su Mu was silent for a long time.

Su Mu shook his head: "So, what is the final result of reincarnation?"

Xia Feng glanced at Chen Xiaoruan strangely. The latter said, "Brother Su may not have the memory of these five years..."

"Ha? Can this happen again? Then I tell you, Samsara National War, and finally XXX...Haha! So cool and cool! Also, XXXX is also turned on after the national war, or XXX..."


Again, like Chen Xiaoruan, Xia Feng couldn't tell the history of leaking the future time of the real world, otherwise it would be a good thing to infer based on Xia Feng's expression and these intermittent words.

So Su Mu was relieved at last, but this'unexplored prophet' is really not a good thing. After knowing that God's Domain will shine, Su Mu will definitely save the fluke, and once a mistake is made, history may be changed, so return to reality. Among them, Su Mu still couldn't care less, what should be done or what should be done.

The national war will continue to be fought, and the reincarnation will continue to be played. As for whether the end of the world will occur, all of this is unknown, and we can only make plans after that day.

Because Su Mu really couldn't believe that a game could rule the earth and even exterminate human beings. This is a bit unbelievable, so Su Mu has always wondered whether the future world he is currently in is another map of reincarnation.

Or, Goddess Fengxi would know something.

In the evening because of the appearance of Xia Feng, the two people chatted in the room. Chen Xiaoruan and A Jiumei slept close to each other. As for the Scared Man and the Thin Man, they stood guard at the door on both sides, but Su Mu did not drive them away. Go out, otherwise Chen Xiaoruan's softheartedness will fall again...

Having been chatting for most of the night, Su Mu and Xia Feng also slept for a while, and the roar of the zombies outside slowly faded after the sky turned white. Su Mu and Xia Feng stood up, and then looked at the thick white smoke outside. Linoleum...

"Brother, the people in God's Domain have all gone to Kyoto. I asked them to go ahead, so I may have to inform them that you go south to Chuanhai City. I guess I can catch up with you the day after tomorrow."

Su Mu nodded: "Just let the team go to Kyoto. I will go to Kyoto after the affairs of Chuanhai City are over."

"Okay, then, see you the day after tomorrow."

"be careful."

"Well, I'm leaving Xiaoruan sister-in-law..."

Chen Xiaoruan smiled but did not blush, but waved his hand with Xia Feng with a smile.

"Okay, let's get on the road." Su Mu stood up after watching Xia Feng leave. Instead of thinking about it, he should figure out why the world became like this, so that he could know where he went in the past five years.

The Scar Man and the others were driven away by Su Mu, but the short-haired woman looked at Su Mu for a while when she left, and Chen Xiaoruan became vigilant.

After the people separated, Su Mu and three people drove down south.

Although there are cracks on the highway, most of them can go around, so Su Mu and the three came to Chuanhai City in the afternoon and entered Luozhai before evening.

Luozhai, a minority village in Chuanhai, China has many such minority villages, so Su Mu is not surprised by the strange decorations and buildings here.

A Jiumei happily took Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan into the stockade. At this time, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and the light rain fell along with it. The drops of rain fell on the stone walls in the stockade like flowers. Like porphyry...

The mountain road is very rugged, but it is also very clear. The three people of Su Mu walked in the stockade for about ten minutes before they came to a circular step underneath. There were also a few wooden stakes on top of which were hung white, black and white. There are three red cloth strips. At the top of the cloth strip there is a skull that seems to be a goat or some kind of deer, which looks very oozing.

What surprised Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan most was that on the platform above the steps, an old woman was standing on it with four people, and this old woman’s face was extremely dark, her skin folds layered on top of each other, her head covered with white hair. Wearing a black cloak and holding a cane, the whole looks like a witch...

"Old ancestor! I'm back!" A Jiumei couldn't help but walk up after seeing the old woman.

However, the old woman suddenly said with a cane in the depths: "Foreign men are not allowed to enter the village!"

"Old ancestor, he is Su Mu, his sister's male..."

"Can there be a marriage contract? Is there the mark of the stockade? Is there a memorial to the ancestor?"

A Jiumei shook her head when she heard this.

"If this is the case, you are not allowed to enter!"

"But the ancestors..."

"No, but the rules of Luozhai must not be broken. You brought a man in without authorization. Can you convict Jiumei? It's a nonsense..." The old woman turned around and left, leaving behind a strange look of Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan. .

A Jiumei stood where she looked at Su Mu and said, "You are not allowed to go crazy! I will discuss with the ancestor again..."


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