Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1518: Seven-turn ability

The hula-la crowd surrounded Su Mu's trio.

Su Mu glanced around, and all the people surrounded by him were level 150 or higher Rank 7 players.

Because the highest level of reincarnation in the earth is more than 100 levels like Su Mu, it is difficult for Su Mu to understand some of the special skills and reincarnation elements of Rank 6 and Rank 7 players. Therefore, wanting to escape from these people is comparable to It is equally difficult among a million army.

Bihuo took a few steps forward and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "It's okay to say now, let's not say that we bully you too much if we start to do it. Do you want to give or not to give you equipment?"

Su Mu didn't pay attention to this blood phagocytosis. Instead, he looked at Aisha and said, "Don't you want to play with Rank 7 players too?"

Aisha chuckled, and then just stepped back, and said, "I don't want to get involved with your business. Don't forget, there is a third son waiting for you outside Bairou Wenxiang."

Su Mu couldn't help but smiled. Yes, he hasn't left since entering Bairou Wenxiang, and because of him, the girl named Xiao Luo expelled from Bairou Wenxiang. To be a girl in this industry, you only need to be in Zhang A few breaths in San Crazy's ears were enough for Zhang San Crazy to stop Su Mu without everything.

So there is one more problem that needs to be solved after leaving here.

The mythical empire, the mythical empire, is always indispensable.

"Shuilan, go to the air, too." Su Mu said.

The goddess of water blue nodded and slowly floated into the air: "Su Su be careful."

"Sure enough, it is a favorite of God!"

"Fuck, it's so beautiful. It would be great if I could have such a favorite..."

"Tsk tsk, being possessed by a one-hundred-seventh-level person is simply a violent thing."

The players are 100% sure that the goddess of the aquamarine is a favorite of the gods when they see the goddess of the aquamarine floating in the air, so at this time, there is naturally a feeling of...the good cabbage is let the pigs arch. The level is too scum, and the scum can't even catch up with ordinary garbage. Here, the level 120 is below the mainstream level.

So a level 107 summoner? Can there be more garbage?

At this time, Bleeding couldn't help but sneered. The **** pet couldn't kill the player. He is a 107-level summoner, even if he is a hidden class, it is simply vulnerable to them.

"Okay, don't say we bully you, you, fight with me first, let me leave the equipment if you win, but if you lose...hehe..."

Su Mu smiled and said, "I will leave you with the goddess if I lose?"

Bleeding was startled, he didn't expect Su Mu to look calm at this time, but since Su Mu had said it, Bleeding simply said, "This is a very good condition, so I decided and lost. Stay with the goddess!"

The onlookers sighed, Bleeding Blood seems to have long been attracted to this god...

Huh, the long knife appeared in the hands of Qi Xue, and he slowly walked in front of Su Mu and said: "Take out your weapon, I hope it won't disappoint me too much."

"Well, I won't let you down." Su Mu said lightly with the sword of God's Domain in his hand.

In fact, many people are still a little curious now, is this 107-level person really stupid or fake? Fighting at level 107 and 153? Isn’t it clear that this is looking to lose? Moreover, the pet can not participate in the battle between players, so this PK will not have any suspense at all.

There is too much difference in level, attribute suppression, various skills of Rank 6 or 7 and some characteristic attributes that Rank 5 does not have, especially the combat power and natural defense issues.

During this period, players of Rank 7 have basically been in the temple, and Rank 5 is absolutely impossible, but the level is not up to the requirements to enter the temple, so at this time players feel that Su Mu is crazy.

"Friend, don't fight, run quickly..."

"I knew that someone shouldn't show up if it's blocked..."

"It's too obvious to send to death, right?"

"Brother, there is a resurrection point in this small town. If you die, you won't be able to go back to the big city. So, you must either hand over what they want or find a chance to escape quickly..."

Bleeding blood laughed: "Escape? In this Scarlet Fortress, who can escape?"

"So much nonsense? Are you going to fight with me or fight with a real gun?"

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!"



Everyone exclaimed.

The collision of the rank seven paladin, Su Mu, had completely caught up with the assassin's agility skills. At this time, the blood-devouring figure only flickered, and then it had already arrived in front of Su Mu.

With a few thumps, Su Mu's phantom unfolded instantly, and then staggered the God General's collision skill to avoid it.

What everyone exclaimed was Su Mu's speed. The collision skill of 5 turns to avoid 7 turns is generally impossible, but the onlookers clearly saw that Su Mu directly avoided the past and did not release any skills, so just now Is the moment of autonomy?

Bleeding for a moment, put away the collision skills and turned around and slashed it down.


With the long knife horizontally, the huge sword aura condensed in an instant, and Su Mu could feel the forceful aura of the sword aura with his back facing the blood.

Turn 7 is not something that Turn 5 can easily contend. Just now, Su Mu, a collision skill, instantly launched the Phantom skill, because Su Mu couldn’t avoid it without using this type of body. The Phantom opened in an instant.

But at this time, it was that kind of feeling, a feeling that he couldn't avoid this skill at all, so Su Mu frowned slightly.

"The Shadow of Twins!"

boom! ! !


A huge damage value burst from Su Mu's body. After a burst of white light, the twin shadow disappeared, and Su Mu's body also appeared.

Chuanhu stood there and smiled: "There is still another clone, this time I will call it out!"



The blood-devouring figure rushed forward quickly, and it was a Z-shaped position. Su Mu's eyesight was already enchanting, but looking at the guy in front of him was dazzled.

When playing the boss, I didn't find that this bloodbath was so protruding, but now Su Mu understood that the Rank 7 players had completely suppressed the Rank 5 players in PK.

So at this moment, Su Mu didn't hesitate to open the defensive shield directly.


The vitality bar was instantly emptied. Su Mu's vitality dropped directly by two-thirds or more, and in the next instant, the blood-devouring long knife cut horizontally again, completely not giving Su Mu any breathing opportunity.

The players couldn't help being shocked, if this knife was cut, this person would undoubtedly die.


The long knife still landed on Su Mu's waist, and the blood instantly turned into an empty slot.

The white light of death rises...

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