Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1519: Abnormal skills (6 more)


The white light of death rose, and Su Mu's figure was directly killed by a spike, and he was really hit by a spike. He was hit twice in a row in less than a second, and the damage value each time exceeded Su Mu's imagination.

The clone technique is gone.

Su Mu's body once again appeared on the left, and the blood bite stood still and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "The rank five assassin, the twin shadow, and the clone technique are gone. You can't learn the birth skills of the rank six and rank seven assassins. , What other skills can you use to block damage next?"

Su Mu still stood on the spot looking at the blood and said: "Well, you will know if you try."

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!"



It was at the extreme speed, and at the moment when Bleeding came to Su Mu's side, yellow light hung on the long knife, which seemed to be a range attack. Su Mu just avoiding the long knife was not enough to completely avoid damage. , Because the attached yellow sword energy would also harm Su Mu's body.

This is the ability of Rank 6 and Rank 7? Can you condense sword energy?




A jump flew, Su Mu's body instantly headed down, and the divine sword directly hit the blood-devouring long knife. With a sound, Su Mu's body quickly reversed and fell to the ground after the sparks splashed.

The blood-devouring figure came on top of Su Mu's head at this time, and the speed made Su Mu out of breath at all. If it weren't for Su Mu's various enchanting body techniques, Su Mu would have no idea that this Rank 7 player should How to deal with it.

So looking at the confident smile on the blood-chewered face, Su Mu also reluctantly secretly said: If this is the case, then take you as a sacrifice for God's Domain Belt skills...

"God's domain barrier!"

boom! ! ! !


The damage value of more than 50,000 makes everyone surprised. Su Mu is a Rank 5 player. Even if he has the defensive skills of the enchanting, it is impossible to have natural defense attributes, so a skill that eats blood actually only has a damage value of more than 50,000. ? Damn it?

Bleeding blood is obviously also a bit unexpected. After all, the lethality of this skill is definitely more than 300,000 for players without natural defenses, but the skill is only more than 50,000 on this person?

This obvious enchantment skill makes Bleeding Excited again. This skill can only be used on equipment and not as an assassin’s professional skills. Therefore, if this equipment can be exploded again, he has natural defense attributes. Unleashing this skill under circumstances is definitely something that shocks players of the same level!

This Rank 5 guy is not high-level, but the good thing on his body is that he is very surprised by the blood!

The Divine Realm enchantment skill appeared, and Su Mu stood on the spot, and instantly placed **** on the sword of the Divine Realm with his left hand. After that, a silver halo appeared directly at the position of the belt, as if the spirit of the belt had come out. Through Su Mu's arm, he came to the sword of God's Domain.

"God reflex!"

Bang! ! !

That kind of halo attack directly rushed to the front of Bleeding. At this moment Bleeding himself thought that he wouldn’t evade, because he had any skills to confidently defend against Rank 5, but he thought of the various enchanting equipment and skills on Su Mu, just to be on the safe side. , He still chose to retreat and propped up the defensive shield.

Bang Dang! ! ! !

The silver halo directly hit the side of his long knife, and everyone screamed after following them...

Because this silver aperture penetrated the cross-face of the blood-chewing long knife in an instant, and then directly came to his chest.

boom! ! ! ! !

In an instant, the blood-chewing eyes were so big that they were about to stare out... the impact of the silver halo directly caused him to fly upside down and bow his waist back...

And the damage value above the head...


The white damage value appeared on the top of the blood-devouring head, which is why everyone exclaimed.

The lowest players in the field are Rank 6 players, and even many of them are Rank 7 players, so they naturally clearly see that the defensive skills have been activated when the blood is retreating. At that time, they thought that Su Mu’s offense could only become miss. 'S ineffective offense, but this damage value instantly made them eyeballs!

One and one hundred and fifty thousand? ! ! !


Even the Rank 7 players on the scene can never hit such a high damage value.

Isn't the damage value of more than 300,000 yuan that the blood-chewing skill fell on Su Mu's clone just now? How powerful is the skill of a Rank 5 player? But what does the damage value of 1.15 million mean?

boom! ! ! !

The blood-splitting figure flew upside down and hit the mountain wall at the entrance of the town.


The snow splashed and flew instantly!

Countless players opened their mouths to watch the blood devouring that had been killed by spike, and they could also see the equipment exploded in mid-air...

be quiet!

Quiet to the terrible point!

Everyone is quiet and the breathing is about to stop...

Aisha didn’t expect this to happen either. She knew the perversion of God’s Shadow, and even knew the enchantment of God’s Shadow Muying, but she had never imagined that a God’s Shadow of Rank 5 would kill a Rank 7 master in seconds. ?

The most important thing is a skill spike, and it is more than a million damage value. This is the most terrifying. This million damage value is also impossible to achieve in the eyes of the seventh rotation player, but now...

Is he still human?

The water blue goddess was smiling in the air, seemingly not surprised at this damage value, although this damage value has largely exceeded the attack damage of their Supreme God...

The water blue goddess knows very well that Samsara’s damage value calculation has its own unique method. Before the attribute is reached, it can’t exceed the set million damage value. This is why the skills are abnormal when several goddesses attack. But the damage value always hovered around 500,000 and 1 million. The problem was the breakthrough nature of this attribute.

Su Mu's skill is entirely a God's Domain attribute, and it also exerts the special effects of this skill supernormally.

Therefore, Su Mu should be the most surprised now.

If the calculation method of this skill is correct, then it is 153 levels of blood devour minus 107 levels equal to 46 levels, 46 multiplied by 5 points of combat power attribute, which is 50,000, and then divided by two, the result is 115. Ten thousand burst table damage value!

Su Mu unexpectedly touched the belt of God's Domain, then slowly hugged the falling water blue goddess, looked around at the people surrounding him and asked, "Who else would like to advise?"

Everyone wakes up instantly!

Everyone stood there looking at Su Mu in shock, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Su Mu laughed, then led Aisha towards the gate of the town.

However, at the moment when the three Su Mu left the door.


On the snow in front of his feet, a bright black long sword was stuck in the snow.

"Just want to leave like this?"

A rather magnetic man's voice came from the snowy mountain on the left side of the slope, but when Su Mu saw the person's ID, he was shocked, and his scalp was tingling!

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