Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1524: Contain Su Mu

"I know the Ninth Element, so you need me." Chengfeng looked at Su Mu and said seriously.

Su Mu was completely stunned at this moment, the appearance of this Chengfeng was too weird, and he actually knew the ninth element, it was simply impossible!

Su Mu only knew about this matter today, so how could he know in advance who the Ninth Element is? Could it be the news from the temple again?

Su Mu watched Chengfeng vigilantly, but he smiled: "You don't need to look at me so vigilantly. I just want to wait for you to enter the temple and don't forget my friend, or I want to follow you and make trouble together. Reincarnation, discover reincarnation together, and unlock the secret of this reincarnation together!"

Want to follow you!

What this sentence means Su Mu is very clear. From the beginning, Chengfeng wanted to make friends with himself, or he wanted to follow Su Mu. To some extent, he wanted to call Su Mu the boss.

However, Su Mu's level has always been so low, and there are records about Su Mu in the temple, so Chengfeng wanted to take this opportunity to defeat Su Mu, and then get a higher title in the temple, but Chengfeng finally failed.

So at this time Chengfeng directly explained what he meant, he just wanted to be Su Mu's "little brother"!

Su Mu smiled: "Your method of making friends is really unique."

"Haha, actually I have been thinking about it for a long time. I know I am not your opponent even now, but I am still not reconciled. Is there such a big gap between the airspace suit and the Gods domain suit? Today's battle still proved the power of the Gods domain suit. , You just unblocked the two pieces of equipment and you have already exploded my almost completely unblocked airspace suit. What can I say? Since I can’t surpass you, then I can only follow you, no matter what, the **** in this reincarnation There can only be one person, right?"

"You know a lot." Su Mu stood up.

Chengfeng laughed and said, "The game is offline. Let's go online tomorrow."


The two went offline one after another.

Su Mu simply ate some food in the apartment, and then summoned the goddess Fengxi, but as the system prompts, Su Mu is now able to log in in Samsara every day, while the future world will only be logged in once a week, so I want Going to the future world can only wait five or six days.

Line in the evening.

Still the fairy world.

As soon as Su Mu went online, he saw Chengfeng standing in place.

"Brother Su."


"Haha, you can bear it, I'm afraid this title will still be heard throughout the cycle." Chengfeng said with a smile.

After that, Su Mu and Chengfeng talked about the temple again.

But to Su Mu’s surprise, the things that the wind energy can tell are very limited. It just said that there are not only many statues in the temple, but also many various records in reincarnation, and because the airspace suit has not been completely unblocked, he cannot be Free movement in the temple.

This makes Su Mu curious, can people who enter the temple not be able to move freely? Is it just that you can't walk around in a fixed space?

There is also the record about the gods of the gods and the airspace supreme. According to Chengfeng, the airspace is under the gods. If Chengfeng can defeat Su Mu, it is likely to be promoted to the gods, but Chengfeng is a little embarrassed today. What if he defeated Su Mu? The suit will not change anymore.

But it is possible to advance!

After that, Chengfeng also said the Ninth Element, and the person Su Mu saw was correct, which led Su Mu to believe in everything Chengfeng said.

Su Mu saw the ninth element from the Great Ziwei, and saw the ninth element kill the goddess of water and blue, so the appearance of Chengfeng at this time provided Su Mu with some information and some guarantees on combat effectiveness.

Because just as Chengfeng said, if Su Mu wants to protect the goddesses, he must find a helper, and this helper can only be Chengfeng at the moment. The current level of Zero and Dragon is too low, so they are not involved in Rank 7 Things, maybe they will be the same as Chengfeng in the future, but currently the only person Su Mu can find as a helper is Chengfeng.

Moreover, Su Mu also learned that the wind-riding world is also a facet of the earth. They have been in the underworld for a while, and their reincarnation of the national war has ended, and the world rankings have come out. The Chinese Empire ranks second, First in the empire.

This ranking once again confirms Su Mu’s previous thinking that all reincarnations are not fixed history and time nodes. All reincarnations have their own stories and their own history. Therefore, the earth reincarnation Su Mu must bring China to the top of the world. !

After that, the two separated and added friends in the fairy realm. Su Mu said that he could directly find the Emperor Underworld in the underworld to contact him. This made Chengfeng a long time bewildered, saying that Su Mu was abnormal, and even Emperor Underworld could hook up. on.

Because the door of the town was all people looking for Su Mu and Chengfeng when they went offline yesterday, Su Mu went directly to the location that Aisha had previously transmitted, and then sent a message to Aisha.




The top floor of Bairou Wenxiang.

"This time I have compensated you, but how do you count the two slaps you slapped?" Aisha looked at Su Mu and said.

Su Mu reluctantly slid his shoulders and said: "Next time you encounter something like this, it will not be as simple as slapping a woman. Although I never want to hit a woman, don't violate my bottom line. What can I do if I kill you?"

Aisha didn't feel embarrassed at all, she knew the shadow of God very well, and knew the shadow of the remnant soul better, so at this time she could only regard this as having never happened.

"It's hard for you to leave the Forbidden Continent." Aisha smiled as she watched Su Mu walking out.

Su Mu waved his hand: "Sooner or later, the mythical empire will be the meat in my mouth. This third son of the family is considered as interest, so don't worry about it."

"Do I care about me? I'm still nosy, I think it's the mythical empire who died." Aisha couldn't help but said as she watched Su Mu's departure.

In the imperial city of the Forbidden Continent, after Su Mu left Baiwenrou Township, he already felt someone stalking him. Needless to say, he was also a person of Zhang Sanfeng. This person is the third son of the Zhang family and a shareholder son of the Mythical Empire. It's a pity that the members of the Zhang family don't have much power in the Mythical Empire, and all the powers are probably in the hands of Su Tianwen.

Because Su Mu wanted to see Ling Feng and Ling Xue brothers and sisters, so naturally he would not directly send back to Huangtianzhou area. As for Zhang Sancrazy, it would be fine if he didn't provoke himself, otherwise it would be an excuse to attack the mythical empire again.

Walking all the way to the gate of the imperial city, after leaving the safe zone, Su Mu saw a group of people surrounded behind him. There were also a dozen or so five-turn players staring at Su Mu right in front of him. The leader was hanging the mythical empire. The name of the guild is Zhang Sancrazy. He is still standing in his arms by the Xiaoluo who was expelled from Bairou Wenxiang by Aisha...

Su Mu sighed, isn't it okay to live well?

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