Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1525: So awesome

"Fuck, you **** dare to come out?" Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help cursing after seeing Su Mu.

The girl in his arms, Xiao Luo, said with an aggrieved look at this time: "Brother, you must give Xiao Luo this breath..."

"Don't worry, there are still things I can't do in the Forbidden Continent area?"

At this time, a large number of players in the Forbidden Continent who ran maps and missions stopped and looked at them. The feelings were because they were jealous. However, some players knew what happened yesterday, so this Su Mu made a big trouble in Bairou Wenxiang and offended the mythical empire. Zhang Sanfeng, this is where it is today.

"Oh, it's no wonder that this person is looking for death when he offends the Mythical Empire in the Forbidden Continent area?"

"I don't know yesterday, right?"

"I don't know your sister, San Gongzi's ID does not have the four characters of Mythical Empire?"


At this time, Su Mu had slowly walked up to Zhang Sanfeng and said, "If the Zhang family has only yours, then it's no wonder that you can't compete with the Su family, haha."

"What the **** are you talking about?!" Zhang Sanfeng never thought that Su Mu would know about their Zhang Family and Su Family. This is incredible. Even within the Mythical Empire, few people know about it. After all, this is a power contest in reality.

And Su Mu directly said such a sentence, how could this make Zhang San crazy not surprised?

"Who are you?" Zhang San faintly felt that this person was not simple anymore. He could know about the Su Family in Kyoto and Zhang Family. In China, there were only those brothers in Kyoto, but Zhang San Crazy didn't have any impression of this person.

At this time, Su Mu glanced at the people around him: "If you don't want to embarrass the Mythical Empire, just get out of the way, a good dog will not stand in the way!"


"Damn, dare you to speak wild words in front of the third son? Brothers, kill him, record this ID, all servers are wanted!"

The hooting crowd rushed up. Seeing that the war was about to begin, Su Mu laughed and asked, "Wanted for the whole service? Can you even enter the Huangtianzhou area? It's the same thing. Are you wanted for the whole service?"


The onlookers laughed aloud, because Su Mu’s words directly pierced the pain of the mythical empire. The mythical empire could go to Panguzhou District, or even Dishenzhou District, but Huangtianzhou District wanted someone without permission from God's Domain. ? Who gave you the courage?

Su Mu's words can't be said to not slap her face.

Zhang Sanfeng and the people around him were furious.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"




A circle of hula-la people surrounded Su Mu and quickly released their skills, but at this moment there was a bang!



A huge formation formed in the air, and then directly enveloped Su Mu's whole person.

All the players' skills fell on the formation, and then they were bounced out. Su Mu did not receive any damage.

In the formation, Su Mu couldn't help but sighed, and said that you don't need to worry about it, you still care about it!

"Oh, son Zhang, what made you so furious?" The charming Aisha walked out enchantingly from the gate of the imperial city, and the onlookers stared sideways at this woman's figure.

In the entire Forbidden Continent, no one didn't know Bairou Wenxiang's Aisha, even if they hadn't seen or heard of this woman's name, this was the biggest ‘that what’ boss in the entire Huaxia game.

The sudden appearance of this woman caused the surrounding players to speculate on Su Mu’s identity, but Zhang Sancrazy stared at Aisha with a sullen face and said, "Aisa, you still have to protect this person outside the safe zone?"

Aisha smiled, then walked to Zhang Sancrazy, Xiao Luo in her arms lowered her head slightly and whispered: "Love, Aisha sister..."


"Ah!" With an exclamation, Xiao Luo covered his beaten left face again, and then stared at Asia in surprise.

"Not long remember, Sha coldly snorted.

At this moment, Zhang Sancang who is standing on the side is going to be mad, this Aisha, it is enough to beat the woman she likes in Bairou Wenxiang, here in front of so many people, she will beat Xiaoluo, this It made Zhang San's mad anger attack his heart and directly raised his palm to beat Aisha!

With a snap, Aisha caught Zhang Sanfeng's arm and smiled: "It doesn't matter if Zhang Santong wants to beat the slave house, do you think your father is angry?"

"You!" Aisha, this woman can't offend, this is what Zhang Family's old man told Zhang Sancrazy, but the current atmosphere and the current anger have made Zhang Sancrazy about to lose her mind, especially in front of the woman she likes. It is in front of so many players in the continent, and in front of the brothers of the Mythical Empire. If this breath is swallowed, what will become of him?

So at this time Zhang San couldn't help but cursed crazy: "I **** beat you fucking..."




A damage value of 120,000 instantly emerged from the top of Zhang Sanfeng’s head, and what hit him was...Su Mu...'s hand... a passive that blessed God's Domain Bracer...

"My grass丨you..."


Another slap fell on the face, and Su Mu said faintly: "Do you know that people who drown can swim?"

Su Mu missed her body and was about to leave. At this time, Aisha smiled, and then faintly said in Zhang Sanfeng’s ear: “He is the public enemy of your mythical empire, um, God’s Domain Muying, if If you want to vent your anger to Xiao Luo, just catch up."

After speaking, Aisha also followed Su Mu's direction.

But at this moment, Zhang San stood madly in place, he was completely stupid at this moment.

Because he has never thought that this person is God's Domain Muying? What are you hitting? The people they brought with them didn't even have enough gaps between the teeth of this enchanting evildoer. What about PK?

No one knows that he has blocked Han Fei’s millions of people alone, let alone the dozens of people he brought, I’m afraid that he can’t keep him even if he brings a group of his own. ...

The most important thing is that if God’s Domain and the Myth Empire start war again, then the fuse is that Zhang San is crazy. When he thinks of his grandfather’s anger, Zhang San can’t help but sweat. Why is it just him?

"Brother! You can't just make him so cheap. Besides, you are still the head of the Mythical Empire, how can you lose your aura to an unknown person? Kill him..."


Two slaps resounding through the door came, and Zhang San stared at the woman madly and cursed: "Kill you, numb, kill! Do you **** know how much trouble I have caused me? Fuck."

"Three, three brothers...I...what's wrong with you..."

The audience sighed and looked dumbfounded.

At this moment, Aisha who had caught up with Su Mu grinned and said, "I told the kid about your identity, and I guess I won't be chasing you."

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Su Mu had reached the location of the small lake outside the Forbidden Continent, which was the direction of Lingfeng Pavilion. However, beside the small lake, a man stood in place with his back facing him.

Su Mu stopped where she was, and Aisha said, "Someone wants to see you, so I..."

"You're tired of your life..." Su Mu's voice was cold, terrifying, and with a strong hostility. The feeling instantly made Aisha feel her whole body stiff, and she couldn't even move her footsteps...but , What can she do? If this person wants to see Su Mu, she can only lead Su Mu here...

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