Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1660: Pangjia

Sumen base.

After Su Mu led the team to complete the task, everyone began to get busy, the guild base was expanded, and things such as income were proceeding in an orderly manner.

Su Mu was sitting in the office of the vice president of the base, playing with the dark soul refining furnace in his hand. Now Su Mu can roughly understand the function of this thing.

The so-called soul refining furnace is just like the meaning of its name. It is a kind of equipment that can refine souls for your own use. The boss soul that Su Mu saw in the dungeon yesterday can be collected, but Su Mu did not know this soul refining at the time. The effect of the furnace, so I missed a boss soul of the Zhongyuan period.

Moreover, Su Mu also discovered that the second chapter of the Divine Venerable Heart Secret Art was opened, and the content above is all about the cultivation of the soul refining furnace, so after returning to Sumen base, Su Mu shut himself in the room, except for eating and sleeping. It is the second chapter of the cultivation of the godly heart art.

It has continued until now that Su Mu has mastered a little about soul refining.

At this time the door opened and Su Gui walked in and sat opposite Su Mu and said, "How do you feel?"

Su Mu did not speak, and Su Gui continued: "Yesterday, after leading the team to complete the guild promotion mission, they disappeared without a trace. The members of the guild probably suspect that you are deliberately playing big cards now."

Su Mu smiled and said, "Do you know this Pang family?"

Su Gui was stunned when he heard the words, and then took out a book and put it in front of Su Mu before saying: "Why are you interested in the Pang family? Is it the first time you met the Pang family?"

"Yes, Wan'er said yesterday that the Pang family in the ninth district is very powerful, and the person I was drawn was Pang Zhihu, the third son of the Pang family."

"Pang Zhihu?" Su Gui was slightly surprised: "I've heard of this person. He is a genius in the ninth district. He is about the same age as you. He has reached the first stage of the Yuan Dynasty. I heard that he is going to be promoted a month ago. It’s the mid-yuan period, and I don’t know if I have advanced."

Speaking of this Su Gui, he asked: "Your strength is used for opponents below the mid-yuan period? If I am not wrong, because of the goddess of the gods, many of your earth reincarnation skills can be used in time reincarnation. In theory, you are now a master of the Zhongyuan Period."

Su Mu nodded, this is indeed a bit unexpected. Su Mu can use many of the skills of the earth reincarnation, but many of them are not enough to prompt and cannot be used, but Su Mu now has a more curious problem.

"Speaking of, you have been here for more than ten years? Why is the strength still in the mid-yuan period? Also, is it difficult to improve the ability in this world?"

This is Su Mu’s biggest problem when he comes to this world. Su Gui, a person who is almost invincible in Su Mu’s heart, but now it seems that in this world Su Gui is only one of the most common in the vast sea of ​​people, even inferior to the children of some aristocratic families. , Which made Su Mu curious.

Speaking of it, this is also a world of data. For more than ten years, only the strength of the Zhongyuan Period is just enough.

Su Gui glanced at Su Mu, then smiled: "Do you really treat this world as a game?"

"I know that this is both a game and the real world, but from my observations over the past few days, you have risen too slowly."

"Yes, it's really difficult to upgrade. I have only reached the mid-yuan period for more than ten years as a teacher. This is still pretty good. Many people have a poor life and cannot break through the mid-yuan period. This is the world. Cruel, the level not only requires killing monsters to accumulate amazing, but also the players' own physical functions to be able to upgrade, so why is your father not willing to come to this world and do business on the earth."

"He has been in this world too?"

Su Gui laughed: "Of course I have been here, otherwise how can I know this? And Zhou Wenling's master Lu Chenxi has also been here, but they all returned to the earth and did not return again. In fact, in this world of cultivation to the beginning Yuanqi is already a master of the masters on the earth, just like the first Yuanqi when the teacher met you for the first time, and teaching you what the teacher learned will cause you to directly sit on the Remnant Soul The location of the shadow, one can imagine the gap between these two worlds, if the Great Yuan Dynasty master returns to the earth, it will be like a god!"

Su Mu slapped his tongue. This is indeed a bit perverted. When Su Mu first saw Su Gui, he thought he was a god, and Su Gui now tells himself that he was only the strength of the early Yuan Dynasty. This gap is too big. Some.

"So, Goddess Lieyu, as the Mahayana period of this world, can call the wind and call rain on the earth, and can resurrect people who have died. The power in the cycle of time will be infinitely enlarged on the earth, but the power on the earth will also be reduced here. That's why Goddess Lieyu wants you to go to Reincarnation Star after the earth is promoted to the gods!"

Su Mu understands roughly.

"I haven't talked about the Pang family in District 9."

Su Gui laughed and said: "Pang family, how do you say, this Pang family has a history of hundreds of years in the ninth district. Almost every league game will have the Pang family qualified. Ten years ago, Pang family members He even advanced to the eighth district, and then from the eighth district all the way to the third district, so the Pang family has always been a high position in the ninth district, even the district head has to sell a bit of face."

Every world has human affections and sophistication. Su Mu can only say that even in this time cycle, he can't avoid those rich families.

"This Pang Zhihu is definitely not easy to deal with. It will take a lot of trouble to win him, but you can do your best. Even if the league cannot be promoted, don't you still have the ninth district head behind?" Su Gui stood up and left the room with a smile .

The head of the ninth district, Su Mu laughed, he did not expect Ying to develop so fast in this world.

At this moment, the knock on the door came again, and Su Mu said please come in.

Luo Jinming opened the door and said, "Vice President, someone is looking for you outside."

"Who is looking for me?" Su Mu put away the soul refining furnace and asked.

"She said her name is... Luo Qingcheng..."

"Luo Qingcheng?" Su Mu looked at Luo Jinming curiously. The latter nodded and said it was Luo Qingcheng.

What did she come to do with herself? Haven't they all retired?

Su Mu didn't want to have any intersection with this woman. After all, there were too many women around Su Mu. Even if there was a baby who came to the cycle of time, although there was no relationship with the baby, Su Mu knew that he could not get rid of it. Ying, let alone get rid of her. After all, Ying’s confession is still vivid. Su Mu said that he would not care about her because of his past with Ying, and he didn’t have much hatred with Ying. It was Ying Ying's hatred for Su Mu, after all, it was Su Mu who killed her.

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