Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1661: League start

Sumen base hall.

Su Mu stood in the hall and looked at Luo Qingcheng's outstanding appearance and appearance. I have to say that this woman is indeed a bit purple. If I changed to the previous Su Mu, it would have been glued long ago.

"Why are you?" Luo Qingcheng stared at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled and looked at Luo Qingcheng, "Why can't it be me?"

"I'm looking for Su Gui, President Sumen."

"He's not here, I'm the vice president, let's talk about anything."

Su Mu walked to the seat in the hall and sat down directly, and then looked at the beautiful beauty in front of him with Erlang's legs folded.

Luo Qingcheng frowned slightly and looked at Su Mu and said, "I took the position of vice chairman so soon? No wonder the Sumen Society has been stagnant, so what can nepotism use for development?"

Luo Qingcheng could see why Su Sect hadn't developed much in more than ten years, and this person in the early Yuan Dynasty could be the vice chairman. Wouldn't everyone on the street be Su Sect's vice chairman? It's no wonder that Sumen has been reluctant to make progress all these years!

But this in itself has nothing to do with her. Luo Qingcheng took out a scroll and said: "This Sumen mental method was originally given to our Luo family by Uncle Su Gui, and now it is returned. It is the same for you anyway. "

Luo Qingcheng put the scroll on the table and turned around to leave.

Su Mu stood up and said, "I heard that your Luo family will also settle in District 9?"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

"Speaking of it, it has something to do with me. If Sumen's strength is stronger, it is estimated that your Luo family will not move from the eighth district back to the ninth district, so it is still my pot?"

Luo Qingcheng turned his head to look at Su Mu and said, "Su Mu, even if you have a relationship with the ninth district mayor, don't want me to change my mind and please come again, don't think about it!"

Su Mu was startled, why this woman has such a villainous heart, I just wanted to say that if there is any need, I can help her, after all, Su Mu also learned something about the Luo family from Ying.

The settlement conditions of the eighth district have made it impossible for the Luo family to survive, so they can only settle in the ninth district. However, as long as you talk to the district chief of the eighth district, Haosheng, the Luo family may not necessarily move back to the ninth district.

At this time, the Luo family's strength has been stagnant because of the Luo family's marriage with the Sumen. Therefore, the Luo family plans to marry the eighth district Wang family. Su Mu is somewhat responsible.

It’s just that this Luo Qingcheng is simply a copy of Wenren Zihan, even more speechless than the first time I saw Wenren Zihan. Although Wenren Zihan is cold, she is reasonable. This woman is good and completely brutal. Unreasonable.

At this moment, Fuchu Wan'er walked in, and then looking at Luo Qingcheng’s icy curiosity, she glanced at Su Mu and said, "Vice President, the logistics department has already been promoted to the second-level guild for the reward’s time. 'The planning has been done, please allocate it.'

"Okay, I see." Su Mu nodded, then walked outside the door, and when he passed Luo Qingcheng, Su Mu slid his shoulders helplessly: "I don't mean what you imagined, I just want to do something for your Luo family. , Since your disdain like this is at odds with me, then in the future, don’t be angry.”

Seeing Su Mu's departure, Luo Qingcheng bit his blushing face with red lips. He was really thinking about what Su Mu still wants to have with her, but now it seems that he is still affectionate, especially in Luo Qingcheng. When Fuchu Wan'er said that Su Men was promoted to the second-level guild, she suddenly felt that she and her father moved back to the ninth district and retired Su Men a little hastily.

Although Luo Qingcheng does not want to admit that she regrets a little bit, as an adult, she must admit that she is indeed a little uncomfortable, whether it is because Su Mu defeated Li Changming or because Su Mu is familiar with the ninth district chief, or now Sumen was promoted to the second-level guild. If these news were received before she retired, Luo Qingcheng would like to ask herself, would she still choose to retire?

The answer is yes, and I will never choose to divorce, but the more Luo Qingcheng is like this, the more dissatisfied he is, the more he wants to find Su Mu’s disadvantages, and the more he wants to find Sumen’s worthlessness and balance his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. So a little regretful!

When leaving Sumen, Luo Qingcheng saw that Fuchu Wan'er had been following Su Mu, and respectfully explained what was the same.

A vice president of the early Yuan Dynasty came to the guild base to make the head of the logistics department so respected the next day?

Not only that, at this time, the members of the guild immediately became tidy after seeing Su Mu, and instantly fell silent.

Is this the authority a new vice president should have? This is like a high-ranking president!

What kind of person is this Su Mu? What kind of magic is there to convince the members of the entire guild to call him the vice president of the early Yuan Dynasty in one day?


The next day.

The ninth zone is in full swing because the league begins today.

The square of the entire ninth district is bustling and there are countless shouts. Many players use this opportunity to sell high-level weapons, auxiliary potions and other items to exchange for ‘time’!

The members who participated in the league began to play with their relatives and friends.

The game is outside the portal of the ninth district. All players participating in the game will enter the portal according to the system's prompts. The system will automatically send the participating players to the competition. Because it is an audition, it is impossible to watch the game directly. The system also cannot broadcast one by one, so friends and relatives of participating players can only stand in the district and wait.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the gate of the district government teleportation array compound. Numerous players stepped aside and saw a group of people come in.

"People from the Pang family!"

"Tsk tsk, it's just the audition competition, this Pang family brought so many people here."

"Who made the Pang family belong to him, alas."

Pang Zhihu, followed by many members of the Pang family, went directly to the bottom of the teleportation platform, and then looked at the envy and jealous eyes around him with a spirited look, and even many girls cheered in surprise.

It was like... a star came to the scene.

However, at this time, Pang Zhihu walked towards Su Mu's position, and everyone gave way. Everyone also saw Su Mu’s ID at this time, and also saw Pang Zhihu’s first match on the list of the system league. ID.

"Are you Su Mu?" Pang Zhihu was dressed in a white shirt, with a long sword in his hand. Although he looked a bit like a dude, his tone of voice was not that kind of stupid idiot. Although this Pang Zhihu is high-profile, but High-profile ones will not disgust ordinary players.

Su Mu nodded: "It's me."

"Early Yuan?"


"Okay, although it's a bit low, I, Pang Zhihu, will still go all out. Anyway, the game won't really die, and you don't have to have a psychological burden."

Su Mu smiled, this guy is quite cute.

At the same time, Luo Qingcheng and his group also came to the teleportation platform, and they happened to see the excitement on Su Mu's side. Luo Ming was startled slightly: "He still knows the Pang family?!"

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