Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1720: The Liang Family Finding Fault (6 more)

Pang Zhihu was moved, although he didn't know that Su Mu's gift was such a thing, but Su Mu's words made Pang Zhihu feel that he did not have any brothers!

I treat each other frankly because I know that the Pang family cannot escape catastrophe today, so the fruit of this jade girl is the same whether she can eat it or not, so she gave it to Su Mu, who was only in the early Yuan Dynasty, so that Su Mu could quickly improve her strength.

But I didn't expect that Su Mu would actually come up with such a gift to give himself a super surprise, this eighth level spirit stone, if possible, is enough for Su Mu to buy a few Jade Girl Fruits!

Pang Zhihu laughed and said, "Father, don't refuse!"

Pang Xiuwen glanced at Pang Zhihu, and then at Su Mu, only then nodded and agreed.

Su Mu hung up with a smile and said, "I suggest Uncle Pang to inlay it on the spot, so that everyone can see the effects of this eight-level spirit stone."

This statement made Pang Xiuwen and Pang Zhihu a car, and Pang Zhiqing couldn't help but be moved. Su Mu's observation of words and details and handling of details surprised them too much.

The Liang family and Bai family stared at each other, and Pang Xiuwen was seriously injured. Now Pang Xiuwen guesses that he can’t find an excuse to set gems immediately, but Su Mu’s words are just going to the water, and Pang Xiuwen also knows that Su Mu has seen his suffering. Seriously injured, it is more likely to know that the Liang family and the Bai family are embarrassing the Pang family today, so saying this undoubtedly solved a problem for him.

So Pang Xiuwen said without hesitation: "Okay, let the old man also look at the power of the eighth-level golden elemental spirit stone."

As he spoke, he saw Fubo directly hand over the elemental spirit stone.

The sound of the zheng!

The long sword came out, Pang Xiuwen did not hesitate to unload the five-level spirit stone from his long sword, and then inlaid the eighth-level elemental spirit stone.

With a burst of golden light flowing, Pang Xiuwen’s long sword instantly became brighter, and you could clearly see a golden light flashing on Pang Xiuwen’s arm, and then running through his whole body, Pang Xiuwen’s face instantly recovered blood , It is obvious that the injury was partially healed.

Su Mu smiled and returned to Pang Zhihu's side, while everyone in the hall looked at the long sword in Pang Xiuwen's hand and talked a lot.

"Brother Su, I didn't expect you to give this treasure to my father, I'm Pang San..."

"If it's a brother, don't talk nonsense. You don't hesitate to give me the fruit of the Jade Girl?"

"Fuck, it's no wonder that you just accepted it without declining. Your feelings are for not letting us resign at this time." Pang Zhihu cursed.

Su Mu laughed, and Fuchu Wan'er at the side also smiled. Her smile was what she felt towards Su Mu.

Even if Su Mu knew the head of the ninth district, even if Su Mu knew the owner of Wanbao Pavilion, he could keep these eighth-level spirit stones for his own use, but Su Mu didn’t hesitate to give it to Pang Zhihu’s father. It’s just this courage. It's not comparable to ordinary people, so Fuchu Wan'er smiled. The man she believed gave her too many surprises.

Not only Fuchu Wan'er, even Fuyu from Fengming Pavilion was a little surprised and curious at this time, and felt that Su Mu was becoming more and more mysterious.

And because of the appearance of Su Mu's gift, the next gift was a bit inconspicuous. No matter who came to present the gift, it was not as shocking as the eighth-level spirit stone.

Pang Xiuwen also regained some spirit after waiting for the gift.

At this time, Liang Bufan suddenly said: "Brother Pang, since the gift has ended, I have a few questions I want to ask."

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Most people know that the Liang family and the Pang family are at odds and even have feuds, so at this moment Liang Bufan suddenly spoke and everyone was quiet.

But the people of the Pang family, including Su Mu, knew that the Liang family was about to do it, and they couldn’t wait to do it, especially after Pang Xiuwen got the eighth-level spirit stone, Liang Bufan knew that if Pang Xiuwen was allowed to recover from his injury, he would add Pang Xiuwen will be promoted to the super master of the mysterious spirit stage in a short time on those eight-level golden elemental spirit stones!

At that time, the difficulty of eradicating the Pang family will be doubled, so today, even if there is no good opportunity, I have to do it.

Pang Xiuwen looked at Liang Bufan with the long sword in his hand, and said, "Brother Liang, please speak."

Liang Bufan, the owner of the Liang family, and Liang Shaohui’s father, walked slowly towards the middle of the hall and said, "Three days ago, a field team of my Liang family was suddenly attacked. At that time, it happened that the Liang family escorted supplies to the first place. District 6, but at the scene, I saw this."

As he spoke, he saw that Liang Bufan took out a piece of clothing stained with blood in his hands. The clothes were also engraved with the word "Pang", which happened to be the clothes fragments of Pang Jia Ding and the members of the guild, but it happened to be written with a word "Pang".

Everyone exclaimed.

The incident of the Liang family **** team being robbed is well known, but I didn't expect Liang Bufan to tell it at this time, and he still had evidence of the Pang family.

Everyone looked at Pang Xiuwen, and the latter smiled and said: "My Pang family can earn a living by robbery? Brother Liang, maybe some unkind person deliberately framed it?"

Liang Bufan nodded and said, "Yes, it's very possible! It's just this person..."

As he said that, he saw Uncle Zhang come in pressing a young man, and then directly thrown in front of Pang Xiuwen.

At this moment, whether it was Pang Xiuwen or Fu Bo, or even Pang Zhihu and Pang Zhiqing, looked at the young man in shock and exclaimed, "Pang Jiu?!"

"Young master...Master..." Pang Jiu's injuries seemed to have been severely beaten, but why did Pang Jiu suddenly appear here at this time?

"Brother Pang, is this person your Pang family?"

Pang Xiuwen frowned, because he knew that the Liang family was ready to come today, so he would not be able to get rid of this thing, so Pang Xiuwen just sat down slowly, and then nodded: "It's my Pang family. ."

"Well, this person appeared at the scene of the robbery and was directly captured by my Liang family. Brother Pang, what else can you say?" Liang Bufan's mouth twitched a few times, giving people a feeling of smirk.

All the people at the scene quietly dropped the needle and could hear it, and even felt that the whole hall was filled with a kind of killing intent.

The Liang family has all the evidence and evidence, and Pang Xiuwen has nothing to say. Then there must be a **** storm, and this kind of family enmity is generally not handled by the official, nor can it be controlled. Is it the Tianyong City or the entire Huadu Empire? There are too many such things. After all, some of the family's relationships extend directly to the nine major districts. How wide can the district head of the ninth district manage?

Moreover, the head of the ninth district is not in the ninth district now.

Therefore, some people started to leave the hall and Pang's house. No one could interfere with this matter, and no one wanted to wade in the muddy water. Therefore, the people in the Pang's compound quickly left cleanly.

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