Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1721: Yeah brother

Pang family.

The Liang family and the Bai family were left in the hall, and Fu Bo and Pang Xiuwen had been staring at the two great masters of the Great Yuan period, Liang Bufan and Bai Zhenkong. As for Liang Shaohui and Bai Qing, there was no need to stare.

However, everyone at the scene was left clean, Su Mu, Fuchu Wan'er, and even Fuyu and Aunt Juan stayed where they were.

At this time, Liang Bufan looked at Su Mu and snorted, "The Liang family and the Pang family are grudges, idlers, please get out!"

Su Mu was startled, but before he could speak, he heard Aunt Juan say: "I, Fengming Pavilion, will only watch the game again."

"That's great." Liang Bufan sneered, Liang, Fengming Pavilion didn't dare to be nosy.

At this time, Pang Zhihu looked at Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, this matter is my Pang family's private matter. You and Miss Wan'er should go back first."

This is what Pang Xiuwen meant, so he also looked at Su Mu and signaled Su Mu to leave this place of right and wrong. After all, starting a battle with the Liang family was not something that early players like Su Mu could intervene. Liang family, Pang family, Bai family The guards of this aristocratic family are the lowest in the mid-yuan period, and they can only kill Su Mu in vain.

But Su Mu smiled and said, "Why let me go? Pang's family affairs?"

"Brother Su, I didn't mean that, but..."

"I understand what you are going to say, but let me Su Mu leave at this time, Pang San, are you a bit unkind?" Su Mu looked at Pang Zhihu and said.

Pang Zhihu didn't know what to say for a while, so he blushed and his neck was thick.

But at this time Pang Xiuwen slowly walked down from the first position and stood in the middle of the hall. Pang Xiuwen said: "Su Mu, this matter is a grievance between the Pang family and the Liang family. Sumen should not interfere."

"Huh, Su Men? Intervene, I want to see how long Su Men can still jump!" Liang Shaohui snorted and stared at Su Mu.

However, to everyone's expectation, Su Mu turned and walked out of the hall, which made everyone feel a little embarrassed. After all, Su Mu didn't want to leave just now, but what does it mean to turn around and leave now? Scared?

Fuchu Wan'er immediately followed out. Today she can only follow Su Mu, and she naturally has to leave when Su Mu leaves.

However, to everyone's surprise again, Su Mu directly stood in the Pang family's compound and said to the entrance of the hall: "Pang San, come out for me."

Pang Zhihu was taken aback, then looked back at Pang Xiuwen and Fu Bo, then everyone walked out of the hall one after another, fighting in the hall itself was not what they wanted.

At this time, he saw Su Mu staring at Pang Zhihu as he walked down the steps, and then he turned around and stood still and stopped speaking.

Pang Zhihu walked to Su Mu's and stood shoulder to shoulder with Su Mu: "Brother Su, you are..."

"Kneel down."


With a thud, Su Mu knelt directly on the ground, and then said again: "Kneel down!"

Pang Zhihu is really trapped, what is Su Mu going to do?

Not only him, but Fuchu Wan'er, Fuyu and Aunt Juan all looked at Su Mu curiously. What is Su Mu going to do at this critical juncture?

Pang Xiuwen was also a bit strange. Although the Liang family and the Bai family were bound to fight the Pang family today, Su Mu's performance at this time completely attracted everyone, because Su Mu's performance was too strange.

Pang Zhihu glanced back at his father and elder brother, then turned around and knelt directly on the ground like Su Mu.

The two brothers knelt together to the sky, and then they saw Su Mu clasped fists and shouted: "I, Su Mu, would like to marry Pang Zhihu as brothers of different surnames. I do not want to be born in the same year and the same day, but I want to die in the same year and the same month. It's hard to carry it together!!"


Everyone looked at Su Mu in shock, especially Pang Zhihu. His eyes were wet with tears at this time. Su Mu and Su Mu, don't you know that today the Liang family and the Bai family are going to completely eradicate the Pang family? This represents a deadly battle!

Moreover, Pang Xiuwen was seriously injured, and the Pang family masters did not have as many people as the Liang family and the Bai family. If they really fought, the Pang family would be defeated. Even after today, there will be no more Pang family in the ninth district.

However, at this time, it was just because Pang Xiuwen said to himself that this was a private matter of the Pang family, and Su Mu actually wanted to worship himself directly. After the worship, would the matter of the Pang family be regarded as Su Mu's business?

At this moment, a big man moved by Pang Zhihu was crying, even crying.

People of this generation do not seek friends from thousands of miles, but only seek acquaintances!

At this moment, Pang Zhihu has no repayment for Su Mu's affection! Can't refuse! At this time, Pang Zhihu only had the touch and gratitude in his heart.

"What are you crying! Swear!" Su Mu shouted looking at Pang Zhihu with a touch of expression.

This is more than Pang Zhihu? Fuchu Wan'er also had blurred eyes. She didn't know what the relationship between the men was, but she could feel Su Mu's dedication to the brothers. The Pang family suffered today, and Su Mu came forward, knowing if she knew it. How useful it is to behold Pang Zhihu when she knows she is likely to die, this kind of relationship between men really confuses her.

Fuyuan and Aunt Juan could not help but moved. Fuyuan was moved. Although Aunt Juan was a bit disdainful, she had to admit that Su Mu's behavior was very exciting and moved...

At this time, Pang Zhihu suddenly wiped away his tears and shouted: "Okay! I am willing to marry Su Mu as brothers of different surnames! Don't ask to be born in the same year and the same day! I can ask for death in the same year, the same month, and the same day! I also ask for blessings and sharing difficulties together! !"

The two of them bowed to the sky and three heads.

After that, Su Mu shouted: "In this life, a brother, a brother for life!"

"Brothers! Brothers for life!"

"I am 26 years old!"

"I am 25 years old!"

"Big Brother!"

"Pang San'er!"


The two looked at each other and laughed.

On the steps, Pang Xiuwen, Fu Bo, and Pang Zhiqing, and even the Pang family’s guards and guards all had blurry smiles. It’s great to be young. Even Fu Bo and Pang Xiuwen felt that if they were a few decades younger Meeting such a friend is really dead without regret.

This incident moved the Pang family, Fuchu Wan'er, and Fu Hua, but to the Liang family and the Bai family, it could only be a mockery.

Because, it's just the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it's just a dead end.

However, I saw Su Mu standing up and looking at Pang Xiuwen and said, "Uncle Pang, do I have the right to interrogate Pang's family affairs now?"

Pang Xiuwen nodded, his eyes blurred and smiled: "Yes! Yes! Hahaha!"

Pang Zhihu has such a brother! Pang Xiuwen can only laugh, no matter what the ending is today, but it is to let him regain the blood of his youth, no matter how ignorant this Su Mu is, it gives people a feeling that love is greater than heaven and brothers are heavier than earth. So, enough, enough...

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