Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1737: Nuan Rentian

"It's over, the district government has sent troops."

"Tsk tusk, just send troops now, what did you do earlier?"

"But I heard that Sumen has a deep relationship with the district government, so the dispatch of troops now is probably planned long ago, right?"

"However, this law cannot be changed, right? Pang Zhihu and Su Mu must be sanctioned."

"Well, who would say it is not? The Liang family's massacre of the Pang family in the Pang family compound is considered legal, because it is the family's grievances, but it can't be massacred in the street. The impact is too great and it will cause panic.

The cycle of time is like this. The law is still different from the real world. Killing on the street is a violation of the law, but if you are arguing and fighting in the compound because of the family’s grievances, it’s okay. So now, the Liang family doesn’t. Anything violated the law, but Su Mu and Pang Zhihu did.

"Keep all away! Keep away!"

A large number of guards rushed to the gate of Bai's house, and then instantly isolated the onlookers in the outer circle.

At this time, a group of people walked slowly with umbrellas, but the leader was a middle-aged man, and he was wearing... the uniform of the district chief?

He was wearing a black long gown, and on his chest was engraved a beast of time reincarnation that only the district chief could portray.

Su Mu and Pang Zhihu couldn't help but glanced at each other, and a bad premonition came.

"I am Nuan Rentian, the new district head of the ninth district. The officer received the massacre in the first block just after he took office. The impact at this time was extremely bad. Pang Zhihu and Su Mu immediately put down their weapons, otherwise they would kill on the spot!" Ren Tian walked to the middle of the crowd, and then drank Su Mu and Pang Zhihu.

At this time, Bai Zhenkong and Bai Zhe didn't know what had happened. Although the official people had arrived early, they had no effect on the Bai family.

So at this time Bai Zhenkong could only watch the changes.

Numerous mid-yuan period guards surrounded Su Mu and Pang Zhihu, and even the masters of the Great Yuan period. This Nuan Rentian is the strength of the Great Yuan period Dzogchen, so this is definitely one of the few players in the ninth district.

Su Mu and Pang Zhihu looked at each other, then looked at Nuan Rentian again.

At this moment, a girl rushed out again from the back of the crowd. The girl took out a token in her hand, and then directly directed the guard, Nuan Rentian also waved her hand to let the girl in.

Su Mu frowned slightly as he watched as Ye Xue rushed in. Ye Xue, who had been soaked all over her body, walked directly in front of Su Mu, and then watched Su Mu paused before saying: "Baby sister has been dismissed."

Su Mu and Pang Zhihu's heart sank, Ying Ying was dismissed, then the things Su Mu created today will inevitably be sanctioned by the new district mayor, and the new officials will be three fires.

"What's the matter?" Su Mu was worried about Ying's comfort. At this time, it didn't matter whether Ying was the district head or not. Su Mu could no longer lose any ‘family’, especially those from the earth.

Wangxue shook his head: "He said he was going to the eighth district for a meeting, but after entering, he did not come out again. After that, he heard the announcement from the eighth district government that the head infant of the nine districts was dismissed and he was placed under house arrest in Sister let me tell you, don't go to the eighth district to find her!"

Su Mu frowned. There must be something else that Ying didn't tell Lingxue, otherwise how could Ying know in advance that he was going to be dismissed?

Wangxue glanced at Bai Zhenkong, then glanced at the surrounding guards and said: "Don't resist, they will really kill you. The Liang family has been slaughtered by you. It's enough. Don't cause trouble anymore. Leave the green mountain. Don't worry about not having firewood!"

Su Mu naturally knows what Wang Xue said. Now the official action is taken. If Su Mu and Pang Zhihu still want to slaughter the Bai family, they will definitely be killed by the guards at the scene. However, it is a bit unwilling to let the Bai family go. The most important thing is Now that the government intervenes, Su Mu and Pang Zhihu will naturally be sanctioned, so no matter what kind of result it is, they are not friendly to Su Mu and Pang Zhihu.

At this moment, two people came out from the gate of the Bai family, Bai Qing and Liang Shaohui.

At this time, after seeing the official guards dispatched, Liang Shaohui again put on the beating face again, and then walked directly to Bai Zhenkong and stood opposite Su Mu and Pang Zhihu with a sneer: "That's awesome, you still want to slaughter the Bai family? How many heads are there? Come on!"

"Fuck!" Su Mu couldn't help but moved forward, but was still stopped by Pang Zhihu and Dead Xue. At this time, the surrounding guards also began to move forward. It seemed that they would instantly kill Su Mu as soon as Su Mu started!

"Brother! The official guards are here, they will really kill us if they do it again, don't be impulsive!"

Wangxue also nodded. The current situation is too unfriendly to Su Mu and Pang Zhihu, so now he can only tolerate it, and the Liang family has been killed by them almost, and everything is profitable.

"Say it again, put down the weapon, or kill it on the spot!" Nuan Rentian shouted again.

Su Mu looked back at Liang Shaohui, then said coldly: "Forget your **** luck!"

Liang Shaohui was frightened again just now, so now seeing that Su Mu didn't dare to do anything but was not convinced, he walked directly to Su Mu's, and then sneered in Su Mu's ear: "Su Mu, you are very awesome, aren't you? Don’t dare to kill me? Haha, I don’t believe you can protect Sumen forever. There will always be times when you are away. In this prison disaster, Lao Tzu will kill everyone in Sumen, and Fuchu Wan'er, she Sooner or later it will become Lao Tzu's crotch plaything, hahaha!!"

Because of the official existence, Liang Shaohui was quite bold, and he also saw that Su Mu didn't dare to do it, because as long as he did it, he would inevitably suffer an official killing.

Pang Zhihu gritted his teeth, Ling Xue also filled his eyes with anger.

I saw Liang Shaohui stand upright, then smiled at Su Mu and said, "If you don't accept? If you don't accept, you kill me? Haha! Do you dare? Do you **** have a seed? Kid! Remember what I just said! Haha! !!!"

After talking about Liang Shaohui turned and walked towards the Bai’s position, the official people were there, no one dared to do it, even in the Great Yuan Dynasty, it is impossible to kill under the eyes of the official people. This is impossible, and it is precisely because of this that Liang Shaohui is so bold. !

At this time, Su Mu, who was trembling all over, was really about to explode, but was pulled by Pang Zhihu and Wangxue.

However, Su Mu knew that he was bound to be sanctioned by the authorities this time, but the people of Su Sect were still on the run. Liang Shaohui would definitely not let Su Sect's people alive, so he couldn't keep this scum!

"Hey!" Su Mu suddenly called Liang Shaohui.

At this moment, Wangxue's eyes widened instantly, and it was over! Because she knew that Su Mu couldn't bear it anymore, and she knew that Su Mu's madness could not be stopped by anyone, let alone the new district head of District 9, I am afraid that even the city lord of Tianyong City could not stop Su Mu who was crazy.


Puff! !

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