Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1738: I just refuse


With a hey, Liang Shaohui turned around abruptly, and then saw Su Mu's figure disappear instantly and came directly in front of him. At this moment, Liang Shaohui's back was cold, because he did not expect Su Mu to really dare Do it in front of the official guards, isn't this looking for death?


Puff! ! ! !

"Ah!" Liang Shaohui screamed and fell directly to the ground. At this time, his pupils shrank, and he clearly felt the fear of death.

However, at this time, a guard stood in front of Su Mu, and directly blocked Su Mu's attack with his aura and shouted, "Bold!!"

The long sword pierced the man's aura, but he couldn't get in here. Su Mu couldn't help but looked at the man's aura in surprise, the late Yuan Dynasty?


The crowd surrounded Su Mu's trio, and the person who blocked Su Mu slowly stood up and said coldly: "So bold and reckless, don't you really want to die?!"

Nuan Rentian also shouted: "Su Mu! Put down the weapon in your hand immediately, otherwise you will never be able to resurrect!"

The red eyes of Su Mu are still looking around, there are at least forty mid-yuan periods, and four or five great yuan periods. That Nuan Rentian is the strength of the great yuan and great perfection. Under this encirclement, there is nothing There is no chance of winning, or even the ability to protect yourself.

So at this time Su Mu could only stand up slowly, and then slowly dropped the long sword to the ground.

At this moment, Liang Shaohui suddenly stood up again and laughed loudly: "Awesome! Keep going! I'm standing here, there is a kind of you to kill me! Hahaha!"

There was a creak of creaking teeth, and the dead snow secret road was really over. Is this going to completely anger Su Mu?

However, what surprised Lingxue was that Su Mu slowly turned around and looked at Nuan Rentian and said, "Today! I must kill him! You! Can't stop me!!!"

Nuan Rentian was stunned when he heard this, and before he could make any response, he saw Su Mu's figure disappear instantly.



He pinched Liang Shaohui's neck with one hand, and almost no one saw how Su Mu passed by, except that Liang Shaohui's figure was instantly lifted up.

At this moment, Liang Shaohui's face suddenly changed. He looked at Su Mu's blood-red eyes in horror. How did he come here? There are at least a dozen Zhongyuanqi between himself and him, and there is also a master of Dayuanqi, why did he rush over?

Does he really dare to kill himself in front of so many people? If this were the case, he would be killed on the spot.

It's just that he still didn't understand Su Mu too much. Liang Shaohui was really frightened at this time, because he felt the strong killing intent from Su Mu, and even felt Su Mu's desire to kill him.

In fact, when Liang Shaohui ridiculed Su Mu, Bai Zhenkong sighed in his heart. What if he can speak quickly? Infuriating Su Mu, Liang Shaohui must have no good end, and Su Mu's teleportation directly made Bai Zhenkong feel cold. At this speed, no one can stop him. In the early Yuan Dynasty, who is he?

Before the audience blinked in time to exclaim...

I saw Su Mu pinching Liang Shaohui's neck and lifting it up, and then staring at Liang Shaohui coldly and said: "I just refuse to accept today! What if I kill you?!"

"Goo~ You..."

Click! There was the sound of a twisted neck, and Dead Snow closed her eyes involuntarily. It's over, it's really over, killing people in front of the district chief, and killing so arrogantly...


boom! !

Boom! ! !

Click! Click!

Numerous Zhongyuan Periods instantly subdued Lingxue and Pang Zhihu, and even directly used some special props from the district government to trap them in place.

At this time, countless people directly besieged Su Mu and surrounded him.

At this time, Fuyu and Aunt Juan who had just arrived, their eyes widened, and they killed Liang Shaohui in front of the new district head. This Su Mu, is he really crazy?

However, now Pang Zhihu and Wang Xue are subdued, and Su Mu is left alone, and the district government will definitely kill Su Mu on the spot.

"Kill on the spot!!!" Nuan Rentian suddenly shouted.

Can you imagine the anger in his heart? He had just received the massacre in the first block when he took office. After he arrived, this person dared to kill people in front of him. This was simply fighting against the district government. This kind of thing could only kill a hundred.






Countless auras gathered together.




Countless moves fell, and Su Mu was flanked back and forth. Even if he could defend some damage, he couldn't stand too many people.

Su Mu, who had already consumed almost the same amount, was even weaker at this time, and there were still two masters of the Great Yuan Period among the guards under siege, so Su Mu was instantly beaten unilaterally.





Blood was spit out, the heavy rain washed away, and Su Mu was beaten into the air by a group of masters of the Middle Yuan period.

Washed by the heavy rain head on, Su Mu seemed to lose consciousness.


Su Mu fell on the ground motionless, while the dead Xue and Pang Zhihu standing beside them were furious, but they couldn't get rid of the shackles of the district government.

Nuan Rentian walked over slowly, looking at Su Mu who was dying on the ground and said, "Put down your weapon!"

The corner of Su Mu's mouth bounced slightly, then turned over and lay on the ground, and then slowly got up, the long sword supported his body and no longer fell, then Su Mu, with his head down, slowly raised his head and looked at Nuan Rentian. Smiled and said: "You don't kill me if you put down your weapons?"

"The impact of this matter is extremely bad, you have already been punished!" Nuan Rentian said coldly.

The blood at the corner of Su Mu's mouth slowly flowed down, dripping directly on the ground with the rain, and then suddenly shouted: "In that case! Why did I put down his weapon? Ah?!"


The long sword went straight to Nuan Rentian's chest.


The tip of the sword stopped in front of Nuan Rentian's chest, and then was blocked by a strong aura. Nuan Rentian looked at Su Mu and said, "Nevertheless, if you continue to resist, your crime can only be greater!"

"Haha! I slaughtered the entire Liang family. Isn't it enough for the death penalty? No matter how great the crime is, isn't it a death? Since the result is the same, why did I want to get caught? Tell me why you want to get caught!

"The Power of Merger!!!"

Buzzing! ! !

The huge red aura instantly filled Su Mu's body, and the guards in the encircling circle were about to move forward, but they saw Nuan Rentian wave their hands to signal them not to approach.

Then I saw the red light on Su Mu's body instantly condensed into elemental aura, and... it was nine auras with different colors!

Nuan Rentian looked at Su Mu's body in shock. This... is the physique of the nine elements in one body failing?

This physique has been possessed by only one person for thousands of years in the cycle of time! How could it appear here?

[Six changes will resume tomorrow! 】

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