Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1739: Body of Nine Elements

boom! ! !

In the heavy rain, nine auras of different colors rose into the sky to wrap Su Mu's body, and the rain could not penetrate these auras, which made Nuan Rentian who was standing in front of Su Mu surprised.

It's impossible for ordinary people to see this situation, and countless people don't know what's going on, and only some aristocratic families and big families can understand what these nine aura bands of different colors actually represent.

At this moment, Fuyu and Aunt Juan stared at Su Mu's body with wide-open eyes.

Both of them were completely stunned.

Because of the special existence of Fengming Pavilion, Fuyu and Aunt Juan knew what Su Mu's nine elements represented.

In the thousand years of time cycle development, only one person has ever had the nine elemental auras, and that is the **** of time cycle.

It’s just that it’s been a thousand years ago. Legend has it that the gods killed the Xuansheng stage with the Xuanling stage, and even slaughtered all the masters of the entire Huadu Empire, and even fell into demons, and then was reincarnated by the four great ones of time. All the masters of the empire were reluctantly killed by the alliance, but later it was said that this **** was directly ascended to the main **** area of ​​time reincarnation, and the legend of the **** slaying demons was realized.

It's just that this kind of thing is limited to legends, but now, Fuyu and Aunt Juan have all seen the nine elemental auras on Su Mu's body, how can they not dare to believe it, because this is just a legend, the two elements of Fuyu There is no one in a million, but now they see the constitution of the nine elements combined together!


This completely stunned them.

Aunt Juan murmured: "This is... the body of nine yuan!"

Not only according to the legend of the gods, but in the cycle of time, the body of nine yuan also represents an era of the cycle of time!

In order to prevent overpopulation, the reincarnation star creates time reincarnation, and when you reach a certain achievement, you can leave time reincarnation and return to the real world. This nine-element body is said to end all of this existence. This is the Fengming Pavilion secret book. The recorded prophecy...

Why doesn't Fu Yi know what Aunt Juan is talking about?

At the beginning, she just knew that Su Mu was the emperor of her life, but now Fuhua feels that this emperor of life is the emperor of the entire cycle of time!

for sure! Must get him! Aunt Juan thought so.

Buzzing! !

Buzzing! !

"I! Just don't agree!!" Su Mu stared at that Nuan Rentian proudly.

At this time, Nuan Rentian was shocked, and then quickly stepped back and shouted: "Nine Yuan Body?!"



Su Mu's figure rushed forward quickly.


The sword of God's Domain hits the shield on Nuan Rentian's chest and burst instantly!


The players at the scene didn’t know what the Nine Yuan Body was, and they didn’t even know what the nine colors on Su Mu's body represented. They just knew that this Su Sect’s Su Mu broke out again, and it was with the Great Yuan Period, even It is the Great Yuan period of Dzogchen fighting!

boom! ! !

Nuan Rentian flew in response, his body was quickly knocked into the air, everyone's eyes widened, the Great Perfection of the Great Yuan Period, how vulnerable is it?

Not only the players, Bai Zhenkong's eyes widened at this time. Now he finally understands why a Pang Zhihu and a Su Mu slaughtered the entire Liang family. This Su Mu is simply a freak. How many secrets does he still have? How much strength is still not available?




The buzzing elemental aura solidified in an instant, and Nuan Rentian's water defense ice shield was directly formed.

After Su Mu rushed up, he instantly solidified in it.

when! Bang! ! !

Su Mu, who was frozen in an instant, fell directly to the ground, Nuan Rentian couldn't help holding his chest and said: "After all, the foundation is too bad."

At this time, all the guards rushed up, and then they saw the other two Great Yuan Periods directly forming a triangular position with Nuan Rentian, and then released the elemental auras in their hands.



Death Xue Pang Zhihu screamed, Fu Yan couldn't help covering his mouth, and even wanted to rush up, but was stopped by Aunt Juan: "It can't be stopped, the new district head will definitely not let him leave the scene alive."

"Auntie Juan..."

Aunt Juan shook her head: "I can't stop it!"

"No!" Dead Xue's eyes were crying bitterly, and finally let him and Yingjie be alone in the same world, but what turned out to be?

If Su Mu is killed, then Yingjie will definitely not survive. This is not only killing Su Mu, but also killing Yingjie!

Wangxue looked vaguely at the three masters of the Great Yuan Period to strangle Su Mu, but he was helpless. Pang Zhihu of the Great Yuan Period was helpless, let alone just a Mid-Yuan Period Dead Snow?


Let Xuexue and Pang Zhihu scream, but the frozen Su Mu still received three huge energy shocks, and the ice was melting the moment.



Bang bang bang! ! !

Ice thorns, flames, and ground thorns of the gold element instantly pinched Su Mu's body in them.

Puff puff!

The blood kept flowing out, Su Mu's pupils dilated instantly, and the blood-red eyeballs returned to their normal color, and then his eyes went black...

"Su Su!" The elegant blue figure of the water blue goddess, her long skirt fluttering with the wind, wanted to touch Su Mu with one hand, but she got farther and farther until she disappeared...

"Mu Mu!" The female emperor's hot and **** figure, with a fiery red robe, and a long dress like a cheongsam, she smiled enchantingly and slowly disappeared.

"Master boss!" Jin Ning's solemn golden figure, with a look of dismay and sadness.

"Master!" There is also Tu Li's gentle eyes, she is gentle, as if to hold Su Mu.

"Brother Su!" Mu Ling's little pitiful tearful, her eyes were sad at this time.

"Boss!" Su Yan looked indifferently, as if nothing could move her.

"We are with you." The wind goddess's white hair fluttered, and even her long skirt turned into a small whirlwind.

"My Lord God." Goddess Lieyu's tepid and imperceptible expression was in her pure white pupils.

The eight goddesses appeared in front of Su Mu at the same time, but they all slowly retreated in the air, slowly moving away from Su Mu, as if to be separated from Su Mu forever.

At this moment Su Mu knew that it might really be over, unwilling, unbelief, all negative feelings came.

In an instant, Su Mu saw all the different faces of the eight goddesses turned around, and then disappeared into the void.

Perhaps it would be nice to end this way.

Su Mu hung up a smile, then his eyes completely turned into darkness, his consciousness disappeared...

boom! ! ! ! !

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