Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1744: Angry bald head (6 more)

In fact, Su Mu did not know, Bai Zhenkong and Pang Zhihu had been wondering why Su Mu was not killed on the spot, even if Wanbao Pavilion came forward, it should not be that simple.

However, neither Su Mu nor Pang Zhihu died. Pang Zhihu always suspected that this was done deliberately by the upper hand. So when Pang Zhihu was on the ship, he wanted to ask Su Mu if he was in the eighth district or a higher level area. , But Pang Zhihu never asked about the relationship due to trust.

So now the people in the second district of the prison do not believe what Su Mu said, which is naturally reasonable.

People who killed a hundred people in the neighborhood and came to the death penalty prison alive have not really heard of them in the cycle of time.

So the big bald head directly arranged ten people in a row for Su Muzuan, which is also because they felt that Su Mu's bragging was a bit too much.

Su Mu stood where he frowned and watched the people around him roaring, including the remaining three newcomers, all trembling a little at this time.

"Boy! I'll say it again, drill it for me!!" The big bald head looked at Su Mu condescendingly, even if he was squatting, he was almost a line higher than Su Mu.

However, Su Mu never moved. Su Mu also wanted to understand one thing at this time. In fighting here, it is estimated that the jailer would not care, nor could he take care of it. Which of the people who can come here is a fuel-efficient lamp? And that didn’t come because it was guaranteed to be exempted from the capital crime, so it was somewhat capable in the outside world.

"Let me drill? Haha." Su Mu couldn't help but sneered, not to mention this kind of insult to the hip, even if it is possible for Su Mu to say something soft? Whether it's on the earth or the cycle of time, when did Su Mu convince people?

And the big bald head frowned involuntarily when he saw Su Mu's tone of voice, then stood up and walked directly to Su Mu's and asked: "Boy, you will die here at any time. If you are acquainted, you will get past."

Su Mu looked at the big bald head one head above himself and said, "What if I don't drill?"

"Oh huh~"

"Haha, bald brother, someone is challenging your authority."


"Oh oh oh~~"

Everyone started to boo, and the big bald head also looked around, it seemed a little embarrassed, and it seemed as though it was embarrassing, and then looking at Su Mu's resolute expression of not drilling, he suddenly raised his hand.

Hu Sha directly hit Su Mu with a punch!


Su Mu grabbed the big bald fist with a palm, and then took a few steps back, Su Mu frowned.

Without the aura and the elements, everyone now has an ordinary physique, and the fight is just like the real world on Earth.

"Wow, I have some strength!"

"Tsk tusk, dare to resist, this person is not dead, right?"

"Bald brother, kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"


In an instant, there were more and more elderly people onlookers, and everyone yelled at the three words killing him, as if seeing people killed here is also a form of entertainment.

Countless people watched. After all, no one dared to come in and resisted for many days, so Su Mu's behavior instantly attracted a large number of old prisoners.

The big bald head stood in the middle and was cheered by the crowd. Su Mu's failure to drill seemed to be embarrassing him. With Su Mu's resistance, the big bald head couldn't help but become angry.

"Damn, I will kill you today!"


Two steps rushed to Su Mu's, his fist went straight to Su Mu's door.

Here, no one can use aura, so there is no attribute of the system. Then, ordinary people fight naturally like the earth.

However, excluding Su Mu's ability in the game, he himself is still the leader of the remnant soul. With the ancient Chinese martial arts on his body, plus his years of battlefield experience, how can Su Mu's fighting experience be comparable to the useless people after being deprived of aura?

Therefore, at the moment the big bald head rushed up, Su Mu turned sideways, and then quickly pulled the big bald head's arm, and then fell directly against the big bald head!

But unexpectedly, the big bald head also seemed to be very experienced. He directly began to suppress Su Mu's body, but...


Su Mu's heel kicked one of the big bald head's feet directly, and Su Mu resisted him with a scream.

Bang! boom! ! !

A burst of dust rose, and all the cheering people instantly became quiet. At this time, only the big bald head lying on the ground and howling was holding his chest...

The audience was stunned, because everyone is an ordinary person, so the size determines the strength, but Su Mu's small body actually directly beat the big bald head to the ground?

"Damn it!" The big bald head stood up and covered his chest and said: "It's interesting, it looks like you have to die today to satisfy everyone's enthusiasm!"

Hearing this, everyone cheered again.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

Everyone yelled, the big bald head took a sip, and then approached Su Mu again, but they didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

The big bald head also understood that this Su Mu was not easy to deal with. Although the trick just now was very common, it was a surprise to him to be able to crack it in an instant.

So the big bald head has been tentatively attacking Su Mu, but Su Mu stood there as if looking at a clown.

"To be honest, why don't you just go to death like this? Can you still fight?" Su Mu sneered. This big bald head is not even as good as the Thai boxing champion Su Mu encountered in Haitian City. To put it bluntly, even if it is. Without aura, Su Mu is still Su Mu, the shadow of the remnant soul, and the butcher of the remnant soul!

"Go on, Brother Bald!"

"Go! Kill him!"

The big bald head couldn't help listening to the shouts around him anymore, he yelled, and then rushed up suddenly.


The fist was an illusion, and the big bald head shook, then he directly raised his foot and kicked Su Mu's abdomen.

Because of his tall body, the big bald head wanted to use this advantage to hit Su Mu, and everything was easy to do if he hit Su Mu.

However, unexpectedly, Su Mu stood still and did not move at all. Su Mu did not retreat but moved forward when the big bald head went out!

Directly grabbed the right leg of the big bald head, then Su Mu slightly squatted down and grabbed the other leg of the big bald head!



The big bald head was instantly resisted by Su Mu, and then he saw Su Mu suddenly lifted up, and then quickly threw it out.



咚咚! !

The big bald head who stopped after two consecutive scrolls grinned involuntarily.

However, in the next second, he saw Su Mu's figure directly next to him, and after taking it in, he said coldly: "In any world, you are afraid of death, and you are afraid of death! Everyone is a murderer, who Who the **** are you afraid of?"

In fact, on the earth, this sentence should be said: horizontally afraid, afraid of death, fearful of shamelessness, fear of shamelessness, fear of selling insurance...cough cough...

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