Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1745: Was targeted



With one punch and one punch on the face of the big bald head, and with the punch to the flesh, all the people watching around frowned, and it hurts just to look at it.

Su Mu, who had been hitting this big bald head with no resistance at all, slowly let go of the hand holding the big bald head and said: "Damn, fight with Laozi? You are not good enough!"

When Su Mu stood up, the surrounding old prisoners took a step back almost at the same time. Everyone here had no aura, whoever was the boss was the boss, so Su Mu stood up at this time and made the group back up a few steps.

Unexpectedly, no one came up to talk to Su Mu, which proved that this big bald head was just a little guy in the second district of the death penalty prison, and the real boss probably wouldn't appear in this compound at all.

From time to time, the jailer came over and shouted, "What are you doing? All away, away!"

"Fight and fight, all will be taken to confinement for a day!"

Four or five jailers pressed Su Mu directly into a row of houses at the end of the compound.

Subsequently, Su Mu was locked in a single room alone, with no place for ventilation except a small window.

After being locked up like this for a day and a night, Su Mu was released, and then led by the jailer to the prisoner's sleeping place.

In a large house with insufficient light and extremely humid, the bunks were on both sides, each prisoner had a bed, and one person sat next to each other on the bunk, but everyone was staring at Su Mu.

Because there was a jailer, no one spoke. The countless prisoners all leaned on the wall and hugged their knees, and then watched that Su Mu was directly assigned to an empty seat.

The jailer looked at the crowd and shouted, "Be honest, work at dawn tomorrow, and if you make trouble, you will have no food tomorrow!"

Watching the jailer leave, Su Mu directly sat in his place, but the man next to Su Mu was a man who came with Su Mu. He seemed to be called Wang Zhifeng. After watching the jailer slowly leave, he said, "Brother, tonight. Be alert when you sleep."

"Huh?" Su Mu was taken aback, then saw Wang Zhifeng looking towards the end of Tongpu.

A big fat man was sitting on the spot, and there were some tall people scattered around sitting on the spot. It seemed that there was no reaction at all to the arrival of the jailer. However, Su Mu saw the big bald head also sitting on the spot, but this At that time, the face of the big bald head was extremely swollen, and it was obvious that he was beaten by Su Mu yesterday.

Su Mu smiled and said, "Come if there are seeds, don't be afraid that I will beat them into pigs!"

After speaking, Su Mu lay directly on the bed and frowned. Is Nima sleeping on this straw?

The prisoners in the whole room looked at each other. Is this newcomer too bold? How dare to offend the fat pig? Is this Nima looking for death?

Because Su Mu was imprisoned for one day, he didn't get any news on that day, nor did he have a chance to get familiar with the prison situation.

But Wang Zhifeng got a general understanding of the situation this day.

In the second area of ​​the death penalty prison, this fat pig can be said to be the overlord. Although he will not personally bully the newcomers, all his subordinates are people with greater strength and more violent temperaments, and the fat pig is imprisoned. For at least fifty years here, even the jailer would not dare to offend this person easily.

And now, on the first day when Su Mu came to this death penalty prison, he beat the fat pig's big bald head like this, and this fat pig would definitely not give up.

The most important thing is that Wang Zhifeng also heard that this fat pig’s subordinates don’t know how many newcomers have been killed. In the past few decades, they have killed less than a hundred and eighty people, so in this second district Normally, they don't feel embarrassed with this fat pig. Most people live by flattery.

Of course, there is another force in the second district, that is, an old man sleeping opposite the fat pig. No one knows who this old man is, but all the old people know that the fat pig dare not offend this person, even if it is a bad word. He didn't dare to say anything. Although Fat Pig was rampant in this second district, he never touched the old man's hair.

So the second district, headed by the fat pig and the old man, is the absolute overlord of the second district.

Seeing Su Mu lying down, the fat pig body shook a few times, then waved his hand to signal the crowd to disperse.

The big bald head and others left the fat pig's position one after another, and then returned to their bed to lie down, but everyone just stared at Su Mu.

After Wang Zhifeng lay down, he whispered: "Brother, be careful at night."

"Well, thank you." Su Mu nodded, then closed his eyes and started to run the Divine Venerable Heart Art.

And as Pang Zhihu said, this suppression ring directly controls all the spiritual pressure in the body, not to mention the godly heart art, even if Su Mu wants to summon the sword of the gods, there is no reaction at all. The aura seemed to disappear completely.

So, don't try to achieve the purpose of cultivation here, you can only wait for the opportunity slowly, Su Mu can't be in the death penalty prison all the time, his purpose of coming to the cycle of time is to find the goddess of water and blue!

late at night.

Although Su Mu knew that the big bald-headed group would not let him go, so he tried his best to stay alert.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and Su Mu suddenly opened his eyes. The years of battlefield career made Su Mu instinctively wake up.

At this time, not only Su Mu, but also the other prisoners woke up, because they knew something would happen tonight, so everyone lay there watching the big bald head and others slowly approaching Su Mu's bed.



Four or five people instantly pressed Su Mu's legs and feet, but Su Mu didn't struggle at all, but opened his eyes and looked at the people around him.

The big bald head sneered: "Boy, how dare you sleep so soundly? Hey, I don't know how to die."

Su Mu remained silent, and then saw the big fat pig coming over.

The fat on this body was at least 300 kilograms, and the aisle in the middle of the shop seemed a bit crowded, and when the fat pig came to Su Mu, he directly pulled the man beside Su Mu up and sat down.

The fat pig held a piece of cooked meat in his hand while gnawing, "You beat the bald head, right?"

"it's me."

Fat Pig nodded: "Then do you know the rules of this death penalty prison?"

"Whose rules?"

The fat pig chuckled, and then said: "Okay, no need to say more, behave neatly!"



All four or five people squeezed Su Mu's body, and then they saw the big bald head directly pinched Su Mu's neck with both hands, and then looked at Su Mu ferociously and said, "Boy, this is the end of the fight against the fat man!" Die!!!"

Despite this, none of the prisoners in the entire room dared to speak, and no one dared to gasp loudly. The entire room was staring at Su Mu, as if such things often happened to them...

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