Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1746: Over a hundred years

To be honest, Su Mu is not afraid of these big guys at all. According to the current situation, their so-called big guys are not as good as the mercenaries and soldiers on the battlefield on earth. It’s just that Su Mu especially wants to know what the origin of this fat pig is. Yes, Pang Zhihu doesn't know what the situation is. According to Pang Zhihu's character, this guy will not give in easily.

Especially Pang Zhihu experienced his father and many relatives of the Pang family, which led to Pang Zhihu's revenge. Su Mu was really afraid that Pang Zhihu would do anything desperate.

Just like the earth, no one spoke in the entire cell, and all the people lay in their own places to peek at the situation here, some sympathized with Su Mu, and some were worried and scared.

It's better to say it's a prison here than a slave farm. Everyone lives together and doesn't shy away from contact with prisoners.


The big bald head pinched Su Mu's neck with a smirk, it seemed that he had not done such a thing less, very handy.

"Damn, was it cool to beat me yesterday? Fool, no matter which city or district you are from, as long as you come to this death penalty prison, you must abide by the rules of the death penalty prison! This is the end of disobedience!"

At this time, another person directly took away Su Mu's left arm, and then stood in astonishment and said, "Fat, fat master!"

The fat pig was eating at this time. When he saw the countdown on Su Mu's left arm, he was stunned. The food in his hand was forgotten to fill his mouth. The whole person sat still and stared at Su Mu's arm. Time clock.

Because Su Mu didn't use much time, and Lixue sent a black card in front of Wanbao Pavilion, so Su Mu's arm had a countdown of more than 130 years.

This is more than one hundred and thirty years. If you stay in this prison for at least one hundred and thirty years!

Moreover, if you have money in the prison, you can eat and drink at will, and you can even bribe the jailers, which can make your life better, and in more than a hundred years, you can completely buy the boss here to let you get out of this place in advance. Death penalty prison.

Su Mu also understood this time.

The reason why people like Fat Pig do whatever they want in prison is probably because of the relationship of'time', because time exists virtually, so as long as it is in his own body, he will not be stolen unless... Killing and overwhelming!

At this time, the time on Su Mu's arm made Fat Pig completely malicious. This is more than a hundred years. In this death penalty prison, ordinary players go to the mines every day to earn time to maintain their life, which can have a few days. The deposit is pretty good, and newcomers usually come here for a few years at most. People like Su Mu who walked in with more than 100 years of time are really the first!

At this time, the big bald head seemed to have forgotten to pinch Su Mu’s neck hard, and he was also shocked. For more than a hundred years, let alone in this prison, he had never seen so much money even outside. .

Several people all looked at Fat Pig, and then glanced at each other.

The fat pig nodded slightly.

The big bald head smiled, and then his subordinates forcefully said: "Fuck, I found a baby! Damn!"

If these more than one hundred years are over, they will be able to be cool for a few years at least, enough to make the jailers serve themselves and others with delicious food and drink every day.

How could Su Mu not know what they were thinking?

Not to mention the prison, even the outsider Su Mu had heard of time robbers.

The unified transaction of time cycle money is time after all, and time is the lifespan of the player, which is more valuable than the money on earth! Because time is fate!

Can these people see so much time in Su Mu's hands that they can't afford to be evil?

At this time, all the prisoners in Su Mu’s left arm were stunned, because they also saw the time on Su Mu’s arm. It was very dazzling for more than a hundred years. Everyone’s eyes were greedy, just because they were fat. Because the pigs and others are there, they can only be greedy and dare not do anything, so at this time more people began to look at them.

At the same time, the eyes in the innermost pair were very sharp, and it felt unexplainable. After seeing the time on Su Mu's arm, the man frowned slightly, and then slowly lay down.

Although he has not spoken, he is thinking about something between his eyebrows, as if thinking about the origin of this time.

It stands to reason that with more than a hundred years of time, this person is definitely not an unnamed person, so people in prison should be more careful, but this is in a death sentence prison. There are too many deadly people, especially this fat pig. First!


"Also let people not sleep?!"

Suddenly, an old voice came, and Su Mu felt that everyone's mood had changed. The people peeking around immediately lay down and stopped peeking, and the big bald head let go of Su Mu, including several other people. All also loosened Su Mu's limbs.

At this time, Su Mu slowly sat up, and then saw the big bald head and others look at the fat pig first.

The three-hundred-kilogram fat man suddenly stopped chewing in his mouth, and then stood up, his plump face flashed with a smile and said: "Haha, I will go to bed now, I will go to bed now. , Bother you to rest."

After finishing talking, the fat pig waved to the big bald head, and then signaled them to go back to their bed, but the fat pig was always surprised, even excited, for more than a hundred years, how many newcomers would this have to squeeze? To get so much time? So even if you can't succeed today, you must get it for more than a hundred years!

Although he is unwilling, Fat Pig’s subordinates know that the old man who talks during the day does not care about the fights in the prison, as long as you don’t provoke him, it’s okay. Therefore, tonight, I can only say that Su Mu’s luck is good. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will not necessarily have such good luck.

The big bald glanced at Su Mu, then snorted coldly.

Others also showed their pitiful gazes, but at the same time they also had a look of fear. The old man seemed to be particularly afraid of them.

Everyone left, and all the prisoners who were watching lay down to sleep, but Su Mu sat in place and looked at the innermost place of Hei Bulongdong.

That was a place at the end of the shop opposite Su Mu. An old man, with his back turned to the outside, was lying on his side, as if he was sleeping, and as if he was closing his eyes and restoring his mind, while Su Mu sat in the same place and directly opened the technique of insight.

"Ding! Insight into 10% information, reading..."

When Su Mu saw the old man's message, his eyes widened.

"How could this be?" Su Mu thought to himself.

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