Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1762: Meet the deceased again (6 more)

In the void.

Su Mu stood where he was, and then saw nine figures appear in front of him.

And these nine figures are all Su Mu's figure.

Each portrait appeared around Su Mu like a 3D projection. This sight made Su Mu's eyes widened, because the clothes of each portrait were different, the only thing in common was the weapons in the hands of the nine figures. Unity is the sword of the gods, or the sword of the gods.

Starting from the far left, he wears a golden crown on his head, and his whole body is covered with golden yellow robes. In addition, his body emits a faint yellow arrogance, like an emperor's mighty dignity.

The second figure, dressed in plain clothes, white gown, holding the sword of God's Domain, looks like a ranger wanderer, with a face full of wind and frost.

The third person, with a look of flying brows between his eyebrows, seemed to be a happy event, the same sword of the gods.

The nine figures were presented with different looks and attire. Su Mu didn't know what was going on, but he knew that all the nine figures were himself.

At this time, Su Mu stood on the spot and walked a few steps, unable to touch these figures, and there was nothing else in the entire space except these nine figures.

There was no sound, no signs, and no guidance. Su Mu stood motionless here.

I don't know how much time has passed. After waiting for Su Mu to wake up suddenly, the nine figures disappeared in an instant, replaced by the front, and a white dot appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

Su Mu hardly had any hesitation, because that was the only clue, he could only move forward slowly.

There was no sight in the surrounding void, except for the gray area that was the white spot right in front of him, so Su Mu opened his eyes again when he walked to the front.

At this time, it was like seeing the water blue goddess for the first time, the difference is that at this time Su Mu saw not the water blue goddess, but...the goddess of elements!

It was that when Su Mu entered the God Zone through the power of the Goddess of Water Blue, and said that the Goddess of Elements who were not completely loyal to Water Blue, the Goddess of Elements who were barely clothed!

At this moment, she was in a vacuum bubble, her hands raised slightly, and one end of her long hair was so flowing that Su Mu couldn't describe it, because the entire element goddess's long hair was almost comparable to her height, white, red, and blue. , Almost like a rainbow of bleaching and dyeing, the long hair flows slowly as if in the water, and the goddess of elements is confined in her eyes at this time.

She was completely naked, completely present in front of Su Mu's eyes, her white feet stretched out like a ballet dancer, and one leg was curled up to block the most secret position, her hands stretched out, it was perfect Su Mu's body appeared to the extreme.

At this moment, Su Mu's mood was not at all the kind of excitement and throbbing that was the first time he saw the Goddess of Water Blue. This time, Su Mu's mood was completely surprised and incredible.

Suddenly, the goddess of the elements slowly opened her eyes, and then a pair of beautiful pupils appeared. She looked at Su Mu affectionately, and then slowly rotated her body, not knowing what appeared in the bubbles, one by one, white like silk threads. The same thing formed the clothes of the goddess of elements.

These silk-like clothes were extremely **** on her, and even made Su Mu have a nosebleed urge, because it was too perfect, almost like no clothes, but because these silk threads gave her a more mysterious beauty. It's like looking at a naked woman is not as good as looking at a woman in a **** short skirt.

In short, this woman, from the jade neck, the collarbone, to the chest, waist, and legs, is a perfect existence, and because her appearance is completely in front of Su Mu's eyes, Su Mu can hardly see her. Any blemishes on the body.


The bubble shattered, and the goddess of the elements barely touched her feet, and then fell to the ground lightly, then put her hands on her chest and slowly bowed and bent over in a posture like a minority salute: "Zhiwei, see Lord God."

Correct! Her name is Zhiwei!

Su Mu remembered the name of this woman. When she was in the **** zone, she was called the Lord Lord by the gods. Then the problem came. This woman said that she was a god, and she was a holy person. There is no hierarchy in itself. ? Why should she pay homage to herself?

Seeing Zhiwei’s long, colorful bleached and dyed hair hanging down on the ground, and the posture of being bent over completely showed her smooth and white back, Su Mu didn’t know what to say. At this moment, Su Mu could only There are too many secrets of this reincarnation.

Because this elemental goddess came from the world of the gods in the reincarnation of the earth, and now it actually appeared in the cycle of time, everything seems to have changed. The goddess of water and blue have returned to the cycle of time, and all those familiar with them seem to have come to the cycle of time.

Su Mu didn't speak, Zhiwei kept knelt on one knee, motionless, and couldn't even hear her gasping.

"You get up first." Su Mu said.

Zhiwei said yes, and then slowly stood up. The silk-like'clothes' on her body could not be regarded as clothes at all, because the moment she stood up, she could almost see any part of her body through this silk thread, almost nothing. It's clothes.

I saw her standing barefoot in front of Su Mu, and then kept smiling and said, "Master God, let's meet again."

"Yeah, I met again. The last time I missed it was only half a year, and you have come to the planet of reincarnation from the earth this half year." Su Mu said.

"No." Zhiwei's deep white fingers swayed slightly, and then said: "Master God, do you still not understand the nature of reincarnation? Don't you understand that all the gods of the earth reincarnation are Come from our reincarnation galaxy? You should be aware of this!"

"I know, I know that Shuilan is a body in the reincarnation of the earth, and their bodies are still on their own planet, how about you?"

"Same." The Goddess of Elements said with a slight smile.

She walked a few steps forward, and then came directly to Su Mu. Su Mu almost smelled the fragrance coming from her.

She looked at Su Mu with a smile and said, "Master God, do you remember what Zhiwei said to you?"

Su Mu couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of this. At the beginning, this elemental goddess actually said that the water blue goddess were not absolutely loyal to them. This made Su Mu furious at that time, but only later did he understand what the elemental goddess meant.

Because Su Mu saw the Ninth Element hunting and killing the Goddess Shuilan, it was not so much Shuilan that they were not completely loyal to themselves, but rather that he was not loyal to them and did not protect them.

"Now, Zhiwei tells you the true meaning of that sentence, are you ready?"

"I was ready before I came to Time Reincarnation, and before telling me, first show your identity!" Su Mu directly pinched the white jade neck of the goddess of elements.

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