Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1763: Woman and weapon

With a snap, Su Mu directly pinched the white neck of the goddess of elements, and then stared at her coldly, "Before telling me this, first show your identity!"

At this time, Su Mu could only believe all the element goddesses. For this element goddess, Su Mu didn't know what she was, because there were no other goddesses besides the nine elements, so what role did this element goddess perform?

In addition, what she said before also made Su Mu very disgusted. Although she is a perfect woman, what does this mean? Isn't the water and blue goddess perfect existence?

However, the element goddess who was pinched by the neck still did not fight back. She still looked at Su Mu with a smile and said, "My Lord God, Zhiwei, is yours."

Su Mu suddenly let go, and then saw a red mark appearing on Zhiwei's snow-white neck, which almost made Su Mu feel a little bit painful. No one knows that any man will feel pity for Xiangyu. This elemental goddess is so perfect. It should be the goddess of pampering, not the enemy.

It’s just that what the goddess said made Su Mu a bit speechless, my man?

The goddess of the elements stroked her neck slightly, and then the red mark disappeared, and she immediately saw her stretch out one hand with the palm facing up, and then saw a yellow Qi sword appear in her palm. .

Su Mu's eyes widened, because he was very familiar with this yellow sword aura, that is, the God's Domain Wanjian skill on the God's Domain Sword!

But the palm of her hand only shrank several times, turning into a mini God's Domain Wanjian.

Therefore, Su Mu was a little confused at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the mini God's Domain Sword disappeared, replaced by a series of sword auras appearing and spinning. This is an enlarged version of the God's Domain sword.

Then came the mini-shape of God's Domain Zhuxin, and the world black form. Numerous special effects appeared in the palm of the element goddess, and almost all the skills on the sword of God's Domain were revealed.

Su Mu was stunned, these special effects of skills are all on the sword of God's Domain.

The goddess of the elements slowly closed her palms, and then slowly pulled up Su Mu's right hand, a strong force came, and there was a very familiar feeling in the palms of Su Mu's hands, that feeling was like... ...It's like holding the sword of God's Domain!

This feeling was only for a moment, and then the feeling that came out was the soft, boneless, delicate hands of the Goddess of Elements. She slowly held Su Mu's palms, and then said with a charming smile: "You, have you felt it? ?"

Su Mu stared at the Goddess of Elements, then spit out: "Are you a sword spirit?!"

The Goddess of Elements directly placed Su Mu's palms on her delicate and smooth cheeks, and then gently said: "Yes, the god, Zhiwei, is the sword spirit of the sword of the gods, but it cannot be inserted in the reincarnation of the earth. No matter, because of the existence of the ninth element, Zhiwei can only be in the **** zone as the goddess of the elements, and there is no Lord God in the reincarnation of the earth, and all the gods about Lord God will withdraw back to the planet of Samsara."


Completely shocked!

Su Mu didn't expect this elemental goddess to be the sword spirit of God's Domain Sword.

In other words, now she can directly enter the sword of God's Domain?


The Sword of God's Domain was summoned instantly, and then suspended between Su Mu and the Goddess of Elements.

The goddess of the elements looked at the purple light on the sword of God’s Domain, and then showed a very greedy and very pleased expression: "In this universe, no one can restrict the appearance of the sword of God’s Domain, even if they seal your aura. You only have the combat power of the early primordial stage in the cycle of time, but the sword of the gods only recognizes one master for life, Zhiwei only recognizes one master for life!"

"The reincarnation of time is only a thousand years old, but in the known universe, hundreds of millions of years are just a flick of a finger. Zhiwei, the sword of the gods, and the gods, are more than a thousand years of fetters, just because you don't remember it."

The sword of God's Domain trembled at this moment, and the purple light disappeared instantly. Instead, seven colors appeared on the blade, and then Zhiwei was instantly transformed into seven colors and entered the sword of God's Domain.



The sword of God's Domain returned to Su Mu's palm. At this moment, Su Mu felt like holding the boneless little hand of the Goddess of Elements, delicate, smooth, and cold.

Su Mu held the sword of God's Domain and slowly lifted it up, and then felt the breath of life of the sword of God's Domain, and then felt the comfortable sensation from the hilt of the sword of God's Domain. He couldn't help but smiled: "No wonder people say women and weapons. It is difficult to choose between."

Weapons, women, and sometimes, they are one body, they are the most inseparable existence for men!

Su Mu held the sword of God's Domain, then turned around and swung it suddenly.


boom! ! ! !

The huge gas cleaved out, and in an instant, the void broke through a hole, Su Mu slowly walked out of the hole, and then returned to the cave.

The sword of God's Domain was still in his hand, Su Mu felt the strength of his body, watching the suppression ring in his hand disappeared long ago, and studied the surging flow of the gods' heart art.


There was a shock in his mind, and Su Mu was promoted to the peak state of Dzogchen in the early Yuan period.

Not only that, with the surge of power, Su Mu's body became hot again, with a boom!

Advance to the mid-yuan period!

It's just that after the Middle Yuan period, Su Mu never felt any movement in his body. At this time, the sword of God's Domain slowly beat a few times.

The goddess of the elements suddenly appeared in front of Su Mu again, and then she was seen slowly walking to Su Mu, saying: "God, your abilities will begin to merge and evolve with the sword of the gods. The more you fight, the stronger you are. The origin of the Sword of Honor."

Su Mu slowly raised his sword: "The Vietnam War gets stronger!"

"Yes, the stronger the war is, this sword will be stronger when it is strong!" The goddess of the elements had a moving smile, and then directly grabbed Su Mu's right hand and said, "Zhiwei, always be with you, Zhiwei is different in blue. The goddesses, Zhiwei exists independently, born only for the sword of the gods, and only for the gods!"

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "Shuilan Goddess and the others are real, so what about you Zhiwei?"

Zhiwei's face turned red when she heard this, she looked at Su Mu with a sweet smile: "Zhiwei, she condenses the sword spirit, and the body exists naturally. You can take it at any time, and once you get Zhiwei's body, the sword will There will be a qualitative leap, deity, do you... want it?"

Su Mu laughed and said: "I do want it, but I still like the combination based on feelings, and I can't imagine what it is like to be combined with a sword spirit. I can't help but think of myself being with a sword. The sword is doing that kind of thing, hahaha!"

Zhiwei's face became even more blushing, she let go of Su Mu and directly turned into light into the sword of the gods, leaving a happy voice saying: "God, you are wrong, Zhiwei, is independent..."

Su Mu was in a good mood, but there was still something that worried Su Mu.

The suppression ring is gone, how can I return to the death penalty prison? Once the suppression ring disappears, Tomorrow Xiang will definitely know, and he will definitely ask how his suppression ring is restrained. This incident cheers the safety of the entire death penalty prison. If this incident does not explain Su Mu, I am afraid that tomorrow Xiang will be persecuted. !

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