Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1764: Offline door

Su Mu had originally planned to leave the cave directly, but suddenly looked back and saw that the time gate involuntarily stopped in place.

The sword spirit with the sword of the gods hidden in the gate of death, what about this gate of time?

Su Mu slowly walked over with the sword of the gods, looking at this door Su Mu seemed to feel that he could return to the earth at any time, but now Su Mu felt that he had no courage to walk in.

"Zhiwei, is this door leading to the earth?" Su Mu murmured.

Nowadays, Su Mu didn't know how to explain many things about the cycle of time, and he didn't know who to ask, so the appearance of Zhiwei can be said to solve a big problem for Su Mu.

Otherwise, Su Mu could only explore it step by step.

"God, this door is not the door of time to the earth. It is the door that Goddess Lieyu opened temporarily. It is called the door of time. This door can be said to be a turning point for entering the reincarnation star." Zhiwei's voice was in Su Mu's voice. Came in my mind.

She suddenly continued: "You can understand that this door can be used by players in the cycle of time offline."

Su Mu was dumb, the two words offline are too strange and familiar to Su Mu now.

Time Reincarnation is a game, a game of reincarnation star humans, but this game cannot be offline, or it requires conditions to go offline. If the offline conditions are not met, the game will never be left. Until old age.

Therefore, it is possible to marry and have children in this world, which is exactly the same as in the real world. Only then will there be things where death cannot be resurrected.

This time gate is offline and it's not surprising to use it.

"What are the requirements for offline?" Su Mu is very curious now, why is no one from Reincarnation Star chasing offline? Is it better to be in time reincarnation than in reincarnation?

"Offline, you need to improve your strength. When the **** you reach a certain level, you can log off and enter the reincarnation star. That's when you really see Lieyu. Next time you see Lieyu, you will I know all the secrets about Reincarnation Star, as well as the relationship between Reincarnation Star and the Earth." Zhiwei's words reminded Su Mu of the goddess Shuilan and the others. Many questions are half-talked, and Su Mu doesn't know how to understand now. This game is out.

However, according to Zhiwei's statement, Su Mu couldn't use this downline gate now, so Su Mu was too lazy to care, so after a pause, Su Mu put away the sword of the gods and left the cave on foot.

The way back was the same as when he came, without any accidents, but when Su Mu came to the entrance of the cave, he found that the Fat Pig and others were no longer there, which made Su Mu frowned.

It was only when Su Mu left the cave that the sky was bright. This blue moon night was passed safely, but I don't know how many prisoners in the death penalty prison died in this forest.

Su Mu walked along the road to the location of the death penalty prison. While on the way, Su Mu also saw the bodies of many prisoners in the death penalty prison. Some were torn apart, while others were lying on the ground intact, all dead without exception. .

While walking, Su Mu could also see the various beast cores in the hands of the dead prisoners' corpses, which could be used to exchange time.

But when Su Mu was about to walk to the prison, he suddenly stopped, then turned and looked at the dead prisoner's body behind him.

Su Mu’s suppression ring was directly broken because of the appearance of the gods. The current Su Mu is equivalent to possessing aura. Although he has just advanced to the middle yuan stage, it is at least much stronger than those without any aura, and Su Mu must hide it. The jailers of the prison, at least not let them see that the suppression ring in Su Mu's hand disappeared.

So when he returned to the position of the corpse, Su Mu directly took off its suppression ring, put it in his own hand, and buried the person by the way.

When I returned to the prison, it was already past nine in the morning. The guards stood at the gate one by one, waiting for all the prisoners to return to check the suppression ring, but they were not very strict. They just asked the prisoner to raise his hand and take a look at the suppression ring at the gate. Just pass.

At this time, when the fat pigs saw Su Mu appearing at the gate, their eyes widened, and they looked at Su Mu with shocked expressions, as if they wanted to find some injuries from Su Mu.

After waiting for Su Mu to enter the prison, Fat Pig, Da Bald Head and others followed Su Mu in the direction of Tongpu.

"Brother Su? Are you okay?" Fat Pig's plump body looked a little funny with Su Mu. You know, Fat Pig and Su Mu were dead enemies before they left. When they come back, they seem to have met each other. Like friends for a long time, this made the prisoners in the Second District Prison curious.

Su Mu shook his head: "The cave is not as exaggerated as you said. I went in and took a look, but there were a lot of bones. As for the danger, I didn't encounter it."

"Brother Su, have you really gone deep?" The big bald head said in shock.

"No, I just took a look at the position of the skeleton, but it seems to be a hallucination. When I wake up, you are no longer there."

Seeing Su Mu entering the room, the fat pig and the bald head and the others couldn't help but glance at each other.

You know, since they came to this prison, no one has ever come out of that cave alive. Unless they just stayed at the entrance of the cave, all those who entered have been left there forever.

It's just that the appearance of Su Mu shocked Fat Pig and the others, and they didn't know what to say now.

Because of the hunting night, I can rest during the day without going to the mine. After Su Mu returned to Tongpu, he lay down to sleep, but the mysterious old man walked over slowly at this time, and then walked to Su Mu's side. Suddenly said: "Did you go in?"

Su Mu was shocked, this old man really came for that cave?

Before, Fat Pig, they guessed why this mysterious old man did not go out of the death penalty prison for decades, but now he directly tells Su Mu's entry into the cave, which makes Su Mu have to doubt the purpose of this old man here.

Sitting up, Su Mu looked at the surrounding prisoners. Because it was still early, many people did not rush back. Even those who had returned had already gone to eat or something, so there were not many people in the room.

Su Mu nodded and said nothing.

The old man's eyes beamed, and he stared at Su Mu with a very expectant look: "What do you see?"

"Bones, a lot of bones!"

"Nothing?" The old man's silver hair was hanging down because of his bending, but the expression on his face was obviously very strange.

Su Mu nodded and said, "In addition to the bones, there are a lot of gems. Many, many unknown gems, I don't know if they are elemental spirit stones."

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