Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1765: My name is gale

"Go, come with me!" The mysterious old man suddenly pulled up Su Mu and walked directly out of the room.

At this time, a large number of prisoners in the prison compound began to rush back from the forest. Some were happy because of hunting the beasts to exchange time, and some were sad because of the loss of friends. In short, the mood was different.

But Su Mu was directly pulled by the old man to the back mountain of the prison room.

Standing on the hillside of a recessed ground, Su Mu's eyes widened, because in this recessed ground, a large number of grave heads appeared in front of him, countless tomb bags, some with simple tombstones, and they were made of tree trunks. Yes, some have nothing at all, and the unnamed grave bag occupies the entire depression!

Su Mu followed the old man, and then walked into this huge depression which looked gloomy. Although it was past nine o'clock in the morning, Su Mu felt cold behind him, and the atmosphere of the entire depression made Su Mu shudder.

But the old man brought Su Mu to a relatively large grave bag, and then stood there.

Su Mu glanced at the tombstone of this grave bag.

"Lechong's Tomb." Su Mu said.

The old man nodded: "That's right, he is just one district, do you know this person?"

Su Mu was shocked, because he was not a member of the reincarnation star, so many legends and other things in this world were half-understood, so at this time the old man's question actually made Su Mu not know how to answer.

But at this time Zhiwei’s voice sounded in Su Mu’s mind: “God, Tianyong City is divided into nine districts. One district had a pair of twin brothers 50 years ago, named Lie Chong Liefeng, who was promoted at the age of 25. During the Great Yuan period, he was a relatively famous genius."

Su Mu said: "Lie Chong Gale?"

"Yes, my name is Gale!" The mysterious old man suddenly said at this time.

He looked at the tombstone on the grave bag and said: "Fifty years ago, my brother Lie Chong was sent to the death penalty jail for killing people in the street. But because of the special exercises practiced by our Lie family, the suppression ring was quickly restrained, and I can never wear a suppression ring, so my brother can be regarded as the same as me in this death penalty prison."

Gale turned around and looked at Su Mu and continued: "At that time, it was the same as last night. The night of the blue moon, which is the night of hunting in your mouth, the tide of beasts surged underneath. In order to reduce the burden of the prison population, Lie Chong encountered the cave after entering the forest. His curiosity made him...never walk out..."

In fact, when it comes to Su Mu, he can roughly understand the story, so now Gale only needs to tell the purpose and harvest of his coming here.

"The reason I brought you here, the old man wants to tell you that the old man has lurked in the second district of this death penalty prison for fifty years, so that one day he can see the old man's brother. For fifty years, no one has been able to get out of the cave alive. ,you are the first."

Liefeng suddenly stared at Su Mu with sharp eyes, as if he wanted Su Mu to tell everything about the cave, and this matter was also about Brother Liefeng, so he brought Su Mu here as a heart-to-heart.

Su Mu thought for a while, then glanced at Gale and asked, "What level was your brother 50 years ago?"

Gale stunned, then thought for a while and said, "Because of our different talents, my brother and I practice faster than ordinary people. He was in his thirties when he disappeared fifty years ago, and his strength was around the profound spiritual stage."

"So, you are now over eighty years old?"


Su Mu frowned.

Zhiwei said that after reaching a certain level, he can go offline, but the profound spirit stage is too low, right? There are too many Profound Spiritual Periods in this time cycle, but Su Mu had less contact. If the Profound Spiritual Period can go offline, why don't the masters of this world choose to go offline?

Just like the gale in front of him, he has reached the level of the Profound God Stage, why is he still alive in time cycle?

Su Mu frowned, then looked at Gale's expectant eyes, really didn't want to hide anything.

"I personally feel that your brother has only two possibilities."


"One is death." Su Mu said.

The gale was taken aback when he heard the words, but there was not much emotional fluctuation. He nodded and said: "It is possible, more than 50 years, if he is still alive, he will definitely appear, disappeared for more than 50 years, I also thought about him He is dead, but the old man is unwilling."

"There is another possibility, your brother has a high chance of being offline."

Gale's eyes widened in an instant, and then stared at Su Mu with an incredible expression to express his shock.


"Yes, it is very likely that it is offline, because I saw the Time Gate inside." Su Mu explained.

If what Zhiwei said is true, then the brother of Gale has the opportunity to pass through the gate of time, and then return to the real world of Reincarnation Star.

However, Zhiwei suddenly said at this time: "God, the Xuanling Stage absolutely cannot pass through the time gate, unless it is a special situation."

Su Mu did not ask Zhiwei, because Su Mu did not want to let Gale down now, but also gave himself an expectation. If the offline conditions are too harsh, it also means that Su Mu will spend more time to see the goddess of water blue. .

Su Mu didn't know what the word offline meant for the players of Reincarnation Star, so when he saw the gale leaving the recessed place sadly, Su Mu felt a huge helplessness rising.

Su Mu can understand the mood of this gale, and even the mood of this reincarnation star player.

Originally, this is a game. For the people on earth, the game is a game that can go online and offline freely. However, it has become a place that can never leave, trapping all human beings like a cage. , So the two words below the line have become very extravagant.

When Su Mu returned to the room, he saw that Gale was already lying on his bed, as if he was still thinking about what Su Mu said.

After seeing Su Mu, Fat Pig and others asked about the cave again. Su Mu could only say a few words perfunctorily. After all, this cave has a time gate. I can’t say that Su Mu might use it next time, so fewer people know The better, it is a good thing that this cave can become a restricted area.

In the evening, as soon as Su Mu lay down, he remembered the statue of Fuyu in the cave again. Why did her statue appear here? Zhiwei didn't say why, so Su Mu felt very strange.

He sat up and glanced at the sky. At this point in time, I wonder if this girl has continued to wait for herself with the railing?

When I think of Fuhua's expectant look, I feel a deep sense of guilt if I can't see Su Mu all night.


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