Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1769: It's so young

Moon black wind high night...

At this time, the women's prison was full of Yingying and Yanyan. Although there was no feasting, the laughter of the women gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Su Mu was wearing a female prison uniform, but no one paid attention to him, because at this time the women’s prison was the same as the men’s prison. There was a woman who had just returned, and everyone was still chatting and jokes. The women’s prison was better than the men’s prison. too much.

At this time, Su Mu just glanced at the bunk room of the women's prison, and then saw countless pictures of big white legs and small thin legs.

Su Mu turned to look at the attic location on the other end of the women's prison.

There are only three floors in the attic, and the building area is not small, and it is brightly lit, and you can see countless women coming and going back and forth.

Because this attic is not only accessible to the upper floors of the women's prison, it is not guarded. Besides, there are no men in the women's prison, so there is no need to guard it, so when Su Mu walked over, no one paid attention.

The attic is all wooden. When Su Mu walked to the first floor, he saw a hall. There were countless women eating in the hall, but they were very cool in their clothes, with various slings, and all kinds of topless.

There were still so many people eating after ten o'clock, Su Mu didn't know what these women thought.

After tossing and turning to the second floor, because Su Mu did not know where Fu Huan lived, he could only walk slowly in the corridor on the second floor, which looked like a walk after a meal, and then paid attention to all the conversations of the passing women. .

"I heard that Tomorrow Xiang is here today?" The two women were carrying the tubs with some of the close-fitting clothing worn by girls.

"Yeah, I don't know who is going to be unlucky again. This is tomorrow, Xiang will come once a week, and he is not afraid of kidney loss?

"Hahaha, are you tempted? If you are caught by tomorrow Xiang, do you not have to go to work?"

"It's you, who will fancy him? A big spooky ghost. You don't know how many girls he is dead? Who wants to serve him, cut!"

"Yes, but today I don’t seem to see which girl Tomorrow Xiang is interested in? Fuyu's appearance is better among the people who came in the last batch? Do you think our warden would choose her for Tomorrow Xiang?"


Su Mu stood by and watched the two girls walk by, then frowned slightly, and it was indeed related to Fu Yi.

Going up, Su Mu found that the third floor suddenly became scarce after reaching the third floor.

Because in the entire third-floor corridor, no girl was seen, and the lights were slightly dim.


As a door opened, Su Mu hid directly in the corridor, and then saw a girl walk out with a basin of water and walk directly down the third floor.

Su Mu took a few steps forward cautiously...

"I heard there was a good one in the last batch?"

"My old lady knows you can't help it anymore, I keep it for you."

Suddenly, there was a dialogue between a man and a woman, but Su Mu had nowhere to hide at this time, so he could only open the door and hide in the room where the girl had walked out, and then carefully closed the door.

"Tomorrow Xiang, do you come here once a week, not afraid to find you in Tianyong City?"

"Hehe, if I'm afraid I won't be in this prison anymore, you're **** timid. In this death penalty prison, who can pass the news to Tianyong City? Who can leave here safely? Why don't you dare to Give this woman to me?"

The two seemed to stop at the gate of Su Mu's gate suddenly, and then it was obvious that the two of them looked at the wooden door in front of Su Mu. At this moment, Su Mu's breathing was about to stop. If the woman tomorrow Xianghe found out, Su Mu must have nowhere. Hidden, the woman knew she was the warden of the women’s prison without asking.

And what does it mean that the two of them suddenly stopped here?

At this time, I heard the woman say: "Don't pay attention to her, you might be self-defeating, and everyone will not be healed. Let's go quickly. Today, this will definitely satisfy you."

Tomorrow Xiang snorted in a low voice, then turned to leave after looking at the wooden door in front of Su Mu.

At this moment, Su Mu heard a lot of footsteps in the corridor on the third floor, as if something had happened. Although the footsteps were not very panic, they did not disappear back and forth. Su Mu could not help hiding behind this wooden door. Anxious.

However, at this moment, another voice came from behind and said: "Bring me the bath towel."

The voice of a girl! A very beautiful female voice heard, Su Mu was immediately startled, and then slowly turned around.

This turn does not matter, Nima will die again.

At this time in the room, in a large bath tub, a girl leaned in with her back facing the door. The hot steam almost covered her shoulders, but she still couldn't stop Su Mu's eyes from seeing the snowy white again. The smooth scene, the most important thing is that this woman is still closing her eyes and seems to be enjoying.

"Give me the bath towel!" The woman's voice increased a little, and Su Mu looked around the room and there was no one. She was talking to herself?

At this time Su Mu suddenly remembered that she had left a girl just now, and when she opened the door and came in, she must have been heard by this girl and regarded it as that girl, so was she ordering her servant?

Su Mu cautiously walked a few steps forward. From this perspective, this distance directly allowed Su Mu to see the girl's upper body at a glance, and could almost see the girl's legs in the water, and even the bare body!


Su Mu picked up the bath towel and handed it to the girl's hand, only to see the girl frowned slightly and said, "Help me wipe my shoulders."

Speaking of Su Mu, he saw that the girl leaned forward, and a smooth back appeared. In the misty water, this scene made Su Mu's heartbeat start to speed up.

Now Su Mu didn't dare to speak and didn't know what to do, so he could only take a bath towel, and then slowly wipe the girl's shoulders with water. At this moment, Su Mu's heart was beyond description, exciting, nervous and anxious.

Lao Nima is here to save people, not to give you a shower, and now I have to worry that the girl who left just now will come back suddenly. It is even worse, and now I can still hear a lot of footsteps in the corridor, Su Mu There is no chance to leave.

"Qu Ting, you said, this is tomorrow if Xiang comes to us once a week, is he not bored? Women attract him so much?"

Su Mu is silent, I really want to tell you, guarding a women's prison, it will be strange if tomorrow is auspicious.

"I know that he has coveted me for a long time, and because of my identity, he dare not do anything. This old pervert would probably have wanted me for a long time, and he can't help it!"

After a pause, the girl suddenly raised her head and turned around and said, "Why don't you say..."


Su Mu wiped a bath towel on the girl's neck under her cheeks, and the girl quickly turned her head and said angrily: "What happened to you today? What's wrong with you?!"

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