Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1770: Nowhere to hide

Faced with the girl’s problem, Su Mu had a hard time talking. At this time, Su Mu could only wipe the girl’s back slowly with a bath towel, and carefully paid attention to the movement behind him, because he was afraid of waiting for her. 'S girl breaks in, and it will be really troublesome then.

Now that Fu Hua didn't find it, he was rather provoked, and Su Mu was also very speechless.

The hot water vapor made the entire room's eyesight be obscured, but fortunately the light was bright, Su Mu stood in place while wiping the girl's back while thinking about how to get out.

"Tomorrow, Xiang Xiang will behave recklessly in the women's prison. When you return to the eighth district, you must let your father know about the situation in this prison." The girl lay on the tub, put her arms under her chin, and closed her eyes while she said while enjoying Su Mu's Rub back...

Su Mu was surprised. Is this girl from the eighth district? And listening to her tone seems to have a lot of power in the eighth district.

Su Mu knows the rules of time reincarnation. Many officials, that is, people from the district government, will also be imprisoned for triggering the law of time reincarnation. The male prison Su Mu did not encounter such a person, and this women’s prison is better than a men’s prison. It’s a little more complicated. Just the three-story loft tells everything.

"Tomorrow Xiang comes to ruin a woman in the Women’s Prison every week. This matter must not be taken lightly to him. Moreover, I heard that tomorrow Xiang is not just for sex, there may be other evil techniques, so this matter Be careful. You will find the warden in a moment, and I will talk to her about this."

Su Mu hasn't spoken, so it's not a solution to continue, but once Su Mu speaks, he will reveal his identity, so Su Mu can only endure at this time.

"What happened to you today? Don't say a word? Did you see something again? Huh?"

The girl also felt that her maid was a little weird, she said a lot of things here, and her maid didn’t respond to her a word, which was very strange in itself, plus the movement outside, the girl couldn’t help but raised her head and thought. To turn around.


"Miss Long, are you there? There are many fans in the women's prison, and the entire attic must be searched according to the order of the warden!"

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside.

The girl in the bathtub was startled when he heard the words, and then turned around. Su Mu knew that he couldn't escape, so he could only stand still and prepare to stun the girl, but when the girl turned Su Mu couldn't help but be stunned.

Because the spiritual energy on this girl burst out instantly, reaching the mysterious spirit stage!

At this level, Su Mu’s current ability is completely impossible to fight, and there is no room to fight back. So every time Su Mu responds, I see that the girl instantly grabs Su Mu’s hands, and a powerful aura instantly fills Su Mu. Su Mu's whole body was paralyzed and unable to move.

At this moment, Su Mu looked directly at the girl. Because of the bath, her long hair was very wet, and there were no coverings on her body. In addition, the girl stood up again to stop Su Mu, causing her entire upper body to be exposed.

"Who are you?" It seemed that because of conceit, the girl didn't say anything, and now she didn't see that Su Mu was disguised as a man, so at this time she actually asked who Su Mu was.


"Miss Long are you there?" The voice from outside came again.

Su Mu knew that if someone broke in, his plans for tonight would be completely ruined, so he gritted his teeth while being controlled by this girl: "I am just like you.

The girl was shocked when she heard this, not because of Su Mu's words, but because of Su Mu's voice.

"You, you are a man?!" The girl was stunned. At this time, she was even a little down, because she didn't think that the person rubbing her back in her room was a man? And looking at his back for so long, even having a skin close to himself? The girl's mind went blank at this moment.

However, time waits for no one. This is a group of people outside who are already a little unbearable. To put it bluntly, this girl is also a prisoner in the prison. Although she has a high status, she can't get rid of her position as a prisoner.

Boom! The wooden door was knocked open. At this time, the girl in the bathtub was helpless to see Su Mu plunged into the bathtub. Because the bathtub was large enough, the water surface only rose a little after Su Mu entered, but nothing else. Mark of.


It’s correct that Su Mu plunged in, but when Su Mu saw the sight in the bathtub, he was dumbfounded. He didn’t talk about his two long legs. When Su Mu raised his head to look outside, he happened to see All the privacy of this girl...


This time I really passed away!


A group of people rushed in, then looked at the scene in the room and started to check.

At this time, the girl standing in the bathtub was still in a dazed state. She stared at the female jailers in the prison without speaking, but instead watched them constantly searching in the room.

It's just that the area in the room is very small, and there is no place to hide people except the bathtub. So a few jailers searched and said, "Miss Long, the prison is not safe tonight. Please stay in the room Don't move rashly inside."

Several jailers searched for a few times before returning to the door, then looked at each other and shook their heads to indicate that there was nothing suspicious.

Waiting for the female jailers to leave, the girl standing in the bathtub was suddenly startled, then squatted down with a puff, and then covered her chest with her hands, because she suddenly remembered that she has nothing to wear now. .

Puff! Su Mu stuck his head out of it, took a deep breath, and saw that the girl suddenly raised her hand, and the huge spiritual energy instantly fell.

boom! ! ! !

Bang! ! ! !

The water in the bathtub sputtered instantly, and the sword of the gods in Su Mu's hand directly blocked the girl's slap, and then quickly said: "Don't do it first, listen to me!"

"You!" The girl was blushing. At this time, the girl completely forgot that she was a master of the profound spiritual stage. Her blushed cheeks were almost bleeding, so she was embarrassed again when she heard Su Mu's words and got up. I have to use aura again!

Su Mu waved his hand and shouted: "If you stand up again, you will really be watched by me!"


The girl squatted down again, then covered her chest with her hands, and looked at Su Mu vigilantly, then looked outside again and was about to shout.

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