Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1772: Heart of Fuhua

"Men, do you want to be a guilty man?" Long Xueji suddenly stared at Su Mu and asked.

This question made Su Mu a bit confused by the second monk, because he didn't seem to have anything to do with this Long Xueji, right? Besides, when did he become a guilty man again?

At this time, Long Xueji untied the silk sand on her body again, and then stood in front of Su Mu again in a naked form, which made Su Mu's eyes widened. What is this woman going to do?

However, Long Xueji was a jump at this time, and she sat in the bathtub in the next second, and then while taking a bath, she looked at Su Mu's avoiding eyes with a sneer, "I want to see, but why do I avoid the eyes? Can't help the heart, or can't help the heart?"

Su Mu was shocked. This woman's character is so weird. At first, I saw that she was really sorry for her, but now this woman actually stripped naked again in front of her, and then continued to take a bath as if she was air, Nima Is this something normal people can do?

Long Xueji looked at Su Mu while scooping water with her hand on her shoulder, and said, "Fuyu entered the women's prison. Today is the sixth day, right?"

Su Mu nodded subconsciously, as if it was the sixth day.

"She was sent to this attic on the first day. Because he is the young master of Fengming Pavilion in District 9, Fengming Pavilion must have spent a lot of time buying off the official. It’s just that I didn’t expect Fu Yi to take the initiative to enter the woman. From the prison, she didn't commit any mistakes, did she?"

Long Xueji sneered while taking a bath, "Because she doesn't like to talk, she was rejected by the warden on the third day. Therefore, I rescued him. Fu Yi has been chatting with me a lot since then, even me. My maid-in-law didn’t know that I often chatted with her, just because she didn’t want to be involved in anything and people here, and she didn’t want to leave her footprints in Fengming Pavilion here. Do you know why?"

Su Mu was a little confused.

But Long Xueji said: "Although I live in the eighth district, I still know a little bit about the Fengming Pavilion in the ninth district. A guild made up of women has a history of hundreds of years. What is more sacred is In this organization, once a woman breaks the ring, she will be expelled from the guild immediately, especially the young master of Fengming Pavilion is a saintly existence, so the last thing she should not do is to be tempted with men."

"It's just that, for a man named Su Mu, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her identity as the saint of Fengming Pavilion to come to the women's prison. Do you know what the women's prison represents? This is not only a women's prison, but also a gathering place for countless psychopaths. , How many female prisoners here can maintain their original aspirations? Keep them complete? Once in the women’s prison, the young master of Fengming Pavilion can almost never succeed as the master of the pavilion.”

"Of course, these are nothing. I realized in the conversation that Young Master Fengming Pavilion came here only for a man who had known each other for less than a month. She was full of pride and a face full of pride when she talked about this person. My happiness is like a little daughter-in-law admiring her husband. I can’t imagine how a girl admires a man before she gets married.”

"It's just that she told me that this man is responsible, loyal, capable, has a tenacious character, and has a talent that ordinary people can't match. Well, at that time, Long Xueji also wanted to know what this man was like. Yes, it’s a pity that I’ve only seen it now, but it’s just an ordinary man, but just a bad-hearted guy. What's so great about her? Is it worth it?"

Su Mu was stunned.

It has only been a few days since Fuyu has a confidant sister? Nima told this woman all about her affairs?

"A girl, for the sake of a man, did not hesitate to sacrifice her own future, even risking her life to enter this third place, just to get a word from you. However, in the end, I still didn't hear Fu Yu said. Because I know that you never promised her, did you?"

Su Mu couldn't help but step forward when he heard this, and then said: "In this way, I have become the guilty man in your mouth?"

"Isn't it? Isn't that the case for men? In addition to liking a woman's body, what kind of specific things can he do?" Long Xueji suddenly stood up, and his perfect body appeared in front of Su Mu again.

"Look, you have already seen it anyway, if you have the courage, come now!" Long Xueji did not shy away from Su Mu's eyes, as if there was not a trace of blush on her face.

Su Mu turned sideways and said, "Forget it, I can't tell you anything, I will remember the grace of today, goodbye."

Speaking of Su Mu, he opened the wooden door and immediately heard Long Xueji say: "Believe it or not, you will be discovered by the jailers if you can't get out of this attic."

Su Mu stood in place. Now the entire women's prison should be under martial law, so it is really a problem for Su Mu to find Fuhua, so Su Mu can't help standing in place, feeling that he doesn't know what to do.

Long Xueji suddenly appeared behind Su Mu at this time and said: "I can help you!"

Su Mu turned her head abruptly but saw that Long Xueji put on her clothes again and started wiping her long hair with a bath towel. She tilted her head and wiped her long hair and said: "In this women’s prison, although I am not An official person, but I am also the daughter of the eighth district mayor. Even if the warden does not look at my face, he must think about the shock of the eighth district mayor.

The daughter of the mayor of District 8? Why didn't Su Mu expect to meet such a person here? Nima is a death penalty prison. Most prisoners will never leave here for the rest of their lives. How could the daughter of the district head of the eighth district come here?

"I'm very curious why I came here? You still think about how to save Fuyu for a while." Long Xueji sneered again.

In fact, at this time Su Mu could understand that coming to the women’s prison was enough to prove that he attached great importance to Fuhua. If Su Mu really didn’t want to have any intersection with Fuhua, he wouldn’t risk entering the female prison. Long Xueji was not stupid, so Su Mu Being able to rush into her room must have come because of Fuyu, so she didn't say anything, and Long Xueji's ability had completely exploded to Su Mu, so she didn't have anything to worry about.

And Su Mu was anxious, but Long Xueji was like a okay person. She should put on makeup as she did, and she should be as stinky as she was. It lasted for half an hour. Su Mu finally couldn't help but said, "Can't wait."

"Stop!" Long Xueji suddenly shouted: "In half an hour, Xiang will bring the woman he chose to enter the men's prison through the critical gate. You can only do it at that time, and it is your only chance."

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