Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1773: Stop for me

Women's prison.

Su Mu followed Long Xueji as a maid, but at this time Long Xueji's real maid was knocked out in the room.

Leaving the attic, Long Xueji led Su Mu to the critical gate of the women’s prison and the men’s prison.

The so-called critical gate is a passage that cannot be passed without authorization. Therefore, this gate becomes the only place that can pass through the two prisons. However, what method did Su Mu use when he was sent to the women’s prison by the gale? There is no time to think about it.

At this time, there are some female prisoners in the women’s prison watching the excitement. After all, this tomorrow Xiang comes once a week, and once he comes, he will take away a female prisoner. The end will not be much better. Either suicide or abuse to death, so Nevertheless, the female prisoners still wanted to see who was taken away today.

A middle-aged woman, wearing the black costume of the prison management, stood there, and then looked at tomorrow Xiangxiang said: "This female double element, the talent of the furnace ding, is enough for you to practice for one year. Don't come to women again in this year. Prison, there may have been movement above."

Tomorrow Xiang smiled, and then looked at the middle-aged woman and smiled: "Xue Qiang, if you promised to spend a weekend with me a few years ago, will there be things in these years?"

Xue Qiang, the warden of the women's prison, is over half a hundred years old, but the charm still exists, and she still has the same demeanor. She stood in front of Tomorrow Xiang's body and said blankly: "Let's go."

"You are still so indifferent." Tomorrow Xiang sighed helplessly, then turned around and walked towards the critical door. At the critical door, there were already two men carrying a person and wearing a black hood. It is impossible to see who the person holding it is, and the surrounding jailers also stand in a row to control the female prisoners in the women’s prison.

At this time, Long Xueji came over, and she stood behind Xue Qiang and said, "Do you really want to do this nasty thing?"

Xue Qiang didn’t look back, she just said indifferently, “Tomorrow Xiang is a cron of the head of the six districts, what can you tell me to do? If your father can bring him down, it will save me a lot of things, even though it’s a death sentence. The goal is to reduce the population, but I don’t want to do this utterly conscience."

"Then don't do it! I will definitely report this to my father when I return to District 8." Long Xueji gritted her teeth.

Su Mu was following Long Xueji at this time. He stepped forward and looked at the back of Tomorrow Xiang and asked faintly: "Is the person he took away today is Fu Yi?"

Xue Qiang was shocked when she heard this, because Su Mu is a man. Someone just said that the women’s prison was infiltrated, but the search did not find anything abnormal. Now the maid beside Long Xueji suddenly made a man’s voice, which made Xue Qiang Can't help being shocked.

Long Xueji stepped forward and said: "Don't make a fuss, Xue Qiang, if you don't want to involve the lawsuit in District 8, then stand here and watch."

Xue Qiang looked at Long Xueji, this girl, what is she going to do? Doesn't she understand that there is still a big difference between the eighth district and the sixth district? At this time, he turned his face with the sixth district. Isn't this causing trouble for her father?

However, Xue Qiang still did not speak, because she understood what Long Xueji said, and she really couldn't control this matter. Long Xueji had been in the women’s prison for several years, and she was taken seriously by Tomorrow Xiang. It's a pity that Tomorrow Xiang didn't dare to touch Long Xueji's hair because of his identity, which led to the current balance in the women's prison.


Su Mu walked forward step by step, but this saw that the jailer in the women’s prison began to move back. All of a sudden, a dozen of jailers brought by Tomorrow Xiang stood at the critical gate, and Tomorrow Xiang moved forward. After leaving, Su Mu followed behind, but the jailers in the men's prison walked a few steps forward, seeming to feel something wrong.

"Stop for Lao Tzu!"

Su Mu suddenly yelled!


"Huh? Man?"

"what's up?"

"Oh my God, why is it a man?"

"Am I right?"

Watching the lively female prisoners in the women’s prison fry the pan instantly, because at the beginning they saw that Su Mu, who was disguised as a woman, was walking forward, but now Su Mu’s voice was the man’s voice, which completely stunned them.


The jailers of the men’s prison immediately surrounded Su Mu’s path. At this time, Tomorrow Xiang also looked back at Su Mu a bit unexpectedly, but it was clear that Su Mu’s eyes were on the two jailers in front of him. The figure of... Although she was wearing a black headgear, Su Mu still clearly felt that her body shook suddenly, and then stayed there motionless.

At this time, Su Mu directly took off the wig from his head, then tore off the women's clothing on his body, revealing the man's prison clothes, Xiangcai tomorrow smiled slightly: "I thought you were afraid to come out."

It’s impossible for Tomorrow Xiang to know what happened in the men’s prison. He probably didn’t know when Su Mu left, but as soon as Su Mu left, Gale and Fat Pig’s reaction was enough to get Tomorrow Xiang’s eyeliner to report to him, so the women’s prison before Being arrested is also the meaning of Tomorrow Xiang, but he did not expect that Su Mu was not found in the women's prison.

And now, he deliberately walked slowly, and talked with Xue Qiang, and even brought a dozen jailers to this critical gate, just to wait for Su Mu!

Su Mu and Fuyu talked for several nights at the railings of the two prisons. Maybe Xiang didn't know about this tomorrow? Therefore, Xiang will definitely guard against Su Mu tomorrow after fancying Fuhua.

"Is there anything I dare not come out?" Su Mu shouted, standing in front of these jailers.

Tomorrow Xiang waved his hand at this time to signal the jailers to move away. In this night, countless torches were beating. Tomorrow Xiang's smile looked sinister, and Su Mu's face was tough and angry.

"The Bai family in the nine districts especially instructed me to take good care of a person named Su Mu. You just jumped out before the care started. Does this save a lot of things? Haha..."

"The Bai Family?" Su Mu frowned slightly, the Bai Family in District 9!

Tomorrow, Xiang Su Mu was separated by a distance of more than ten meters, and then he turned around and took off the hood on Fu Yu’s head. After that, he saw the tears on Fu Yu’s face biting his red lips, Su Mu’s heart melted instantly. .

Because at this time, Fu Yu, his face was moved, his face was pleasantly surprised, his face was full of happiness, it seemed that the despair and unwillingness disappeared after hearing Su Mu's voice.

"Su, Brother Su..."

As soon as this statement came out, countless female prisoners immediately understood that the same thing was going on in this prison again.

Tomorrow Xiang, I don’t know how many men’s prisons and women’s prisons have good mandarin ducks. Countless women have been ruined by Tomorrow Xiang, but the inmates in the men’s prison dare not speak, because those who dare to speak have been killed by Ming Xiang. Up...

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