Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1775: Prison Sanxiong

Fat Pig frowned at this moment, his fat toot head was covered with cold sweat, he shook his head helplessly, "I can't help it, even if I open my suppression ring, I can't be the opponent of these three people, the official still has Official considerations, otherwise how could a prison where Ming Xiang suppressed tens of thousands of people?"

"That's the three males in the prison, really want to start Brother Su...not yet...fuck!!"

The three heroes of the prison, the legend is only the three hidden masters in the men’s prison. They are specifically aimed at the emergencies of the prison, but they are also only legends, because no one has seen these three people in the past 100 years, and all three people in the legend They are all in the mysterious spiritual stage, and they are still in physical cultivation, and they are more abnormal and enchanting than spiritual cultivation.

And now, after these three appeared, everyone saw that the prison three heroes were the strength of the Great Yuan period, and the legend might be based on the prison three heroes' combat capabilities, and there must be some exaggerated meanings.

Each of the three males in the prison is two meters tall, with shiny muscles and dark skin, like a bodybuilder, and many scars can be clearly seen on their shoulders, chest muscles and abdominal muscles. It seems to have been cut by a sharp weapon.

At this time, I saw the prison Sanxiong step forward and shouted: "Men's prison, in the end, prisoners can't risk it. If you stop now, you will be exempted from killing."

Su Mu stared at the three people in front of him, frowning, and suddenly heard Zhiwei's voice: "Sir, Master of Physical Training, Yuan Qi, comparable to the Xuan Ling Qi, or even higher, remember to be careful."

In the Great Yuan period of physical training, it was very rare throughout the cycle of time. Su Mu has not encountered it since he came to this world. It is conceivable to know how rare, and the legendary prison three males are more than 100 years old. , His combat experience must be far beyond the ordinary Great Yuan period.

Tomorrow Xianghehe smiled: "You, now you still don't have the right to talk to me. In this prison, I am heaven!"

With tears on her face, she watched Su Mu slowly shook her head and shouted: "Su, Brother go...go...hurry up and get out of here..."

"Leave? Haha! What place do you think this is? A vegetable market?" Xiang Haha laughed tomorrow, his twisted heart and personality made his smile unbearable.

At this time, the male and female prisoners in the prison once again felt helpless. Here, they are the lambs to be slaughtered, and the warden is always the supreme existence.


The leader rushed forward, trying to grab Su Mu's shoulder, but Su Mu suddenly took a step back and jumped quickly.

"Shenyu Wanjian!"

boom! ! ! !

The huge sword aura fell again, but one of them instantly blocked his head with both hands, and the God's Domain Ten Thousand Swords skills disappeared, and in the next instant, Su Mu's sword of the gods was just retracted when he saw a fist suddenly hit .

Almost subconsciously, Su Mu blocked his chest with the sword of the gods.


There was a huge metal collision, and Su Mu in the air was suddenly knocked into the air, and then a mouthful of blood was spit out.


Just as Su Mu flew upside down, the person who had taken the shot of the prison three heroes suddenly disappeared in place and came directly behind Su Mu.

Straight fist!



The blue veins on Su Mu's forehead burst out in an instant, and a clicking sound came from his chest. He almost instantly felt black in front of his eyes, and immediately fell on the ground motionless.

The scene was quiet and even the sound of breathing became clear.

However, Tomorrow Xiang’s laughter was unusually piercing: "Hehehe... the end of the trouble in this prison is not as fun as you imagined. This is not the first time this person will end up? Who dares to resist? The rules of the prison still end up like this!"

Grabbing Fuhua's shoulder, Xiang Haha smiled and turned around tomorrow.

But Fu Yi turned her head at this time, her eyes were covered with tears, and she was sobbing that she felt that she had harmed Su Mu. She should not come to this prison, and she should not confess Su Mu because of her impulse. Knowing his feelings for him, maybe he won't sneak into the women's prison to find himself...then there is nothing like now.

"I! Not dead yet!!!" Angrily came.

Su Mu's long sword pierced the ground, then slowly got up and shouted.

The prison three males were also a little surprised at this time. He could stand up even if he was hit by two punches by his eldest brother. This kind of person is impossible even in the profound spirit stage, but now this person is actually getting up again?

Everyone's mood was agitated, because they didn't expect to get up after being hit by two punches in the Great Yuanqi of the body repair, even tomorrow Xiang was a little surprised.

Su Mu stood up with his mouth full of blood, then looked at the three males in the prison opposite, and then looked towards Tomorrow's peaceful Fuhua.

"Lao Tzu came to this world from another world, deprived of Lao Tzu's abilities and said nothing! But I want to deprive Lao Tzu of his temper! You can't even be the emperor!"

"Drink!" The boss of the prison three males instantly attacked Su Mu's chest again.


Everyone, including Fu Hua, screamed, because at this time the man’s fist was carrying a fiery red element. This physical cultivation reached this level. One punch was enough to break the boulder into powder. If this punch fell on Su Mu's body, even if it is not broken, can be shattered by the broken internal organs!

In an instant, Long Xueji's aura exploded, but she was stopped by Xue Qiang. At the same time, Long Xueji's shots were already slow. At this time, the person's fist had already reached Su Mu's.


Su Mu wore a grinning smile, and when the man's fist came in front of him, he suddenly waved his hands.


boom! ! ! ! !

The two fists collided.


The huge fracture sound is harsh and makes people feel painful just to hear it. The sound is like a bone shattered. With such a huge power, Su Mu dared to fist with that person.

"Brother Su!!!"

"Brother Su!!!"

Fu Yi, the big bald head exclaimed.

The audience's eyes widened.

boom! ! ! !


The blood exploded in the night sky instantly, and under the light of the torch, one of the big prison three males was instantly knocked into the air, and it was very clear that his right hand an eraser...completely Lost the support of bones...

Bang! ! ! !

The sound of a 200-odd catty falling on the ground deeply shocked everyone's hearts!

Fuyu, with her beautiful eyes wide open, with teardrops like crystals hanging, her astonishment could not be expressed at all. At this moment, she seemed to see a **** falling in front of her, Su Mu's punch, Not only knocked the opponent off, but also hit Fu Yu's mind once again.

It's okay to deprive me of strength, but deprive me of temper! Can't do it! !

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