Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1776: I want to become a demon

There was a loud bang, and the boss of the prison three males was immediately knocked into the air, and one arm was drooping, which was obviously broken by Su Mu's entire arm.

All the people present were shocked to add to this phenomenon.

The sound of the fracture just now was thought to be Su Mu's, but now, the big man was beaten and fainted. At this time, everyone knew that the sound was the other party's.

Regardless of the two remaining people in the prison Sanxiong or Tomorrow Xiang, their mood at this time is beyond description, because they did not expect the result to be like this, especially when they were defeated by Su Mu in the entire men's and women's prisons.

At this time, both Long Xueji and Xue Qiang were shocked. Long Xueji knew Su Mu's strength best. After all, she was not restrained by the suppression ring, so she clearly saw that Su Mu was only a mid-level player. That's all, so Su Mu's combat power displayed at this time completely surpassed her imagination, so why not the warden of the women's prison, Xue Qiang?

Now, only Fu Yi is the one who knows Su Mu’s true combat power best, because she understands that Su Mu is a body of nine elements, and her dual element is not worth mentioning in front of Su Mu. So now Su Mu’s fighting power completely makes Fu Yi feel Reasonable, but very unexpected.

With blood-red eyes and a dangerous aura exuding all over his body, Su Mu at this time seemed to have entered the state of merging the gods. This state of appearance on the earth directly brought to the time cycle. The effect caused by it is unknown, but the surface The shape is almost the same.

"Brother Su..." Fuyu whispered Su Mu's name, and she didn't know what to do at this time.

"Kill him!" Tomorrow Xiang's face was stubborn, and the boss of the prison sanxiong was beaten like this when he shot? How will this prison be managed from now on? Although there are people with suppression rings in the prison, Tomorrow Xiang will absolutely not allow anyone to shake his authority here, especially in the presence of so many female prisoners in the women's prison!

The remaining two people in the prison Sanxiong saw that their elder brother was injured, so they were naturally angry at this time.



Physical training in the Great Yuan period is much stronger than spiritual cultivation, especially the three males in the prison who have entered the Great Yuan period for decades. Their knowledge of physical training is very deep. Still unacceptable, a boy in the middle yuan period actually directly shattered the arm of the grand yuan period in physical repair?

Needless to say, this is impossible in the cycle of time!

Therefore, the two men rushed up with anger, completely ignoring Su Mu's blood-red eyes.

Yeguang originally had some light red, so Su Mu's eyes were not so conspicuous. At this time, it obscured the characteristics of Su Mu's merged state of the gods.

But Su Mu's mood at this time was very clear and clear. It was completely different from that on Earth. There was no such irrational state at all. Su Mu's head was very clear, even clearer than the combination of the gods summoned by the clone technique.

"Go to hell!!!"


The two big men sprinted with straight fists in an instant. Physical cultivation itself is the body function of cultivation, so at this moment the two large men rushed over and directly aimed their fists at Su Mu's face.

At this time, Su Mu had a disdainful smile on his face. Su Mu hadn't experienced the feeling from his body for a long time, and Su Mu had never seen anyone who could stop him in the state of the merger of his gods.

Back on Earth, Su Mu, a player with less than five ranks, could instantly kill the Emperor Underworld in the state of the merger of the gods, so you can see how powerful the merger of the gods is.

In fact, even now Su Mu didn't want to understand exactly how this fusion of the gods was formed, and what was its source!

"Good coming!" Su Mu couldn't help smiling when he saw the fists of the two brothers, and then stretched out his fists to fight the two brothers.

This approach directly shocked all the people present. It seems that everyone has forgotten that Su Mu broke the arm of the boss of the prison three males with a punch just now, because they can't imagine how spiritual practitioners can cultivate and practice. The fighting power of the people head-to-head against the body!

The two brothers of the three males in this prison have never encountered such an opponent, because there are too few people who practice physical training, and they are still managing the death penalty prison members who have no aura. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the three brothers almost use each other Using aura to restrain them, or avoiding them, restraining them with dexterous bodies, this kind of head-to-head, really never encountered, so at this moment they were also shocked.

The people on the scene exclaimed in an instant, and they couldn't even bear to watch the three punches.

Bang! boom! ! !

The sound of the three fists collided was so shocking. In addition to the fist, there was the ability to cultivate, and the aura of Su Mu's fusion of the gods, the energy that the three broke out directly made people unable to help but close their eyes!

boom! !

Click! ! !

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the arms of the two brothers instantly arched, that is, the state where the bones broke instantly, and then the skin was stirred up. Following the screams of the two brothers, the others also covered in surprise. Mouth...

It's not that they haven't seen the scene where the corpse is flying, but they have never seen the scene of the martial artist being beaten into this state. It is almost impossible for them to imagine...


Bang! ! !

The two of them flew upside down in an instant, and then fell to the ground, clutching their arms and wailing, the atmosphere on the scene made it difficult to breathe.

Especially tomorrow Xiang, his eyes widened at this time. As a player in the cycle of time, he knows better the combat power of this martial artist. It is known that at this time the prison three males were beaten like this by Su Mu, he is really a bit unhappy. Know what to do, because it seems to have subverted their worldview.

"What's awesome? Today! Don't return Fuhua to Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu kills all the people in your entire prison!!!"

Although the Merger of God's Domain did not make Su Mu lose his mind, the state of madness still exists. Su Mu is now like a crazy lion staring at the jailers in the peaceful prison tomorrow, as if it is possible to tear them up at any time.

Tomorrow Xiang was at a loss, and the jailers were even more shocked and didn't know how to face Su Mu. If this time Tomorrow Xiang issued an order to attack Su Mu, they didn't even know whether they would dare to go up and confront Su Mu.

At the scene, Long Xueji was the first to react. After all, she was a master of the Xuanling Stage. Although she was not very old at this stage, she had seen too many masters duels, and she was an upper class in the eight districts. As an official member, her mind and mentality are naturally not comparable to those in prison.

"So..." she murmured.

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