Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1778: Qi Yang Juemai

"Seven Yang Juemai..." Fu Yi muttered.

At this moment, the tears on her face were still there. Looking at Su Mu's angry expression, Fu Hua couldn't help but shouted: "Big Brother Su...Go away... Fu Hua... It's not worth saving your life... Qi Yang's pulse, he will Killed you..."

Now not only Fuyu understands one thing, everyone understands one thing. If Su Mu doesn’t entangle with Tomorrow Xiang now, with the strength he just showed, it should be no problem to escape. The problem lies in how Su Mu will choose. Choose to save Fuyu or escape!

At this time, he saw Su Mu laughed and said, "Fu, why are you here in the women's prison, tell me loudly!"

Fu Yi was startled when she heard this, she naturally knew what her purpose was here, but now that Su Mu asked like this, she didn't know how to answer.

"Tell me loudly! Don't say it now, you won't have to say it again!" Su Mu continued to shout.

Fuyi stared at Su Mu with a look of surprise for a while, and then trembling loudly: "For you!"

"For me?!"

Fuyu's eyes widened again. In this world, although the love of men and women is not a shameful thing, but for a girl to say such things in front of so many people, Fuyu still feels a little bit awkward.

But when she thought that her life was almost gone, she didn't know where she had the courage, so she shouted: "To get you! Wait until you Su Mu!!"

Su Mu laughed happily, then looked at the little face that turned red and asked: "Okay, in that case, you say, let me go, I am gone, how do you get me?"

In a word, Fuyu didn't know what to do, but could Su Mu leave? Even if she didn't agree that Fu Hua would join her on weekends, but after all, Fu Hua came for Su Mu, so at this time Su Mu couldn't leave there even if there were no good results.

"Talk about love, let's go to Huangquan together!"


The teleported Tomorrow Xiang disappeared in place. Everyone exclaimed. Su Mu also looked around in shock, but couldn't catch the trace of Tomorrow Xiang at all.




He didn't know what weapon Tomorrow Xiang was using, Su Mu felt like his chest was pierced in an instant, the pain was unbearable.

When Su Mu turned around, he saw Tomorrow Xiang still wearing that strange smile, and his body was very aura.

Su Mu couldn't help frowning at this moment.

The sword of God's Domain was summoned in an instant, and then held it in his hand and pointed it at Tomorrow Xiang said, "Today, either you die or I die!"

"You are wrong. Today, you die and I live!"



In an instant, a huge white spirit rose into the sky, illuminating almost the entire surroundings. Tomorrow Xiang did not teleport this time. He just rushed over, with the huge white light on his body, like a meteorite breaking through the atmosphere. same!

Su Mu's eyes widened when the whirring sound came. Although Tomorrow Xiang is now in the Profound Spiritual Stage, how can he feel that the aura in his body is as high as the Profound Spiritual Stage?


boom! ! ! ! ! !

The Sword of God's Domain stood in front of him, and Su Mu's whole person was instantly knocked out.

At this moment, the victory and defeat seemed to have been separated, because the difference in strength was too big, and it was so big that it was impossible to imagine how Su Mu would fight Tomorrow Xiang. After all, the difference in spiritual energy was not of the same grade.


Su Mu fell at Fuhua’s feet, but at this time Fuhua was tearful and looked at Su Mu who was half-lying on the ground with a smile: "Brother Su... Fuhua... I will not regret this life... I love you... "

Su Mu smiled when he heard the words, then sat up slowly, with a long sword stuck in the ground and smiled: "There are many women who fall in love with Lao Tzu, but there is not one fool like you!"

Fu Yi smiled.

Su Mu's unharmed state made the people present once again surprised, and even Tomorrow Xiang looked at Su Mu in surprise.

"Tsk tsk, not bad! I haven't encountered an opponent that excites the old man in decades, not bad!" Although Tomorrow Xiang was shocked, he didn't show any fear.

I saw him standing on the spot, waving his hands, and the aura instantly condensed. The whole scene was like a wind blowing, and countless auras began to condense in Tomorrow Xiang's hands.

At this moment, almost all the people present with aura were shocked, because the aggregation of these auras was actually absorbed from their bodies.

"Qiyang Juemai!!" Everyone exclaimed.

Long Xueji yelled: "Su Mu, run away!!"

Similar to the sound of the wind, Su Mu was surrounded by spiritual energy, and he kept gathering tomorrow Xiang's hands.

Zhiwei's voice sounded at this time: "God, Qiyang Juemai, a hidden occupation of the cycle of time, can absorb all the aura around it, if the Qiyang Juemai is condensed, then the aura fighting power on the scene will reach the mysterious Divine stage, you cannot fight, please allow Zhiwei to activate the defensive skills of the sword of the god!

Su Mu stood in place and stared coldly at Ming Xiang, who was still condensing aura, and asked in his mind: "Can you resist his attack?"

"You can only defend for yourself."

"Then you talk about it!"

"Brother Su!!!"

Hum! ! !

"Die to Lao Tzu!!!"

Hum! ! !

Spiritual energy rushed over in an instant, and Su Mu hardly had any reaction time, so he could only turn around, and then directly saved Fu Hua's body.

At this moment, Fu Yi was stunned. Her chin was placed on Su Mu's shoulder, so she could clearly see that Tomorrow Xiang’s spiritual energy burst out instantly, so the visual impact still shocked her speechless. .

And the reason why Fu Yi was speechless was that Su Mu suddenly hugged her at this time. She couldn't imagine it a few hours ago, because Su Mu had been rejecting her, even unwilling to talk to her. She said one more word!

At this moment Su Mu actually hugged himself!

Fu Hua suddenly smiled. At this time, she understood that even if she couldn't resist this attack, it was worth dying here with Su Mu.

Although it was due to Su Mu’s physique to a large extent, Fu Hua knew that when Su Mu decided to bow to Pang Zhihu, Fu Hua had already sunk, and she witnessed the feeling between Su Mu and Pang Zhihu brothers. , Fu Yi felt that no man in this world could impress her as deeply as that day.

So, at this time, everything is worth it!

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! !

Everything will end.

When the explosion came, the figures of Su Mu and Fu Yuan disappeared in the flames of the explosion, and the prisoners in the men’s and women’s prisons standing around were all staring, even the fat pig and the big bald head and others were already Understand, it's over!

Long Xueji couldn't believe it even more. She didn't dare and didn't want to believe that Su Mu and Fu Hua died like this?

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